The cobalt boride is used as catalyst for various important chemical reactions such as
hydrogenation of alkenes, citral, aldehyde, and reduction of nitrogen oxide, water splitting
reaction, ODH of propane, Oxygen Evolution ...
The widespread use of stirred tank bioreactors (STBRs) with agitation system as their core elements can be explained by their long tradition. STBRs being multiphase reactors are most widely used in industrial applications ...
Water is an important component for existence of all living beings. Since the beginning of
civilization, mankind flourished around the sources of water. With the skyrocketing growth in
population, climatic changes and ...
In today’s world, fossil fuel (petroleum, natural gas, and coal) is one of the major sources of energy. The global demand for energy is growing each year along with population growth. However, climate changes caused by the ...
Depletion of fossils fuels and rise in global warming due to its extensive use drives attention
towards renewable energy sources like biomass. Biomass being rich in cellulosic components is
complex in nature and requires ...
In the present work energy conservation through process integration and total site integration of
sponge iron processes is carried out. For this purpose three different plants of coal based sponge
iron process such as ...
Carbon dioxide reforming of methane produces synthesis gas with low hydrogen to carbon
monoxide ratio, which is desirable for many industrial synthesis processes. This reaction also
has very important environmental ...
In the present work a study has been undertaken to find a new optimized set of dimensions of
geometrical part of cyclone separator with an aim to design a high efficiency cyclone with
minimal pressure drop and maximum ...
In the present work, hexavalent chromium and COD removal from electroplating wastewater
was investigated using a low cost activated carbon, which was carbonized and activated from
corncobs. Corncob based activated carbon ...
Present study investigates Ni and Mg removal from electroplating wash-water (EWW)
employing electrocoagulation (EC) method using aluminum electrodes. X-ray diffraction (XRD),
energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDAX), scanning ...
Arsenic contamination in wastewater, even in drinking water has been recognized as a worldwide
problem. It affects human health severely if the limit of toxicity is crossed .There are several
treatment methods capable ...
Sources of majority of world's energy are coal, petrochemical sources, natural gases, nuclear energy, and hydroelectricity. These finite sources will be shortly consumed at present rates of consumption. Of all these sources ...
The flow and thermal features of fluids across the periodic array of cylinders and/or over tube banks are considered as one of the classical problems in the fluid mechanics because of its widespread industrial applications. ...
Due to scarcity of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions, during its combustion, renewable
and cleaner energy sources are being investigated around the world in recent years to meet the
energy security and environmental ...
Over the past decades, mesh reducing techniques (meshfree or meshless) have considered
as e ective numerical techniques for solving engineering problems. Meshing di culties
and consumption of more time for speci c ...
Water is an essential natural resource for sustaining existence of humans and their
surroundings that are perceived to be free and unlimited gift given to us. As regards the
chemical composition of surface or subsurface, ...
Petroleum, petrochemical and chemical industries largely depend on fossil based carbon resources for their growth. Considering continuous depletion of these resources, there is an urgent need to develop processes which can ...
Environmental pollution particularly from heavy metals in the wastewater is the most severe worldwide problem. Heavy metals are major pollutants in marine, ground, industrial surface and even treated wastewater. Effluents ...
Liquid film flows with free-surface occurs in a wide variety of technological appli-
cations such as coating flows, falling film reactors, absorption column etc. These
film flows fall prey to free-surface instability due ...
Purified terephthalic acid (PTA) is xylene-based petrochemical product manufactured by
air oxidation of para-xylene in presence of cobalt or manganese salt catalyst with bromine
promoter. Approximately 3-4 m3 of wastewater ...