In this study some conceptual modol+ for obtaining direct runoff hydro aph from effective rainfall byotograph have boon revio ,od.
A conceptual model based on binomial distribution of runoff elements for obtaining direct runoff hydrograph
from effective rainfall has been posed. The proposed
roaponso model is basically a two parameter analytical mode..
Tho parameters are (i) Response Sub-urea and (ii) travel co-
efficient. These parameters are evaluated from one of the recorded events on the catcbmont. The cateb~ment area is divided' into response sub-area rihich develop their independent
hydroraphs at the outlet. These are superimposed to got-p
directrunoff hydrograph. Therefore, it has been possible to account for spatial . distributions of the rainfall.
The model has been applied on Ajay River catchmont located in Chotanagpur platau of Bihar (India) . The catcch. meat area at the outlet (Slkatia) is 992 oq.milos.
The computed hydroographs have boon found to be in
close crooment with the observed hydro phd