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Since the launch of Landsat-1, the first Earthresource satellite in 1972, satellite image
processing has become an increasingly important tool for the inventory, monitoring,
management of earth resources and many other applications (Draeger et al. 1997).
The increasing availability of information products generated from satellite images
has added greatly to our ability to understand the patterns and dynamics of the earth
resource systems at all scales of inquiry (Lambin et al. 2001).
Satellite remote sensors can be divided into two major types of imaging
systems: optical (optical and thermal) and radar imaging systems. Optical imaging
systems operate in the visible and IR (Infra Red) regions of the spectrum. Their
operational use is weather dependent, since clouds are not transparent at visible/IR
wavelengths (0.4-14 urn). Some of the satellite images working on optical and
thermal images can be listed as AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution
Radiometer), MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), Landsat
(land Satellite), LISS (Linear Imaging Self Scanner), SPOT (Satellite Pour
L'Observation de la Terra or earth observing satellites) and many others. On the other
hand, radar imaging systems works in microwave region (1 GHz to 30 GHz), and are
very much atmosphere and weather independent. ERS (European remote sensing
satellite), JERS (Japanese earth remote sensing), ENVISAT (Environmental Satellite
Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar), RADARSAT (Radar Satellite), and PALSAR
(Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) are some of the radar satellite
sensors available for various applications.
One of the important application of satellite image processing is the generation
of landuse/ land-cover maps (Anderson et al. 1976)'in comparison to more traditional
mapping approaches such as terrestrial survey and basic aerial photo interpretation
which is quite cumbersome. Land-use mapping/ classification using satellite imagery
has the advantages of low cost, large area coverage, repetitively, and computitivity.
Eventually maximum high resolution satellite images is expensive with some extent.
Therefore, it is need of current research to explore some techniques by which
utilization of freely available satellite image may be enhanced. The increasing
availability of satellite imagery with significantly improved spectral and spatial
resolution has offered greater potential for more detailed land cover classification.
The availability of MODIS image with greatly improved spectral, spatial, geometric,
and radiometric attributes provides significant new opportunities and challenges for
remote sensing-based land cover classification (Friedl et al. 2002) as well as other
applications. MODIS has several spectral bands with are useful for various
application in one hand and in other hand its spatial resolution varies from 250 m to
1000 m. This spatial resolution is not so enough to get good classification accuracy on
MODIS images. Therefore, there is a need to explore the possibility of the use of
techniques like fusion that may be helpful to increase the utilization of MODIS image
for land cover classification/ land use maps. Time series analysis is another important
aspect by which changes may be identified in a particular class of the land cover.
Alparone et al. 2004 have demonstrated the benefit of combining optical and
radar image for improved land cover mapping in several studies. With the availability
of multifrequency and high-resolution space borne radar data, such as Advanced Land
Observation Satellite (ALOS) Phase Array L-type Synthetic Aperture Radar
(PALSAR), an increased interest in tools to exploit the full information content of
both image types is arising.
Unsupervised clustering is a fundamental tool in image processing for
geosciences and satellite imaging applications (Stuckens et al. 2000). A well review
of clustering method is reported by Jain et al. in 1999. For example, unsupervised
clustering is often used to obtain vegetation maps of an area of interest. This approach
is useful when reliable training image are either scarce or expensive, and when
relatively little a priori information about the image is available. Unsupervised
clustering methods play a significant role in the pursuit of unsupervised classification
(Richards and Jia 1999). Eventually this unsupervised clustering can be used for
hotspot and non-hotspot region classification.
Recent advances in satellite image processing have expanded opportunities to
characterize the seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of natural and managed Land
use/ land cover communities. The development of a regional-scale monitoring
procedure is challenging because it requires remotely sensed image that have wide
geographic coverage, high temporal resolution, adequate spatial resolution and
minimal cost. The MODIS offers an opportunity for detailed, large-area Land use/
land cover characterization by providing global coverage of science quality image
with high temporal resolution (1-2 days) and intermediate spatial resolution (Justice
and Townshend 2002). The spatial, spectral, and temporal components of the MODIS
may be appropriate for multitemporal harmonic analysis. Harmonic analysis is useful
for analyzing seasonal and inter-annual variation in land surface condition (Wan et al.
2004). This type of analysis may develop the possibility to quantify and classify some
fundamental characteristics, related to the phenology of vegetation, water and others.
The main aim of this thesis was to study and to maximize the utilization of
low resolution freely available satellite image for various land cover classification.
For this purpose, freely available MODIS image has been used and it is attempted to
develop suitable algorithm for fusion technique for land cover classification and
harmonic analysis.
This thesis is organized in seven chapters. The first chapter presents the
introduction of the thesis which includes motivation, major research gaps, and details
about the study area and satellite image used. Brief review of related work is
presented in chapter II.
We have explored the fusion technique for enhancing the land cover
classification of low resolution satellite image especially freely available satellite
image like MODIS in the chapter III. One of the aim of this chapter is to analyze the
effect of classification accuracy on major type of land cover types like agriculture,
water and urban bodies with fusion of ASTER image to MODIS image and enhance
the classification accuracy of MODIS image at spatial level. For this purpose, we
have considered to fuse, high resolution i.e., like 15m resolution ASTER image with
moderate resolution i.e., like 250 m MODIS satellite data. MODIS band 1 and band 2
are used as a moderate resolution data, where as ASTER band 2 and band 3 are
considered as high resolution data. Curvelet transformation has been applied for
fusion of these two satellite images and Minimum Distance classification technique
has been applied on the resultant fused image for classifying the fused image in major
land cover classes (i.e., agriculture, urban and water). The fuzzy based fusion is also
applied for fusion of these two satellite images. After the fusion by fuzzy based
approach, the minimum distance classification technique is used to classify the
resultant fused image in major land cover classes (i.e., agriculture, urban and water).
