The work presented in this dissertation, entitled "Perform
ance Trade-offs in Low-Loss Surface Acoustic Wave Transducers" is
concerned with the development of Uni-Directlonal Transducers
These UDTs are used in fabricating Surface Acoustic Wave
(SAW) filters which in turn are front end in VHF-UHF communica
tion receivers. Out of the various UDTs, Group type Uni-
Directional Transducers (GUDTs) and Three Phase Uni-Dlrectlonal
Transducers (TPUDTs) are found to be most suitable as far as
trade-off between Insertion Loss (IL), side-lobe levels and Band
Width (BW) requirements are concerned.
Cross-field equivalent circuit model is commonly used for
the modelling of SAW devices due to its simplicity and less
computational time required. The results obtained with this
model are comparable with the experimental results. While using
the cross-field equivalent circuit model for the UDTs for modell
ing them, various parasitic losses like diffraction loss, beamstearlng
loss, electrode resistance loss, air-loading loss
mass-loading loss, propagation loss etc. have been neglected as
they do not contribute more than 1 dB of losses combined togeth
er. Various possible combinations of GUDTs and TPUDTs have been
assumed to be fabricated on 128o rotated Y-cut X-propagatlng
LiNb03. This material is selected because it has a higher coef
ficient of electromechanical coupling than any other SAW material
available in the market. This has an inherent property of sup
pressing the undesirable side-lobe level to a greater extent and
optimum Fractional Band Width(FBW). The only disadvantage with
this material is that it has its temperature coefficient of delay
on a little higher side.
Frequency responses of these filters (with various possible
combinations of GUDTs and TPUDTs, both at the transmitting as
well as receiving end) have been computed. Quite interesting
results have been obtained in terms of available Insertion loss,
side-lobe suppression and required bandwidth by varying the
number of electrodes, number of groups in Normal/Modified-type
GUDTs and number of periodic sections in TPUDTs.
It is found that as the number of groups or the number of
active fingers per group increases, the available bandwidth
decreases as is expected generally. If the parameters taken into
account for the analysis are appropriately chosen, theoretically,
there will be no insertion loss. However, it is not always possl
ble due to which very small losses are encountered in the re
suits, baaed on the assumptions made earlier. Similarly, in the
case of TPUDTs the bandwidth decreases an the number oi periodic
sections are increased and vice-versa. However, it is observed
(from the results obtained by the author as well as available in
open literature) that the maximum side-lobe suppression has been
possible by the use of eitlier of the following structures in the
SAW filter transducers:
(i) Different kinds of UDTs at the two ends(i.e.TPUDT,
(ii) Different kinds of TPUDTs at the two ends (i.e. the two
TPUDTs at the two ends with different number of
periodic sections)
(iii) Different kinds of GUDTs at the two ends (i.e. Normal
type GUDT and Modified-type GUDT)
(iv) Using apodization in the input and/or output
The main idea behind the use of these structures is that the
side-lobes due to one transducer lie at a different frequency
than the side lobes due to the other transducer. This results in
a higher value of the insertion loss at a frequency where the
side-lobes in the final frequency characteristics occur and hence
a higher side-lobe suppression is possible.
Maximum bandwidth is observed with TPUDTs at both ends with
requisite number of periodic sections. It goes to a maximum of
around 24%. In the case of GUDT filters the maximum available
bandwidth is around 11% or so. In GUDT filters if number of
active fingers become large and the number of groups is kept at
a smaller value, the pass -band ripple becomes quite significant
sometimes. State of art and technology for Single Phase Uni
Directional Transducers (SPUDTs) has not yet come to the status
that these transducers could be accepted for mass production
But surely the future of low- loss SAW filters for applications in
Signal processing lies in the development of SPUDTs as envisaged
by the pioneers in the field. Till that day we have to be con
tented with the use of the UDTs discussed in this dissertation in
detai 1.
For the purpose of the analysis carried out by the author
the two UDTs discussed here were modelled using a cross-field
equivalent circuit model as indicated earlier and then a FORTRAN
language program developed on DEC 2050. This program is capable
of giving various frequency responses of GUDT, TPUDT and combi
nation filters of these two UDTs. It can also be used for var -
ious other purposes like obtaining the frequency response
characteristics of comb filters etc.
The results obtained are found to agree and are comparable
with the theoretical results obtained using other models ( which
are supposed to be quite accurate) as well as with the experi
mental ones available in literature till-da.te. The quantitative
results in terms of the tradeoffs between the three quantities
(i.e. insertion loss, bandwidth, side-lobe suppression) and fre
quency characteristics of various filters are presented in this
It is hoped that the results obtained will be useful to the
ultrasonic community in the future low-loss high performance
filter designs to be adopted In communication systems and like
fields (in which these devices are required and are useful) for
signal processing purposes.