In recent years, the ever increasing demand for reliable high-speed
information transmission has spurred an active interest in the development of
efficient coded communication systems, both in terms of power efficiency and
bandwidth (spectral) efficiency." The traditional coding schemes trade bandwidth
efficiency for increased power efficiency/coding gain and therefore are considered
to be suitable only for power limited channels, where bandwidth is abundant. The
rapid growth in digital radio communication and high-speed digital networks,
demands a large spectral efficiency to meet the enhanced information rate
requirements. Ungerboeck's combined coding and modulation scheme, namely Trellis
coded modulation (TCM), has provided an impetus to achieve high spectral
efficiency on bandlimited channels, while providing adequate power
efficiency/coding gain. Over the past decade, the TCM has evolved as a robust and
efficient coding scheme for information transmission without sacrificing data
rate, bandwidth, and signal power. The fact that it promised to fill most of the 9
dB gap between the rates achievable and Shannon's channel capacity limit, prompted
an active research as well as wide-spread practical applications of the TCM.
Ungerboeck's TCM scheme is an integrated design approach that regards coding
and modulation as a single entity. Essentially, the TCM scheme employs non-binary
redundant modulation in conjunction with a finite-state convolutional encoder thai
governs the selection of channel signals. The key to this unified design approach
is a special mapping technique called mapping by set-partitioning, which ensures
that the minimum Euclidean distance (ED) between the coded signal sequences is
maximized. At the receiver, the noise corrupted signal sequence is decoded by
soft-decision maximum-likelihood Viterbi decoder, which is an optimum receiver.
Depending upon the code employed, a TCM scheme can improve the robustness of
digital transmission on additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel by 3 to 6 dB
relative to an uncoded modulation system, without compromising the bandwidth
efficiency or power efficiency.
The present work is concerned with the study of Trellis-coded QAM system on
AWGN channels as well as on time-dispersive intersymbol interference (ISI)
channels. In an effort to overcome the problem of computational complexity of the
optimal receiver structure for bandlimited channels, various reduced complexity
sub-optimum receiver structures have been considered and their performance
We consider first, the performance of Trellis-coded QAM systems on AWGN
channels, which depends on the decoding algorithm and the distance properties of
the code employed. An exact analysis of the error probability is difficult, and
one normally resorts to either simulation or the evaluation of performance bounds.
Simulation is a time consuming process and therefore cannot provide realistic
estimates of error performance at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). On the other
hand, the performance bounds are the most effective tools in the evaluation of
performance at moderate to high SNR. The algorithms used to compute the
performance need to be fast and efficient. Most of the algorithms proposed in the
literature are based on the transfer function approach, which when combined with
union bound yields a tight upper bound to the error probability.
In the present work, we have proposed a unidirectional trellis search
algorithm based on the shortest-route principle, that computes the distance
spectrum of the code using a trellis structure whose state complexity is same as
that of the encoder. The algorithm is fast and efficient. The derivation of tight
upper bound to error probability requires computation of the complete distance
spectrum of the code to evaluate all the terms of the union bounds. In practice,
the first few spectral lines of the code are computed to yield a moderately tight
upper bound to error probability. Following this approach, the performance of
trellis codes on AWGN channel have been evaluated through bounds, using the
proposed distance spectrum computing algorithm, and the results so derived are
compared with simulation results. The performance evaluation so derived is found
to be nearly tight, in the sense that the simulation result lies well within the
computed lower and upper bounds. The proposed method, for the computation of
distance spectrum and hence the evaluation of the code performance, is found to be
quite effective for Ungerboeck's TCM codes. We observe that, over AWGN channel the
TCM schemes achieve a coding gain of nearly 3-5 dB relative to the uncoded
reference system.
The large spectral efficiency and high coding gain achieved by TCM on AWGN
channels, has stimulated researchers to investigate its performance and consider
its application to high-speed data transmission over bandlimited time-dispersive
channels. The primary impediments over such a channel are the ISI and AWGN. While
TCM can effectively enhance noise immunity without a reduction in data rate, a
powerful equalization technique such as maximum-likelihood sequence estimation
(MLSE) is desired to mitigate the effects of ISI. Therefore for bandlimited
channels, a TCM scheme in combination with an optimum MLSE promises to achieve
data rates close to channel capacity. The cascade of TCM encoder and ISI channel
can be represented by a combined finite-state machine and hence a combined ISICode
trellis, whose states is the product of encoder states and ISI stales.
Consequently, the receiver performs a maximum-likelihood estimation of data
sequence using the Viterbi algorithm (VA) that searches for a minimum cost path in
the combined ISI-Code trellis and the resulting structure is optimum. A study has
been performed to evaluate the error rate performance of the combined ISI-Code
receiver structures, used for the decoding of various Trellis-coded QAM signals in
the presence of ISI and AWGN, through simulation. Making use of the error
structure of the basic trellis-code employed and the ISI channel characteristics,
the performance of the optimum combined MLSE receiver structures have also been
evaluated through bounds, and are found to be in concurrence with the simulation
results. From the simulation results, we find that the performance of the optimum
combined MLSE receiver structures, over certain ISI channels, is very close to
that under an ISI-free environment. Although there is a degradation of the order
of 1-2 dB relative to the ISI-free performance, the combined ISI-code trellis
structure achieves gain of about 2-3 dB over the uncoded MLSE reference system.
