The design seismic coefficients pxbvidsd for In the code, are quit* ss-all. Because of this,,fro;usnt upgrading of seismic zones becomes necessary as and when major earth• qua kesoccuy! In the present study, it Is shown that buildings have sufficient builtain seismic safety, so that such upgred• Mg of sei,mic one may not be viewed with a great eoncc . Such upgrading only helps the construction of new buildings on a sore rational bail s in Such areas.
Th the presort study, muitlstoray reinforced cone crate framed buildings are first analysed and designed by working stress method without consideration of wzthquake forces and the design govnned by vertical load* only. A check is than ads to determine as to how much earthquake force the buildings can safely bar under the following cons, ditions t
1. Material street just reachfng yield point
2. Structure going in the Inelastic range 3, By ultimate load Malys is.
A comparison is grade for the above three cases.
A critical review of Lg 189 s 1.970 code provisions as for as buildings are concerned is also given,