dc.description.abstract |
The management discourse has increasingly focused on the performance of the organizations
to meet the challenges of global competition. The performance can be enhanced when
organizations tend to restructure the process and policies through increased managerial
effectiveness. Infact, we can say that managerial effectiveness is an important factor for the
accomplishment of organizational goals and has been conceptualized in terms of
competencies, satisfaction and conflict resolution, need fulfillment and recognition.
Earlier, managerial effectiveness has been studied in terms of personality,
communication, cultures and occupational factors. But not from the perspective of work
values and perception ofjustice in the workplace. Work values (altruism, esthetics, creativity,
management, prestige, achievement, way of life, surroundings, supervisory relations,
intellectual stimulation, economic returns, security, independence, variety and associate) and
perception of justice at workplace (distributive, procedural and interactional justice)
lubricates the psychological fabric of the organization and enhances managerial effectiveness
in terms of activities of the position, achieving the results and developing further potential.
Further, perception of justice and work values in workplace determines the positive behavior
patterns along with emotional and cognitive balances while perceiving the jobs calling and
enjoying. The present study has carved the niche which focus on values and justice as one of
the significant aspects in managementdiscourse leading to managerialeffectiveness.
The purpose of the present research is to explore the effect of work values and
organizational justice on managerial effectiveness.The study has been conducted on a sample of
300 managers. The participants were chosen as purposive convenient sampling. The analysis
of the data is pertinent to Pearson's r and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis, to examine
the effect of work values and perception ofjustice on managerial effectiveness. In addition,
to examine the factor structure of the measures taken up in the study, scales were subjected to
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Kaiser's Varimax Rotation. To sum up, the
analyses have been conducted using SPSS 15.0 version for Pearson's Correlation, Stepwise
Regression Analysis and Factor Analysis.
The results have indicated a positive and significant relationship of work values and
organizational justice with managerial effectiveness. The findings have supported the nascent
viewpoint that work is central to an individual's life and perception of work values and
justice energizes individual to work in a specific direction, resulting managerial
The study provide valuable implications for the practioners, researchers and
management body to better understand the psychological needs and workplace expectations
of managers where they experience greater meaning and personal development from their
work and would prefer to call their work enjoyable and socially useful while the fulfilling
their personal aspirations with increased effectiveness. |
en_US |