Surface Acoustic Wave ( SAW ) devices are finding
applications in many diverse electronic equipment. Analysis and
synthesis of any operational device ( like a SAW device )
associated with a complicated physics can be performed by some
equivalent model. Many models have been developed for the analysis
of SAW devices. There are two approaches for such modelling
namely; field theory approach and circuit theory approach. The
existing models are such as the Delta function model, the Impulse
model, the Equivalent Circuit model, the Green's function model,
the Coupling Of Modes model,..etc.
The main goal of this study is to try to find out a proper
model that can describe different types of SAW signal processing
devices, specially low loss transducers and filters. It also aims
to simulate different types of filters and study the techniques
for improving the performances of these filters. The model which
is aimed to be developed is supposed to be an aidfull tool to the
designers of signal processing equipments using SAW devices.
The crossed field equivalent circuit model has been studied
in three approaches for modelling SAW transducers and filters.
Using the scattering matrix theory and the simplified
equivalent circuit model of Smith; the possibility of calculating
the scattering matrix of a finger pair directly from the
simplified equivalent circuit and building up the full transducer
has been studied, and the relevant computations have been done.
The scattering matrix for Group-type Uni-Directional Transducer
( GUDT ) as an example for Uni-Direct ional Transducer has been
derived under tuned and matched conditions. The different losses
and the frequency responses of matched and tuned Bl-directional
Inter Digital Transducers ( BIDTs ) with different number of
finger pairs have been computed. It has been found that the
scattering matrix method can directly give many informations that
can not be calculated directly using other methods, such as the
Electric Mismatch losses, Triple Transit Echo, Acousto Electric
Transmission loss,etc.
In the second approach, a single SAW IDT finger has been
modeled by a 3 X 3 transfer matrix. A pair of fingers has been
represented by cascading a positive and a negative voltage derived
fingers. It has been found that the model can be used to analyze
successfully different types of BIDTs, split-finger BIDTs, CHIRP
and COMB filters. The frequency responses of filters of BIDTs with
single and split fingers have been computed for different number
of finger pairs.
A chain matrix was used to model BIDT, GUDT and Three Phase
Uni- Directional Transducer ( TPUDT ) with 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8
matrices, respectively. Forward and backward frequency responses,
directiveties and input and output admittances, phases,
conductances and susceptances of filters with various possible
combinations and types of unidirectional transducers have been
computed. Normal/Modified/New-type GUDTs and TPUDTs with different
number of active finger pairs, groups and periodic sections in
various possible combinations were used at the transmitting as
well as the receiving ends with both transducers properly tuned
and matched.
The results obtained using the three approaches are quite
good and give good agreement with experimental results available
in literature. Moreover, using different types of transducers at
both ends gave interesting results in terms of 3dB bandwidth and
stopband rejection
Apodization is another way to get filters with lower
insertion losses, good bandwidths and larger side-lobe
suppressions. The usual practice is to have a low insertion loss,
wide band, uniform transducer at one end and a narrower bandwidth.
low insertion loss, higher side-lobe suppression, apodized
transducer at the other end. Forward, backward frequency responses
and relative directivities of different filters having one uniform
and one apodized transducer at the two ends with different
combinations of Normal/Modified/New- type GUDTs and TPUDTs have
been computed. The apodized transducer's effective apertures were
apodized using SINC function weighting. The results obtained were
interesting in terms of bandwidth and side-lobe suppression.
The SINC function is an Infinite Impulse Response ( IIR )
function (of infinite time duration) and since an IDT has finite
number of fingers in it (similar to FIR filters); it is always the
practice that the SINC function is truncated, hence some Gibbs may
appear in the frequency response of the filter. If a COSINE window
function is additionally included to modify the IDT apodization
these Gibbs can be eliminated or the frequency response can be
improved to some extent. In this case, a longer part of the SINC
function can be used. The responses of the filters mentioned above
were computed using a COSINE window along with different lengths
of the SINC function. Good results have been obtained.
This windowing technique can also be used to improve the
stopband rejection. A Modified Bessel Function (MBF) window family
was considered.
Filters of different combinations of UDTs, having different
number of periodic sections, active fingers and groups have been
computed using different types of windows. It has been fount that
proper selection of number of periodic sections or groups is very
essential in getting good responses.
The software modelling package that has been developed seem
to be promising and expandable to include the modelling of more
SAW signal processing devices and it is expected to be useful and
helpful to the designers of SAW devices for signal processing