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Recent Submissions

  • NANDA, ALIVA (IIT Roorkee, 2021-02)
    The understudied Himalayan region is susceptible to various natural calamities. Thus, a detailed understanding of the hydrology of the Lesser Himalayan region is the need of today's time. In developing countries like ...
  • Gupta, Vivek (I I T ROORKEE, 2019-10)
    The alteration of the hydrological cycle due to climate change and rapid growth in demand for freshwater due to population growth has posed increasingly complex challenges related to water resources management in 21st ...
  • Gupta, Pankaj Kumar (IIT Roorkee, 2018-08)
    Pollution of soil-water resources by release of hydrocarbons such as light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) is of major concern because of their high water solubility and wide coverage under dynamic subsurface conditions. ...
  • Ganguly, Titas (IIT Roorkee, 2019-06)
    Climate change, as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), refers to “a change in the state of climate that can be identified by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and ...
  • Kumar, Ajay (IIT Roorkee, 2019-03)
    Arsenic has a global concern as a groundwater contaminant due to its potential for fatal health consequences. The long term consumption of arsenic contaminated water and food results in damage to the liver, kidney and ...
  • Agrawal, Niraj Kumar (IIT Roorkee, 2018-12)
    Tehri is a multipurpose project, located at 145 km downstream of Gangotri glacier on river Bhagirathi. Tehri project is important for power generation, irrigation and flood control. Tehri reservoir is a major source of ...
  • Kumar, Vikram (IIT Roorkee, 2018-10)
    Water availability over the earth surface as 97% in sea and 3% as fresh water, out of which very less amount is available for the utilization of mankind. Further climate change, growing population and poor management poses ...
  • Ray, Litan Kumar (I.I.T Roorkee, 2017-10)
    India is a developing country facing tremendous challenges to sustain its fast growing economic growth with the threat of global warming. Global warming or climate change may affect the livelihood of the most vulnerable ...
  • Ahirwar, Ajay (I.I.T Roorkee, 2018-06)
    A number of well-established conceptual and physically based modelling approaches are available for the purpose of simulation of rainfall-runoff process of various catchments. In the development of such models, the runoff ...
  • Jahangeer (I.I.T Roorkee, 2018-06)
    Nitrate, because of its intensive use as fertilizers/manure to increase the agricultural productivity of soils, is necessary to fulfil the demand of growing population. However, its high mobility in vadose zone is making ...
  • Padhi, Chandra Sekhar (Dept. of Hydrology Engineering iit Roorkee, 2015-10)
    In the domain of planning for optimal development, supply management is a crucial issue. Given the uncertainties and vagaries associated with monsoon precipitation in space and time, and given the ever increasing demands ...
  • Choudhary, Mahendra Kumar (Dept. of Hydrology Engineering iit Roorkee, 2015-10)
    The National Water Development agency (NWDA), Ministry of water Resources, Government of India has carried out studied on inter basin water transfer in India. It has identified 30 links for preparation of feasibility reports ...
  • Garg, Manoj Chandra (Dept. of Hydrology Engineering iit Roorkee, 2015-02)
    Inland salinity of groundwater, having a total dissolved solids (TDS) of 1500–3000 mg/L, has been found in substantial volumes throughout the majority of India. However, these parts of the India also receive a 5.5 – 6 ...
  • Dhillon, Javed (Dept. of Hydrology Engineering iit Roorkee, 2014-08)
    The world today is facing major environmental challenge in meeting energy needs. Rising fossil fuel prices, oil insecurity, concerns about climate change and erratic weather patterns cast a shadow over the future use of ...
  • Bansal, Mohit (Dept. of Hydrology Engineering iit Roorkee, 2014-11)
    Energy is the vital input for the sustainable development of a nation. With the rising population, the demand has increased manifold. This rising energy demand led to the evolution of some new and alternative energy ...
  • Ramkrishna, Murumkar Asmita (Dept. of Hydrology iit Roorkee, 2014-12)
    The impacts of future climate change on water resources and agriculture have become a world-wide concern these days. India and many other developing countries are expected to be seriously affected by the consequences of ...
  • Parvaze, Sabah (HYDROLOGY IITR, 2016-05)
    An integrated MIKE 11 NAM and HD model has been developed to simulate the rainfall-runoff process in the Ram Munshi Bagh Sub-basin of Jhelum Basin. The model was calibrated using daily rainfall, evaporation, temperature ...
  • Kumar, Hemendra (DEPARTMENT OF HYDROLOGY IITR, 2016-05)
    The demand for water supply is increasing day-by-day due to increasing population. So to meet the needs of water for different purposes like domestic water supply, irrigation, industrial use, hydropower and environmental ...
  • Singh, Takhellambam Bijoychandra (DEPARTMENT OF HYDROLOGY IITR, 2016-05)
    Flood discharge estimation at a river site is generally made by converting observed flood stage hydrograph at the site using the established stage-discharge relationship developed for that site based on either few direct ...
  • Singh, Anvesh Pratap (DEPARTMENT OF HYDROLOGY IITR, 2016-05)
    In this study, experimental investigation of overland flow time parameters was carried out at varying surface slopes (0.5% to 3%), antecedent soil moisture (8% to 28%) and rainfall intensity (45mm/hr to 90mm/hr). Thirty ...

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