Robots have played a dominant role in the trends towards automation over the
past years. The rapid development of its applications require controller that
satisfies demands regarding tracking, speed and accuracy. Although, robot
manipulators have been used in industry for a number of years, their full
capabilities reach far beyond their present-day applications. At present,
industrial applications of robot manipulators are mainly restricted to simple
tasks. In order to improve the performance and capabilities, the application of
advanced control concepts to robot manipulators is a necessity.
Two basic facts about the robot manipulator dynamics make the control
problem a challenging one. Primarily, the dynamics are described by nonlinear,
coupled second order differential equations. Secondly, the parameters of the
model are partially unknown due to parametric variations disturbances and errors
in modeling. Much of the recent research in robotic manipulator control has been
directed towards the development of adaptive controller due to their
effectiveness in high speed, high precision tasks and robustness to parametric
The development of controller structure in the present research work is
inspired by the adaptive control strategy as reported in
[7],[17],[23],[64],[73],[84]. Broadly, three new adaptive controller structures
are proposed for robot manipulators. The sliding observer aided controller
structure for adaptive case is heavily influenced by the work of Canudas et. al.
[10]. Two new sliding observer aided adaptive controller structures are proposed
by modifications in the existing sliding observer [10]. Further, two variations
of nonlinear sliding observer based controller structures, motivated by [8]-[85],
are also proposed for robot manipulators.
The aim of these proposed schemes are to improve tracking performance of
robot manipulators and to satisfy the stability criterion in the Lyapunov sense.
Performance of these new controllers have been verified through simulation. The
work done in this thesis is briefly summarized below:
1. The controller structure for adaptive case, presented by Whitcomb et. al.
[84], is based on position and velocity vectors. Their control law is
modified by incorporation of acceleration term in feedback loop. This is
based on two assumptions. The first is that the joint acceleration is
measurable [17]-[23] and relatively noise free, and the second is that the
inverse of sum of acceleration gain and estimated inertia matrix remains
bounded. Simulation results show significant improvement in tracking error
and velocity error for two different types of desired trajectories having
different initial estimated parameters. The closed-loop system is shown to
be globally asymptotically stable in the Lyapunov sense and has better
2. To overcome the noisy velocity measurement problem, a globally convergent
adaptive controller structure for robot manipulators is presented by
Berghuis et. al. [7]. Their controller structure has been modified by
inclusion of nonlinear compensator [64] and virtual reference trajectories
(sliding surface) [73]. In our work, three new structures of adaptive
controller, associated with distinct form of sliding surfaces, are proposed
and studied with respect to their tracking improvements (case -1,2 and 3).
In case-1, all three virtual reference trajectories are considered where as
case -2 uses the desired velocity reference trajectory instead of velocity
virtual reference trajectory with other form of sliding surface. The
proposed controller structure for case-3 consists of nonlinear compensator
and existing controller [7]. The asymptotic stability of the control
algorithms are proved via the Lyapunov direct method. These proposed
schemes improve tracking performance significantly, enhance robustness with
respect to the noisy velocity measurement, especially in under- excited
operations and also compensate the additional error (bounded by sliding
surface and tracking error, [64]).
In another approach a bounded form (norm based) of adaptive controllerstructure
is proposed. This is based on the inverse dynamics mod'el of robot
manipulator with a premise that if each parameter is known within some
bounds the parameter adaptation can be prevented from going out of bounds
and thus makes the system more robust. The stability of closed-loop system
is investigated via the Lyapunov direct method. Simulation results, when
compared with [7], clearly indicate drastic improvements in tracking
It is known that velocity measurements are usually associated with rather
high level of noise [10]. Only joint position measurements are assumed to
be available, which is in contrast to full state measurements (positions
and velocities). In this situation, estimated joint velocity vector
obtained from a sliding observer is fed back to adaptive controller
structure [10]. The proposed sliding observer structure is an extension
of this by including the desired acceleration vector and a new uncertainty
term (associated with desired trajectory based robot model properties) to
estimate the velocity vector for adaptively controlled robot manipulator.
The combined scheme is analysed with the Filippov's solution concept and
tracking error dynamics via the Lyapunov stability criterion. The proposed
scheme shows the significant reduction in tracking error, velocity error
and observation error (velocity).
The sliding observer scheme is further modified by including the tracking
error and the observation error (position) in estimating velocity vector,
to take into account the dynamic interaction between observer and
controller dynamics. This means that the observer shall not only depend on
the- observation errors and controller not only on the tracking difference.
This combined scheme is considered as a global control system with their
gains tuned in order to ensure asymptotic tracking of the desired
reference. The adaptation law and design vector, account for uncertainties
on parameter vector associated with desired trajectory based model
properties of robot, are derived using the Lyapunov direct method.
Simulation results clearly indicate the improvements in comparison to
In nonlinear systems the controller and the observer, in general, cannot be
independently designed since the separation principle does not apply as in
case of linear systems. In controller-observer scheme for robot
manipulators presented by Canudas et. al. [8], the nonlinear sliding
observer structure uses only observation error (position) in estimating
velocity vector in order to fed back to controller structure. In view of
nonlinear nature of robot manipulator and dynamic interaction between
controller and observer, the square of tracking error and signum function
of velocity observation error [85] are included as extended terms in the
existing nonlinear sliding observer structure [8]. The first term reduces
the observation error (velocity) due to application of the Filippov's
solution concept and second term acts as a forcing (switching) element to
get good estimate of velocity. The closed-loop analysis is performed which
is based on reduced order manifold dynamics and tracking error dynamics
using the Lyapunov stability to ensure asymptotic stability. It is
observed, through simulation, that drastic reduction in velocity error and
observation error (velocity) results, in comparison to [8].
Again, the sliding observer is further modified by incorporating the signsign
term in previously proposed observer structure. The observer scheme is
termed as Sign-Sign Algorithm (SSA). The existing controller structure [8]
is extended by incorporation of disturbance torque (as function of the
desired position trajectory) in order to achieve the improved tracking
performance of combined controller-observer scheme. The proposed scheme is
illustrated by a simple example. The stability of closed-loop analysis is
performed in the Lyapunov sense.
New model-based adaptive and sliding observer aided controller structures
developed in this thesis are new solutions to many constraints, complexities and
ambiguities involved in the control of robotic manipulators.