dc.description.abstract |
Internet was designed for openness, functionality and with the aim of sharing resources.
Security was not the prime concern during the initial phase of the design. Phenomenal
growth of the Internet during the last two decades has converted the Internet into a public
connected network used for daily important communications such as stock trades,
financial management, banking, medicine, education etc. However, lack of built in
security has caused the Internet to be vulnerable to intrusions and has facilitated break-ins
of a variety of types, leading to heavy financial losses, delays, customer dissatisfaction etc.
Over the past few years, denial-of-service (DoS) and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
attacks have become a costly threat. These attacks are critical, as they are aimed at
denying or degrading service for a legitimate user. Defending the DDoS attacks involves
three phases: before the attack, during the attack and after the attack. Defense
corresponding to the first phase is prevention; second phase is detection and
characterization. Lastly, defense after the attack makes use of mitigation techniques. In the
last decade there have been several attempts to defend against DDoS attacks using one or
more of the above approaches. Though an array of schemes have been proposed,jTicst-of-~
them are point technologies or perimeter solutions which are unable to withstand the
advancing attack techniques. There is a dire need of complete framework to defend against
various phases of DDoS attacks. This is presented in detail through citing key works in the
first part of the thesis.
In the second part of the thesis, we propose a honeypot based framework that provides
integrated defense during various phases of a DDoS attack. Our framework is proactive
and works on three lines of defense, namely, detection, characterization and response, and
mitigation. The work presented in this thesis proposes new and efficient techniques for
each of the lines of defense. We propose the use of honeypot that appears to be part of a
network but which is actually isolated, (un)protected, and monitored, and which appears to
contain information or a resource that would be of value to attackers. Our framework does
not replace the existing technologies like firewalls and IDS but is used in conjuction with
them to defend the attacks.
We model Internet as transit-stub network. Our aim to defend the DDoS attack is to
prevent the attack flow reach the target to ensure its availability. The traffic is analyzed on
the edge router of transit domain before entering the network. The detection thresholds are
optimized and the detector is calibrated according to network load and client requirements.
If the attack is detected, the flows corresponding to attackers are identified. At
macroscopic-level, the flows that maximally contribute to the DDoS attacks are identified
and dropped before they enter the network. Rest of the flows undergoes microscopic
detection and characterization. Legitimate flows are routed to active servers. The
anomalous and suspicious flows are tagged as attacks, directed to honeypots and further
monitored before any action is taken on them. Number and location of honeypots and
servers is varied dynamically depending on the network load and client requirements.
Hence our scheme encompasses various aforementioned phases of defense and is tuned to
operate in one of the three modes of defense, namely naive, normal or best, depending on
the client load, attack load and client requirements.
In the third part of the thesis, we introduce novel dual - level attack detection (D-LAD)
scheme which is the first line of defense in the proposed framework. The first level
attempts to detect congestion inducing macroscopic attacks which cause apparent
slowdown in network functionality. Using the Macroscopic - Level Attack Detectors (Ma-
LAD), macroscopic or large volumes of attacks are detected early at border routers in
transit network before they converge at the victim.On the other hand, sophisticated attacks
that cause networks to degrade gracefully, and stealth attacks that may not necessarily
impact the network and remain undetected in transit domain but have dramatic impact on
server are detected at second level by Microscopic - Level Attack Detectors (Mi-LAD) at
border routers in stub domain near the victim. The techniques for attack detection are
based on entropy which measures traffic feature distribution and utilize cumulative sum
and change point detection computed in moving time window. Honeypots help achieve
high detection rate and filtering accuracy.
Our proposed scheme is a hybrid that combines anomaly detection and honeypots in a
way that exploits the best features of these mechanisms while shielding their limitations.
The compromise between detection accuracy and time of confirming is a critical aspect
and the proposed technique provides the quite demanded optimal solution to this problem.
Our scheme is simple to understand and implement. Results demonstrate that in addition
to being competitive than other techniques, our scheme is very effective and works well in
the presence of different DDoS attacks. It is capable of handling infiltrating, sophisticated,
meek as well as highly distributed DDoS attacks. Besides being computationally fast and
accurate, it adapts to varying network conditions with minimum collateral damage and
false alarms.
The fourth part of the thesis introduces the problem of characterization of traffic.
Attack characterization forms second line of defense in the proposed framework. Our
techniques for attack characterization are based on examining traffic feature distributions
which identify the attacks in systematic manner. Our detection and characterization
overlap, since the method used to detect the existence of an attack provides necessary
information to characterize the traffic. Characterization is extended to take an immediate
response decision. The response system either drops the attack traffic in a timely fashion
or renders them harmless by redirecting them into a trap for further evaluation and
Similar to detection, characterization is performed at two levels. In case of macroscopic
level characterization, most of the macroscopic attack traffic is identified early at the
border router of transit network. Response mechanism at this level selectively drops the
congestion inducing attack traffic. The microscopic level attack characterization is
triggered at border router of stub network by Mi-LAD. The response mechanism then
redirects the suspicious traffic of anomalous flows to honeypot trap for further evaluation.
Legitimate traffic is directed to servers.
Our response mechanism works by implementing three rules, namely allow rule,
redirect rule and drop rule to implement the above functionality. Hence, our response
mechanism selectively drops the attack packets and minimizes collateral damage in
addressing the DDoS problem.
In the fifth part of the thesis, we propose a proactive 'autonomous dynamic' honeypot
redirection approach for attack mitigation which forms the third line of defense of the
proposed framework. In our approach to attack mitigation, the total budget (total number
of machines) gets partitioned into two groups, active servers and honeypots. The traffic is
handled through honeypots or active servers contingent on the input derived from
characterization at microscopic level. The good traffic is routed to one of the active
servers, while the attack is diffused across honeypots. By 'dynamic' we mean that the
number of active servers and honeypots is adaptive and changing and by 'autonomous' we
mean change in number and locations of active servers and honeypots is triggered
independently with changing network conditions. Legitimate clients, depending upon their
trust levels (defined by organization according to its security policy configurations), can
track the actual servers for certain time period. Anomalous flows reaching honeypots are
logged by honeypot. Our mitigation techniques use light weight backward hash chains for
tracking the location, number and duration of active servers and honeypots.
Our mitigation technique has an edge over existing techniques as it provides service
continuity to legitimate clients with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) in addition to
stable network functionality under dynamically changing network conditions even for
attacked network.
Our work also includes analytical modeling and extensive simulations in ns-2 carried
out over AT&T topology generated by GT-ITM topology generator with realistic network
parameters. Various attack scenarios have been synthetically generated specially for
testing the suggested techniques. Implementation of basic proof-of-concept, cost benefit
analysis and exhaustive analysis of network performance parameters like goodput, mean
time between failure and average response time have been performed to evaluate the
various techniques and demonstrate feasability of the proposed framework. The simulation
results are very promising and show that the proposed framework is robust, resilient and
can withstand high levels of DDoS attacks.
Finally the contributions made in the thesis are summarized and scope for the future
work is outlined. |
en_US |