dc.description.abstract |
Adaptive arrays are currently the subject of extensive
investigations, as a means for reducing the vulnerability of the
reception of desired signals to the presence of interference signals
in radar, sonar, seismic and communication systems. The principal
reason behind this widespread interest lies in their ability to sense
automatically the presence of interference noise sources and to
suppress them, while simultaneously enhancing the desired signal
reception without the prior knowledge of the signal/interference
environment. The interference signals may not only consist of
deliberate electronic counter measures, nonhostile RF interferences,
clutter scatter returns and natural noise sources but also coherent
interferences. Coherent interferences can arise when multipath
propagation is present or when "smart" jammers deliberately introduce
coherent jamming by retrodirecting the signal energy to the receiver.
Also, the signal environment may consist of either narrowband or
broadband signal and interferences.
An adaptive array can be best described as a collection of
sensors, feeding a weighting and summing network, with automatic
signal dependent weight adjustment to reduce unwanted signals and/or
emphasize the desired signal. In the case of broadband adaptive
arrays, a tapped delay line is connected behind each sensor to
compensate for the inter-element phase shift. The weight coefficients
are adjusted recursively using suitable algorithms. In an adaptive
array, the interference suppression is obtained by appropriately
steering beam pattern nulls in the direction of interference sources,
while signal reception is maintained by preserving desirable main lobe
features. Therefore, an adaptive array system relies heavily on
spatial characteristics to improve the output signal-to-noise ratio
A wide range of algorithms have been reported in the signal
processing literature which can be used for adjusting the weights of
an adaptive array. These include the conventional least-squares (LS)
solution by direct matrix inversion or by Cholesky factorization, the
classical least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm, the recursive
least-square (RLS) algorithm, the fast RLS algorithms, QR
decomposition algorithms based on Givens, Householders and Modified
Gram-Schmidt techniques, and the rotation based fast RLS algorithms.
Some of these algorithms are suitable for implementation using VLSI
technology. Moreover, due to the recent advances in parallel computing
architectures and VLSI technology, various computational, numerical
and architectural concepts have merged. Consequently, it is becoming
increasingly difficult to comprehend the interrelationships and
tradeoffs among these concepts and approaches. A few of the above
techniques, viz, the direct matrix inversion and the LMS algorithm,
have been widely studied in the context of adaptive arrays. The
difficulties in obtaining the inverse of the correlation matrix, when
the matrix is ill conditioned, and the slow convergence and dependence
of the time constant on the eigenvalues in LMS algorithm, make these
techniques less attractive for application to adaptive arrays.
The QRD-LS algorithm based on Givens rotations has been
recommended in the literature for narrowband adaptive array
applications. This algorithm has fast convergence and is numerically
stable but, unfortunately, it is computationally expensive because of
the square-root operations involved. Some of the other techniques,
viz, the RLS algorithm in the case of narrowband beamformers and
multichannel fast transversal filters (MFTF) and QRD-multichannel
lattice algorithms for broadband arrays have been discussed only
briefly in the literature and detailed investigations have not been
carried out so far. The recursive modified Gram-Schmidt (RMGS) and the
multichannel least-square Lattice (MLSL) algorithms have not been
studied at all in the context of adaptive arrays.
The adaptive arrays based on above mentioned algorithms are
effective in suppressing the interferences and enhancing the desired
signal reception in a noncoherent signal environment. However, these
techniques fail to suppress the coherent interferences. To overcome
this problem, methods such as the structured correlation matrix method
(redundancy averaging) and the spatial smoothing preprocessing scheme
have been proposed in the literature. Of the two, the spatial
smoothing scheme is more attractive and has received relatively wider
attention. Several modifications of this scheme have also been
proposed in the literature. Of these, the modified or forward/backward
spatial smoothing scheme is important. However, the adaptive
implementation in various algorithm based arrays has not received much
attention so far.
