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Browsing DOCTORAL THESES (Hydrology) by Issue Date

Browsing DOCTORAL THESES (Hydrology) by Issue Date

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  • Kashya, Deepak (1981)
    Mathematical models of groundwater system have become an important compontnt of water resources planning. These models assist the planners in arriving at optimal ground water development policies either by studying large ...
  • Kumar, Devendra (1982)
    In irrigation engineering barrage is the most exten sively used hydraulic structure for diversion of river flow. A barrage founded on porous medium is designed for surface and sub-surface flow conditions. For given ...
  • Nautiyal, M.D. (1984)
    Water wells generally tap more than one aquifer. The mathematical solutions developed so far for determining drawdown and individual aquifer's contribution during the unsteady state flow to a multiaquifer well are ...
  • Rao, K.M. Mohan (1986)
    The rainfall and applied irrigation exoite the unsatura ted zone, extending from ground surface upto the water table,at the ground surface. The hydrological response to this excitation comprises amongst others, the ...
  • Bhargava, D.N. (1988)
    Irrigation canals are generally constructed in a deep pervious alluvium and are largely unlined. These canals alongwith their conveyance system are a major source of seepage from them which recharges the aquifer. The ...
  • Thapa, Khadga Bahadur (1988)
    In India and also in many parts of the world, vast tracts of waste-lands are due to alkalinity of the soils. An alkali soil contains sufficient exchange able sodium, which causes the soil to disperse and to increase ...
  • Waikar, M. L. (1989)
    Comprehensive river basin water resources planning is a complex and very difficult task posing numerous social, economic, environmental, and engineering problems. While planning for the development of a big river basin ...
  • Hossain, Md. Mubarak (1989)
    tn the recent past, in many developing tropical countries a good deal of research has been carried out to solve the problems of 'large basins' whereas not much has been done with regard to the hydrologic problems of small ...
  • Sharma, Sudhir K. (1989)
    The vast majority of rural people in the developing and under-developed nations, which make together around half of the world's population, are totally dependent on biomass for their fuel requirements. On the basis of ...
  • Goel, Narendra Kumar (1990)
    Since time immemorial floods have been causing loss of human lives, valuable property and crops in most parts of the world and India is no exception to this. The flood damage can be reduced significantly by proper ...
  • Gupta, Sulekha (1991)
    Waste disposal on land and application of fertilizers and pesticides to crop lands has become a common practice universally. Water infiltrating at the ground, dissolves such matter and carries it downward through the ...
  • Shalabey, Mostafa Eleraky Ealsayed (1991)
    The available analytical solutions for upconing of saltwater interface are based upon many restrictive assumptions which may not always be satisfied. In the present study, an attempt has been made to develop a numerical ...
  • Ahmad, Saleem (1992)
    Inadequate natural subsurface drainage in an agricultural area results in a rise of water table up to the root zone of cultivated plants. This restricts the oxygen supply to the plant root system. The high water table ...
  • Shahri, Mohammad Reza Najafi (1993)
    In this research work an attempt has been made to develop a model having capabilities of accounting for the spatial and temporal variations of rainfall as well as of physiographic characteristics which do prevail in ...
  • Sastri, Kota Sri Rama (1993)
    Rainfall in semi arid regions is low and uncertain. For long term planning of water resources development and short term planning for agricultural operations it is essential to understand the mechanisms and behaviour ...
  • Sadeghian, Mohammad Sadegh (1995)
    Basin resources planning has become an increasingly important concept in comprehensive planning of a complex water resources system. Comprehensive basin water resources planning is a complex and a difficult task, posing ...
  • Tizro, Abdullah Taheri (1995)
    Mahendragarh district, Haryana, located near its border with Rajasthan, is a semi-arid area and affected almost perennially by scarcity of water. The average yearly rainfall for the Mahendragarh raingauge station, recorded ...
  • Kohistani, Assadullah (1995)
    Isolated studies on various aspects of planning/operation of a reservoir have been carried out and presented in various studies, using systems analysis techniques. A few studies on combined planning and operation of a ...
  • Katiyar, Vidya Sagar (1995)
    In this research work, some currently used hydrologic models have been studied with the objective to modify them so that they can account for the hydrological processes of disturbed, mountaineous, small watersheds of ...
  • Kurothe, R.S. (1995)
    Flood frequency analysis is one of the most active areas of hydrological research. In the past, efforts have been mainly concentrated on the statistical analysis of available flood data. Statistical flood frequency methods ...