There has been persistent and high demand of
foreign exchange in India during the last three decades to
meet its various import requirements like that of food grains,
capital goods and services, oil and petroleum products ...
The planning strategy adopted in Five Years and Annual
Plans with specific reference to the importance of the aim of
reduction of inequality, poverty, giving adequate employment
to the rural poor and achieving higher ...
Agricultural production, in general, is a function of
farm inputs, weather conditions, State Policy and Programmes,
Technological innovations etc. Of the farm inputs the most
important are irrigation and fertilisers, ...
The economic prosperity of India depends upon the development
of agriculture as well as industry. Viewed in this context, agri
culture and industrial development should go hand in hand. In
view of this fact, it is ...
The present work is an attempt to study India's trade
relations with the Soviet Union. It comprises of data
collection, detailed analysis of the problem and visualization
of the prospects of Indo-Soviet trade. The whole ...
The purpose of the study was to compare private and
public textile industry employees in terms of job satis
faction and organizational climate. The total sample for
the study constituted 437 private sector employees ...
A character in Shaw's playlet The Glimpse of Reality says,
"When I believe in everything that is real...... then I
shall be a man at last". Shaw wants to create
generations of people consisting of such men. His
endeavours ...
After independence right from the starting of
First Five year Plan the highest priority was given to agri
culture and in every successive plans increasing amount of
funds was allocated to agricultural sector. Advent of ...
Various studies have shown that stress is one of
the most common!/ experienced state of discomfiture by
an individual and is generally found in people working
in various organizations in different capacities. But
stress ...
The development strategy lays stress on adoption
of schemes which yield increased agricultural and
industrial production, create employment and help to
alleviate poverty. 'Area Approach' under 'Lead Bank
Scheme' assigns ...
Irrigation is the basis for a good farm husbandry
and better land utilization,fen stable and higher crop
production. For sustained growth and dynamism in farming,
optimum use of irrigation water is an imperative ...
Consumers' cooperatives are the voluntary organisa
tions of consumers organized to obtain their services on
terms of greatest advantage to them. These organizations,
have, as amatter of fact, came into existence partly ...
Water is one of the most essential inputs for growth of crops
By providing the desired atmosphere to the crops by way of proper
doses of water, the food production can be increased and national
economy can be improved ...
Agriculture is the principal occupation of a majority of the
rural population and is also the perpetual source of employment
and income. In the post-independence period the country was faced
with a serious problem of ...
The rapid growth of population in our country tends to
impose a strong constraint on the standard of living, happiness
and even survival of mankind through the spiralling consumption
of the resources. Hence, growing ...
Given an imperfect unregulated labour market where supply
greatly outweighs demand* the workers at times have to aocept
jobs which offer them low remuneration and poor working condi
tions. If this problem is not curtailed, ...