This thesis addresses the techniques for the design of
reliable fault-tolerant multistage interconnection networks
(MINs) used in multiprocessor systems. Statically as well as
dynamically reroutable MINs are studied. Methods for the
construction of regular fault-tolerant MINs are described. Their
characteristics pertaining to performance and reliability are
analyzed and compared with the previously proposed networks. It
is shown that these multipath regular MINs are of higher
reliability than other MINs having similar fault-tolerant
capabilities and give better performance. The effect of component
failures on the performance of these networks is also evaluated.
It is observed that although faults do not significantly affect
the overall network performance, they degrade the performance of
some parts of the system resulting in an increase in network
cycle time. New type of irregular fault-tolerant multistage
networks are introduced and analyzed. Various algorithms are
developed to study their characteristics. Compared to regular
networks, these irregular networks have lesser hardware
complexity and more computational speed because of their shorter
path lengths between a processor and its favourite memory
modules. The results of analysis show that it is worthwhile to
employ the proposed irregular techniques in designing faulttolerant
MINs. Modular implementation has been proposed to
simplify the design of statically reroutable networks. The
proposed fault-tolerant networks have many attractive features
for use in multiprocessor systems.