"How does mineral quartz or felspar concerns an engineer? Is this rock suitable as a building material? On many occassions such queries are raised by the engineers, architects and the contractors. Hence, it was considered ...
"Amongst the five elements which are so basic to man*s
existence in the Universe, water is considered the •Elan Vital'.
This natural resource occurs both as surface and ground water
**>dies. Keeping in view the plentiful ...
"In the words of Dana 'Pegmatites are the museum of
nature'. Moreover, they have a unique economic importance
and are recognised the world over, as the store house of
nuaerous valuable minerals. ?he 3hil*ara pegnatltes ...
The work presented in this thesis consits
of two parts: the first part includes studies of the seismicity
of India both as a single unit as well as region-wise,
whilst the second relates to the study of energy released ...
The present work includes a scientific study of the structure,
petrology and the chromlte deposits of the Pauni-Bhivapur area comprised
largely of the Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Sakoli series. Interrelations
of different ...
"The thesis incorporates results on the stratigraphy,structure \nd sedi
mentation in an approximately 900 sq.km. of the Lesser Himalayan terrain along
BhagiratM river,districts Utt-rkashi and Tehri.U.P. On the basis of ...
"In the present thesis the importance of the observational surface wave group velocity dispersion studies of
the fundamental mode of Rayleigh and Love waves has been
emphasised. Specifically*
a) group velocity dispersion ...
"Investigations of earthquake hazards to important
engineering projects in seismically active regions of India
have been gaining increased imoortance. The Koyna Hydro
electric Project in the Peninsular Shield, in the ...
"Pend S-wave travel times from shallow earthquakes with epicenters
in the northwestern, southwestern and southern directions free, India as
recorded hy Indian ohservatorles have heen studied with the objective of
determining ...
"Theoretical analysis of the electromagnetic
induction in conducting models of simple geometry and
scale-model experimental investigation over relatively
more realistic and analytically intractable models have
been ...
"The Thar desert in India occupies about 155,000 sq.km
of western Rajasthan. During recent times it has attracted
investigators with varied types of problems including those
of defence, traction and geomorphology. ...
"Rocks of the Jodhpur Group which forms the lowermost
stratigraphic unit of the Marwar Supergroup (Proterozoic to Lower
Cambrian?), occur as flat-topped hills on the eastern fringes of
the Thar desert in Western Rajasthan. ...
The ever increasing demand for energy has necessitat
ed the exploration of hydrocarbons in stratigraphic traps.
The seismic technique can be effectively used to elucidate
subsurface stratigraphy and lithology. tk interpret ...
As la veil known* the earth is a great reservoir
of thermal energy which continuously flows outward towards
20 ito surfaoe at the rate of about 3.1 * 10tv calories per
year* which is considerably larger than the total ...
The present study is an endeavour to understand geohydrological
aspects eg. ,hydraulic characteristics and hydro chemistry
of the groundwaters in limestones of the GaJ and Miliolite
Formations (Tertiary and Quaternary) ...
Rocks of the Chhattisgarh Supergroup exposed in parts of Durg
an<i Raipur districts of Madhya Pradesh have been studied in detail
towards their sedimentological and hydrogeological aspects. The
Chhattisgarh Supergroup ...
The area under investigation forms a part of the
Central Himalaya in Uttarkashi District along the Bhagirathi
and Yamuna Valleys, i'he rocks exposed in the area belong to
three distinct groups s. the Garhwal Group, the ...