A comprehensive and. rational solution is proposed for the. dischargecharacteristica of vertical drop falls. A vertical drop fall being essentially a broad-crested:tweir with vertical downstream face and horizon-tal crest, the: previous studies on broad crested weir discharge have been briefly reviewed.
The.. proposed solution of the discharge character-istics is: based on a_ simple: equation of discharge obtai-ned by theoretical considerations and.diniensiona3. analysis. Thus, the discharge coefficient of the_; verti-cal drop falls;.. is defined as a function of. dimension-less ratios.; that describe the. geometry of the fall, the approach channel anth the relative influence of. tb.e: factors that: determine the, flow: pattern. The effect of these various dimensionless ratios. on the discharge coefficient is determine& from original experimentsi covering wide range of the significant ratios.. On the: basis; of the form of water-surfac.e, profiles over the experimental models, the,- broad-crested weirs . forming the vertical drop falls have.,been classified as short, normal and,long.
This study includes the discharge character-istics of vertical drop falls both in the, free flow and submerged flog conditions.