DOCTORAL THESES (Earthquake Engg): Recent submissions

  • Chidambaram, R. Siva (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2016-02)
    There is a continuous research on the behaviour of joints particularly to increase shear strength. The conventional way to enhance the joint’s shear strength is to provide increased dimension with closely spaced transverse/shear ...
  • Vandana (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2016-02)
    Observed ground motion due to an earthquake represents the combined effects of three factors: the earthquake source, the path through which the seismic waves propagate, and the characteristics of the local geological ...
  • Ahir, Nitesh (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2015-07)
    One of engineering requirements after a big earthquake is rehabilitation of damages in structures. Further, these damages can be visible or of invisible nature, and / or sometimes, it is difficult to reach the location ...
  • Sachdeva, Rajiv (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2014-12)
    Strong Ground Motion (SGM) record at a particular site during an occurrence of earthquake is a result of complex – non linear combination of many factors. For design of engineering structures for a specified region the ...
  • Kumar, Roshan (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2015-04)
    Prognosis of seismic signal has always been a great interest for the engineers and seismologists worldwide. Seismic signal represents inelastic response of the ground and structures, which are mainly characterized by the ...
  • Kadam, Sachin Balasaheb (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2015-01)
    Unreinforced masonry (URM) is one of the oldest and most widely used construction materials in the history of mankind. Like other parts of the world, there are large numbers of URM buildings in Indian subcontinent, most ...
  • Ashraf, Syed Nurussyidyn Madani Waheed (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2014-12)
    Seismic response of the structures supported on soft soil is a complex process involving inertial interaction between structure and its foundation, kinematic interaction between foundation and the surrounding soil and ...
  • Srivastava, A. K. (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2014-06)
    The rapid growth of the world’s population over the past few decades has led to a concentration of peoples, buildings and infrastructure in urban areas. Such urban development in the sedimentary plains has increased their ...
  • Tomar, Anshu (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2014-08)
    There are large number of historical brick masonry monuments in India which are required to be preserved against various natural hazards, earthquake is the most critical amongst them. Historical masonry structures were ...
  • Singh, Krishna Kant (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2014-10)
    Natural Disasters are one of the major threats to life and property and they impose serious threat to the society. Amongst the various natural disasters, earthquakes are one of the most destructive events. Earthquakes are ...
  • Roy, Narayan (Dept. of Earthquake Engineering iit Roorkee, 2015-02)
    Application of surface wave method is being increasingly used in geotechnical site characterization of near surface materials. The dispersion property, which makes the Rayleigh wave velocity frequency dependent is utilized ...
  • Das, Subarna (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    High resolution sequence stratigraphic study is conducted for the ~150 m thick tide and wave influenced Upper Barakar succession, West Bokaro Coalfield in order to delineate and reinterpret the possible controls of ...
  • Sarkar, Moloy (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    Proterozoic Saknidhar Formation is commonly considered as a transitional facies between the argillaceous Chandpur Formation and arenaceous Nagthat Formation. Stratigraphic position of Saknidhar Formation in the stratigraphic ...
  • Raj, Rohit (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    Well log analysis is conventionally carried out by visual inspection to identify different lithology and formation interfaces. However, in this study a combination of continuous wavelet transform and wavelet entropy is ...
  • Srivastava, Preetika (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    This work focuses on the integration of Seismic and petrophysical data and insights drawn out of them for reservoir characterization. The field of study is Bonanza, onshore field, lying in the northern Barmer basin. The ...
  • Usmani, Areeb (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    The aim of this project was to estimate the 1D velocity structure of the North West Himalaya and to determine accurate locations of earthquake hypocenters. Four 1D P wave velocity models from previous work of several ...
  • Khirwal, Mayank (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    In this dissertation work, I have made an effort to observe the variation in dispersion curves characteristic of the surface waves using the local earthquake data for five stations i.e. Jorhat, Agartala, Itanagar, Dibrugarh ...
  • Reja, Abhishek (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    The Tehri – Garhwal region of Uttarakhand state is of sheer importance primarily in the studies of Seismotectonics. High seismicity, elaborate and dynamic thrust system and Himalayan context have rewarded it with utmost ...
  • Chauhan, Ramesh (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    A geo-electrical imaging survey was conducted at two different slopes in Aglar watershed, for shallow site investigation in order to determine the applicability of 2-D resistivity imaging in studying the weathered profile, ...
  • Kumari, Poonam (Department of Earth Sciences,IITR., 2016)
    This study represents the delineation of gas sand reservoirs using seismic data interpretation and well log evaluation in LILY Field (Pseudo Name), Western Offshore Basin, India. The integrated study has incorporated three ...