DOCTORAL THESES (Earthquake Engg): Recent submissions

  • Bairwa, Lokesh Kumar (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    In seismic prospecting the detection of thin beds is intimately related to the question of vertical resolution. The extent to which a thin bed could be detected on seismic sections is related to the wavelength of seismic ...
  • Anand, Animesh (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    Ambient noise can be used to generate tomographic images that give us an idea of various geological features prevalent in the subsurface. Ambient noise is used to generate shallow depth images. Such images can be used to ...
  • Vikas (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    The scope of this work involved the estimation and analysis of source characteristics for the Himalayan earthquakes. The data is collected from the seismic network , Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology. The data includes ...
  • Bhardwaj, Rakhi (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2013-10)
    Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) system is considered as one of the real-time earthquake damage mitigation measures, which detects, analyses and transmits information of the impending ground shaking prior to the arrival ...
  • Haldar, Putul (Dept. of Eartquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2013-07)
    Reinforced Concrete (RC) framed buildings with Un-Reinforced Masonry (URM) infills are the most popular structural systems for multistory buildings in India and many other parts of the world. These buildings have shown ...
  • Ranjan, Piyush (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    The recent advancement in technology has brought about a huge amount of change in the method of design of structures. Now, apart from the gravity load carrying capacity the engineers are also concerned about the vulnerability ...
  • Rungta, Vipul (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    Tailings dams are used to impound waste tailings generated by mining activities. Failure of a tailings dam is hazardous for that region because corrosive and radioactive material in the tailing would then contaminate the ...
  • Khandelwal, Mahima (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    Short rigid piles are widely used to support structures such as wind turbines, traffic signals, jetties, transmission towers, highway overhead signs and water front structures. In order to assess the effect of L/D ratio ...
  • Sanjeev, Shinde Ninad (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-06)
    Evaluation of dynamic behaviour of sand has been of prime importance for many engineering problems such as those caused by earthquake, wind loading etc. Dynamic loads for short duration on soil cause small strain levels. ...
  • Shrimal, Devendra (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-06)
    The response of pile foundation is complex under real earthquake motion. In analysis of design forces for pile foundation, applied motion parameter play significant role. Effect of PGA and predominant frequency plays ...
  • Rana, Himanshu (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    Landslide is very catastrophic natural hazard in the Himalayan region. There are highly destructive effects on environment, wealth, life, and landscape due to landslide. These effects make it necessary to study the landslide ...
  • Agarwal, Jyoti (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    Reinforced layered soil system is generally used under the foundations, to make the weak soil like soft clay safe and stable and to avoid shear failure and excessive settlements due to static and dynamic loads. Reinforced ...
  • Garg, Aman (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    In design of High-rise buildings, the main issue is to transfer the subjected loads to the ground safely. So to prevent probable damages and to reduce the deformation, a proper design of foundation is required. In theses ...
  • Ray, Someraj (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    The presence of infill in reinforced concrete structure can extremely affect the response of structure under seismic loads. There might be a positive effect due to increase of strength and stiffness but the drawbacks start ...
  • Panwar, Mayank (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    From the past earthquakes, it has been observed that if the bridges are not properly analyzed, designed and constructed with required quality, it may lead to great destruction and loss of human lives. It has been proven ...
  • Chauhan, Ranu (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    We have studied the effect of topography including ridge and valley on Rayleigh wave characteristics. A fourth order finite difference method is used for simulations. Gabor wavelet is used as a source time function. We ...
  • Sarkar, Avirup (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    Sandwich composite panel system is an upcoming, modern day construction technology that has many advantages like low-cost, light-weight and better seismic performance. Among the different types of sandwich composite panels, ...
  • Reddy, Tiyyagura Brahma (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    It is well known fact that massive structures like dam attract lot of external interests other than engineering. It may not be always possible to build a dam on safe locations from engineering and geological point of ...
  • Bhattarai, Yogesh (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    In Industries, the cost of equipment is near about or greater than the cost of building itself. Hence earthquake resistant or safe design of equipment is as important as the safe seismic design of building. Ground response ...
  • Dabadge, Rama (Department of Earthquake Engineering IITR, 2016-05)
    Design of critical facilities such as nuclear power plant requires an accurate evaluation of seismic demands, as any failure of these facilities poses huge threat to the community. Design complexity of these structures ...