Reconfigurable computing is a new paradigm that evolved from the advance
ment of VLSI fabrication technology. Reconfigurable computing systems (RCSs)
promise to be a valuable alternative to the conventional computing ...
Over the past few decades advances in genomic technologies have led to an explo
sive growth in the biological information generated by the scientific community.
There are over 65 billion nucleotides from more than 61 ...
Many organizations use database systems to reliably store and retrieve large
quantities ofdata ofvarying degrees ofsensitivity or security. Adatabase system that can
store and manage data with different security levels ...
The Internet is used extensively for important services such as banking, transportation,
medicine, education, stock trades, defense, etc. Most of these transactions must be processed
in a timely manner. However, these ...
Mobile computing as compared to traditional computing paradigms enables clients to have
unrestricted mobility while maintaining network connections. Due to mobility, location
identification has naturally become a critical ...
Aggressive scaling of semiconductor process technology over the last several
decades has resulted in creation of many new products, such as computers, camera,
cell phones and information appliances. The trend is expected ...
The huge volume of genetic data generated through biological experiments is not
useful until it is analyzed and classified properly. A single human genome project
ensued in 3.2 million base pairs of nucleotide sequence ...
In recent years, there has been increasing prominence of portable battery operated
low power systems such as hearing aids, pacemakers, cell phones, pagers, and portable
computers become more complex, prevalent, and demand ...
Thermal imaging systems are used for various applications extending from
surveillance and reconnaissance to long range target acquisition, engagement and missile
guidance and are truly passive devices. These systems are ...
Mobile computing is the merger of recent phenomenal advances in computing and
wireless communication technologies, and enables users to access information without the
constraints of being connected to a fixed network. ...
In recent years, low power circuits are gaining prominence due to use of portable
battery powered devices such as hearing aids, pacemakers, cell phones, pagers, and
portable computers. Therefore, the demand for increased ...
The conventional power supply systems are designed to operate with sinusoidal
waveforms, with the aim to maintain the voltage level at equipment terminal within certain
limits. Ideally electrical energy must be supplied ...
To satisfy the ever-increasing demand for higher data rates, as well as to allow more
number of users to simultaneously access a common channel using the entire frequency
spectrum allocated for transmission, interest has ...
Many business and scientific domains require the collection and analysis of time series
data. Some typical application domains are finance, sales, biometrics, and weather
forecasting. Data mining when performed on time ...
In recent years, very large scale integrated chips find numerous applications in
electronic circuits. With continuous sophistication in very large scale integration (VLSI)
technology, as more and more functionalities are ...
Distributed real time database systems (DRTDBSs) can be defined as database
systems that support real time transactions. They are used for a wide spectrum of
applications such as air traffic control, stock market trading, ...
Microwave absorbing materials in the form of paints have been frequently coated on
the surface of objects to reduce its radar cross section (RCS) effectively. In view of their
wide spread applications, microwave absorbers ...
Mobile agent technology offers a new computing paradigm in which an autonomous
program can migrate under its own or host control from one node to another in a
heterogeneous network. In other words, the program running ...
Parallel processing systems have witnessed an incredible growth over the last
decade with increasingly complex and challenging scientific and engineering applications
coming to their realm. Task scheduling is one of the ...
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the weighted least squares
(WLS) techniques for designing digital filters and quadrature mirror filter (QMF) banks,
which play an important role in the field of ...