This work encompasses the study of adaptive arrays covering
the above aspects. A comparative study of the structured correlation
matrix method and the spatial smoothing scheme using an optimum
beamformer revealed that the structured correlation matrix method
introduces a bias while placing nulls in the direction of
i i i
interferences. Also, the method is not suitable for broadband adaptive
arrays as in this case the correlation matrix is nontoeplitz even in
noncoherent situation. Moreover, the adaptive implementation of this
method in various algorithm based processor is not possible, where as
the spatial smoothing scheme is a practical method to suppress
coherent interferences in an adaptive array.
We next consider the study of adaptive arrays based on
recursive least-square algorithms having a computational complexity of
the 0(P ), where 'P' is the number of sensors in the array. It has
been found that the conventional RLS algorithm based array suffers
from numerical instability and fails to produce nulls in the direction
of interferences arriving from endfire directions. Though the QRD-LS
array based on Givens rotations has excellent numerical properties and
superior nulling performance, it is computationally expensive because
of the involvement of square-root operations. As an alternative, we
have proposed the use of RMGS algorithm and its error feedback version
for adaptive beamformers. These algorithms can also be implemented
using systolic structures. The arrays based on these algorithms have
numerical properties and nulling performance that are comparable with
Givens rotation based QRD-LS array and at the same time, they are
computationally less expensive. Therefore, the proposed RMGS
algorithms based arrays represent a good compromise between the
numerical stability and computational cost in the adaptive beamforming
problems. For broadband arrays, however, these algorithms turn out to
be computationally expensive with a complexity of the 0(P n), where
'M' is the number of taps in each delay line.
Next, we consider the arrays based on Fast-RLS algorithms
for realizing broadband arrays. We have proposed the multichannel
least-square Lattice [MLSL] algorithm for broadband adaptive array
which has a computational complexity of 0(P M). Using MLSL algorithm
as the basis, we formulate the Givens rotation based QRD-MLSL
algorithm and apply it to the adaptive beamforming problem. We then
derive the MFTF algorithm and study the adaptive arrays based on these
algorithms. The algebraic approach has been used to derive these
algorithms. Of the three broadband arrays realized, the MFTF algorithm
has the least computational complexity.
Finally, we have considered, the spatial smoothing scheme
and the forward/backward spatial smoothing scheme as an effective
means to suppress coherent interferences. Our studies have revealed
that, in optimum beamformers, both the methods are effective in
placing nulls in the direction of coherent interferences. The adaptive
implementation of spatial smoothing scheme on the QR decomposition
algorithms, such as QRD-LS and RMGS algorithm based arrays, has
received little attention so far. We have proposed a method of
implementing spatial smoothing scheme on the arrays based on these
algorithms. In this method, the elements of the upper triangular
matrix are smoothed first and after a fixed number of snapshots, this
smoothed upper triangular matrix Is used to compute the optimum
weights of the beamformer. The proposed method has been tested through
computer simulations and produces deep nulls in the direction of
coherent interferences. In the forward/backward spatial smoothing
scheme, the signals of the respective forward and complex conjugated
backward subarrays are first averaged. Then, the resultant signals are
used to smooth the weights or the elements of upper triangular matrix.
Our numerical experiments show that the conventional spatial smoothing
scheme has a much superior nulling performance as compared to the
forward/backward spatial smoothing scheme.
The performance of various algorithms has been evaluated for
the narrowband and broadband arrays in noncoherent as well as coherent
interference environment, using computer simulations. Convergence
characteristics of various beamformers have been tested by computing
the residual power as afunction of the number of adaptation samples.
The comparative study has revealed that, QRD-LS array based on Givens
rotations has the fastest convergence and the least residual power.
The RMGS algorithm based array with error feedback has characteristics
comparable with those of the QRD-LS array.
The nulling performance of various arrays has been studied
with the help of voltage patterns. In the case of broadband arrays,
the output waveforms has also been extracted to demonstrate the
ability of the beamformers to track the desired signal. |
en_US |