Since the computational complexity of the optimum combined MLSE receiver
structure grows exponentially with channel memory length the practical
implementation becomes prohibitive, even for moderate ISI. This has motivated
researchers to find the sub-optimum TCM receiver structures with reduced
complexity, that maintains most of the performance advantages of the MLSE. The
complexity can be reduced drastically by employing pre-filtering techniques prior
to MLSE, as is being used for uncoded modulation schemes. We have proposed, a suboptimum
KFE-MLSE receiver structure comprising of Kalman filter equalizer (KFE)
followed by maximum-likelihood Viterbi decoder for the decoding of trellis-coded
QAM signals in the presence of ISI and AWGN.
The proposed KFE-MLSE structure is a sub-optimum receiver structure and the
performance degradation for the above can be evaluated by assuming that the
Viterbi algorithm still operates with a white Gaussian noise, whose variance is
the overall variance of the correlated noise and the residual ISI at the equalizer
output. The effect of prefiltering on the free distance of the code can be
computed by finding the combined channel-KFE impulse response through
'innovations' representation of the processes involved, and the spectral
factorization techniques. We have evaluated the performance of the KFE-MLSE
receiver structure, by finding the performance degradation relative to its
performance under an ISI-free environment. The performance' bounds so derived are
compared with the simulation results of several trellis-coded QAM schemes
employing KFE-MLSE structure on different ISI channels. Also, the performance of
the KFE-MLSE receiver structure is compared with that of the optimum combined ISIcode
trellis structure for limited ISI memory length. The proposed suboptimal KFEMLSE
structure achieves significant gain of about 2-2.5 dB over the uncoded KFE
reference system, although it suffers a performance loss of about 1.0-2.0 dB
relative to the optimum combined MLSE structure.
An alternative to the prefiltering technique is the use of reduced-slate
algorithms, which aim at reducing the states of the optimum combined ISI-code
trellis by incorporating a built-in decision-feedback mechanism within the Viterbi
decoder. The Reduced State Sequence Estimation (RSSE) and the Parallel Decision
Feedback Decoding (PDFD) are two such sequence estimation algorithm, which provide
a good performance/complexity trade-off, the latter being a special case of RSSE.
In RSSE, the complexity reduction is achieved by using the channel truncation
technique and applying the set-partitioning principles inherent in TCM. The slate
reduction in RSSE depends on the code, the channel truncation length, and the
depth of set-partitioning of the signal constellation. A family of reduced slate
sequence estimators can be obtained for a given TCM code and a given ISI channel,
offering a wide trade-off between decoding complexity and performance. The
complexity of RSSE trellis can range between that of the encoder trellis and the
combined MLSE trellis. When the complexity of the RSSE trellis is reduced to thai
of the TCM encoder trellis, the receiver structure is referred to as the parallel
decision feedback decoding (PDFD).
We have considered the study of several RSSE and PDFD receiver structures for
the decoding of trellis-coded QAM with different orders of complexity reduction,
for various ISI channels. The performance of these structures have been studied by
simulation and are compared with the error performance of other receiver
structures, considered earlier. The RSSE receiver structures exhibit improved
performance over KFE-MLSE receiver structure, but at the cost of increased
For channel equalization, the optimum combined MLSE receiver structure
(implemented by VA) or its sub-optimum variants, require an exact knowledge of the
channel characteristics, especially when the channel parameters are time-varying.
A wide range of adaptive algorithms for channel estimation have been reported in
the literature, the most common being the LMS algorithm and the RLS algorithm. The
decision delay inherent in the VA causes poor tracking performance, particularly
when the channel characteristics are rapidly time-varying. To circumvent Ihis
problem, a new channel estimation procedure has been reported in recent years,
where the adaptive channel estimation is accomplished for each state in the VA,
using the zero-delay decisions associated with its survivor path to update the
channel coefficients.
We next consider the adaptive implementation of the receiver structures
discussed earlier, for the decoding of trellis-coded QAM on time-variant ISI
channels. We have implemented various adaptive receiver structures employing LMS
and RLS channel estimators, using both delayed-decision updating and delay-tree
updating of channel coefficients. The tracking characteristics of the adaptive
algorithms have been studied for various random time-variant ISI channels. The
mean-square error performance of the adaptive channel estimator have been studied
by simulation. Also, the error performance of the various adaptive receiver
structures have been evaluated through simulation.
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in high-speed digital
transmission over cellular mobile radio, and mobile satellite channels, which are
characterized as multipath fading channels with time-dispersion. One of the most
efficient technique to reduce the effect of fading is through the use of diversity
reception, where the receiver is provided with several replicas of the same
information transmitted over D-independently fading channels.
We have next considered a study on the performance of different trellis-coded
QAM schemes over fading dispersive channels. The error performance of the adaptive
RSSE, PDFD and KFE-MLSE receiver structures have been studietl by simulation for
different fade rates. Using D-diversity reception to combat severe fading, the
error performance of the above adaptive receiver structures have been determined
for different orders of diversity D.