The solid-state negative conductance devices such as
Gunn's IMPATT's, etc. have proved to be potential sources of
millimeter and microwave power. However, when singly operated
these devices often fail to meet the power requirements of many high-power appli
cations. This has led to the development of the multiple-device oscillators.
A multiple-device oscillator is essentially constituted
by a circuit that efficiently combines :he power outpucs of
a number of oscillating devices. A global activity, extending
over more than a decade has resulted in several types of multi
ple-device oscillators. For narrow-band applications, the most
promising of these oscillators is the resonant-cavity multipledevice
oscillator. In such an oscillator, a number of osci
llating devices are coupled to a single power-combining cavity.
This thesis deals with several gaps, which exist in the
understanding of the circuit and active device influence on
the performance of a resonant-cavity multiple-device oscilla
tor. The performance of a multiple-device oscillator is charac
terized by its power-combining efficiency, power output, grace
ful degradation performance , injection-locking behaviour, noise
and the electronic tuning capability.
The objective is achieved by analytical treatment of
the effects of increasing the number of active devices and
the influence of circuit and device parameters on the various
aspects of the performance of the ^oscillator. It is found
that,as the active devices are increased in number,the powercombining
efficiency increases . This shows that an increase
in the number of active devices not only increase the avai
lable power, it also makes the system a more efficient power
combiner. The power-combining efficiency also increas
es with increase in the coupling between an individual active
device and the power-combining cavity. The optimum negative
conductance of an individual device also plays an important
role in determining the power-combining efficiency and power
output. An analysis of the graceful degradation performance
shows that, the power output degradation with the failure
of one or more of the constituent active devices is related
to the optimum negative conductance of an individual device.
Based on this analysis, a scheme for the improvement of grace
ful degradation performance by post-failure optimization of
the oscillator load conductance has been proposed. From an
analysis of the injection-locking behaviour of a resonantcavity
multiple-device oscillator, it is found that, the lock
ing range and locking gain of the oscillator are related
to the number of active devices, circuit and the device para
meters through their relations with the external-Q, Qexfc/ and
the.free running power output. Q decreases to a limiting
value, when the active devices are increased in number. This
limiting value of C jj.i1 to the quality factor of an
individual active device. Joyt -^ also influenced' by the coup(
ling between an individual active device and the cavity. A
lower Q results, when active devices of higher optimum nega
tive conductance are used. Relating the injection-locking gain
with the circuit and device parameters it is shown that, both
locking range and locking gain improve^ with increase in the
number of active devices. The improvement in locking range
is more, if the locking gain is maintained constant while
increasing the active devices in number. A consideration of
the noise in a resonant cavity multiple-device oscillator
shows that, for a critical number, Npeak, of the active devices,
the FM noise reaches a peak. This critical number of active
devices can be controlled by circuit design. When the active
devices are increased in number beyond Npeak, FM noise reduces.
AM noise also reduces as the devices are increased in number.
FM noise improves, if the active devices are loosely coupled
to the power-combining cavity. Finally, the possibility of
electronic tuning of s resonant-cavity multiple-device oscilla
tor is considered. EM : • I it! narrow bandwidth, electronic
tuning by coupling a number of varactor diodes to the power
combining cavity is suggested. An analysis is presented, which
shows that such electronic tuning of a resonant-cavity multi
ple-device oscillator is possible. This will, however, have
a tradeoff between frequency tuning range and power output.
In addition to the above studies, a critical review of
the existing literature on the research works carried out in
the area of resonant-cavity multiple-device oscillator design
and devlopment is presented in the thesis.