It is quantitatively observed that the overall classification accuracy of MODIS image
after fusion is enhanced at spatial level. The quality of fused image is assessed by
quality indicators. Another important point which one should consider while doing the
time-series analysis, where every MODIS image may require the same number of
high resolution image for fusion in one hand and in another hand every time one has
to carry out the complex computation of fusion. Generally high resolution image i.e.,
ASTER is not freely available. So, it is another point of research to develop such a
methodology or coefficients by which use of high spatial resolution image(i.e.,
ASTER in our case) for fusion for time series analysis may be minimized. Therefore,
in this chapter, we have attempted to explore to find the possible methodology to
search some fusion coefficient by which ASTER image use may be minimized, while
analyzing time series image for observing the land cover classification. For this
purpose, firstly we have carried out fusion of MODIS (band 1 and band 2) image with
ASTER (band 2 and band 3) image using curvelet transform and fuzzy based
technique. After this, we have obtained a fusion coefficient that may be minimizing
the use of ASTER image(i.e., every time of fusion of MODIS image with ASTER
data, we may use this derived coefficient). Another advantage of this fusion
coefficient is that every time we do not have to carry out curvelet transform on
ASTER image by which it reduces the computation complexity up to a certain extent.
We have obtained the fusion coefficient with three MODIS and one ASTER image of
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month March 2001. The obtained coefficient is validated with the MODIS image of
another year and gives the satisfactory result.
In the chapter IV, another important aspect of fusion of different sensors
image like optical and radar images (where both can provide the complimentary
information) is carried out and the quality of fused image is assessed by various
assessment indicators. For this purpose an attempt has been made to fuse the
PALSAR image with MODIS image using curvelet based fusion and quality
assessment of fused image has been done. PALSAR image has a advantage of
availability of image in four different channels. These four channels are HH
(Transmitted horizontal polarization and received also in horizontal polarization),
HV(Transmitted horizontal polarization and received vertical polarization), VH
(Transmitted vertical polarization and received horizontal polarization) and VV
(Transmitted vertical polarization and received vertical polarization)(www2 2009),
which provides various landcover information. We have used the curvelet and fuzzy
based technique for fusing the PALSAR (HH, HV and VV) image to MODIS (band 1
and 2) image in spatial resolution. Each band of PALSAR (i.e., HH, HV and VV) is
individually fused with MODIS band 1 and Band 2 separately in one hand and in
other hand fused image of MODIS band 1 and 2 is individually fused PALSAR (HH,
HV and VV) bands separately. The quality of fused image is assessed by assessment
indicator like Correlation, RMSE (root mean squared error), Relative Mean
Difference, Relative Variation Difference, Deviation Index, PSNR (Peak signal-tonoise
ratio) and Universal Image Quality Index. These indicators are applied to
measure and compare the performance of the fused images. The results are quite
encouraging and we get quite a good overall classification accuracy after fusion.
Thereby in near future it may provide a better platform for the maximize the use of
MODIS images.
Classification of various class is one aspect whereas focus for certain class is
another aspect, therefore in this thesis, we have considered for both type of objective
where in case 1, we have classified image into three major land cover classes
(Agriculture, water and urban) and in second case we have attempted to focus the
subsurface fire (i.e., hotspots) in the image and considered it as one class. We have
considered Jharia, region of India as a test area for this purpose. In the chapter V, we
have explored the application of MODIS and LISS-III image for hotspot and nonhotspot
regions. Although MODIS provides a special product MOD14A2 for fire
product classification. But this special product is not only sufficient for hotspot and
non-hotspot regions. Therefore objective of this chapter is to use various information
of different corresponding bands to focus the hotspot in the images. For this purpose,
in this chapter, an approach based on Binary Division Algorithm is used for hotspot
and non-hotspot regions using band 1 and band 2 of MODIS and band 2 and band 3 of
LISS - III for the Jharia (India) Region. Results are compared with the MOD14A2,
the exclusive MODIS product for thermal anomalies and fire, and it is found that the
proposed approach gives quite satisfactory results in comparison to MOD14A2
It is important to analyze the changes in the classes from year to year therefore
harmonic analyses is another aspect to see the respective changes in different classes,
hence in the next chapter, i.e., chapter VI, we have tried to characterized the changes
for agricultural and water land use/land cover in Western Utter Pradesh and part of
Uttarakhand of India form the year 2001 to 2008. In this perspective, we have
considered the MODIS NDVI (Normalized difference vegetation index) and NDWI
(Normalized difference water index) images for agricultural and water regions
respectively. Harmonic analysis, also known as Fourier analysis, decomposes a timedependent
periodic phenomenon into a series of sinusoidal functions in which each
defined by unique additive and amplitude values. In consequence, the additive image
Ao and the amplitude images Ai were produced, respectively. With these images we
have checked the changes in agricultural and water land use/land cover in the test
area, in one hand we have analyzed the changes or variation in agriculture and water
for the whole image, whereas in the other hand, we have analyzed the changes or
variation in agriculture and water for the selected region of interest. Such type of
study is very helpful in near future to optimize the use of MODIS image in one hand
and in another hand to develop monitoring system by which changes during the
particular month may be observed.
Finally in chapter VII, the contributions made in the thesis are summarized
and scope of future work is outlined. |
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