I propose to investigate the portrayal of leadership in the novels of Chinua
Achebe. My contention here is that Achebe's concern with the issue of leadership
is not confined to his non-fictional works alone; instead it turns out to be one of his
major preoccupations in all his novels. In my study, I demonstrate how these
novels present before us various models of leadership critiquing their failure in
their search for possibly the most suitable model of 'true leadership'. In my view,
Achebe's notion of true leadership is closely connected with his principle of
synthesis operational at various levels in his novels. Both the Igbo novels (Things
Fall Apart and Arrow of God) as well as the urban novels (No Longer at Ease, A
Man of the People and Anthills of the Savannah) render highly individualistic
leaders. In fact, all these novels together defy the long cherished dichotomous
position over individualism-collectivism continuum. They appear to be establishing
equal importance of both the individual and the collective. Therefore, Achebe's
true leadership in his novels stands for synthetic leadership based on his position
of individualist- collectivist synthesis. In my analysis, I examine varying shades of
individualistic leadership of Okonkwo, Euzulu, Nanga, Odili, Max and Sam on one
hand, and the collectivistic leadership of Umufia, Umuaro and Umuofia
Progressive Union on the other. I also highlight how in the last two urban novels A
Man of the People and Anthills of the Savannah the voice of the collective gets
marginalized. I point up how in his last novel Anthills of the Savannah, Achebe
tries to suggest possible solution to the highly problematized issue of leadership
facing the postcolonial state by developing the characters of Ikem and Beatrice. In
short, my critical study of Achebe's novels seeks to establish the argument that
they are not only beautiful fictions capturing historical realities, but they also offer
trenchant discourses on the issue of leadership in general and the crisis of
leadership facing the Nigerian state in particular.
Ever since the publication of Things Fall Apart in 1958, Chinua Achebe has
remained one of the most popular novelists for critics and scholars interested in
the area of African literature. And, therefore, this is hardly a surprise to find
volumes of scholarly works on his novels produced over the period of last five
decades. However, to the best of my knowledge, the significant scholarly works
on the novels of Achebe include Gerald Moore (1962), Abiola F. Irele (1967),
Solomon lyasere (1969), G. D. Killam (1969), John Povey (1971), David Cook
(1977), M. M. Mahood (1977), C. L. Innes and Bernth Lindfors (1979), E. Y.
Egblewogbe (1979), Robert M. Wren (1980), Romanus Egudu (1981), Abdul
Janmohamed (1983), Benedict Chiaka Njoku (1984), Eugene McCarthy (1985), C.
A. Babalola (1986), Allen H. Merriam (1988), C. L. Innes (1990), David Carrol
(1990), Umelo Ojinmah (1991), Simon Gikandi(1991), Kalu Ogba (1992), Kwame
Anthony Appiah (1992), Biodun Jeyifo (1993), Florence Stratton (1994), Michael
Harris (1994), Chioma Opara 0(1998), David I. Ker (1998), Solomon 0. lyasere
(1998), Angela Smith (1998), Willene P. Taylor (1998), Eugene McCarthy (1998),
Julian N. Wasserman (1998), Abdul Janmohamed (1998), Russell Mcdowgall
(1998), Abiola F. Irele (2000), Chinwe Christiana Oke-chukwu (2001), Ode Ogede
(2001), Marshall Morrison and Wideman Felicia Beckmann (2002), Ernest N.
Emenyonu (2003), Simon Gikandi (2003), Mala Pandurang (2007), Anuradha
Ghosh (2007), Mary E. Modupe Kolawole (2007), Kwadwo Osei Nyame (2007),
Roopali Sirkar (2007), Reema Kansal and Amit Sarwal (2007), Anjali Roy and
Viney Kirpal (200.7), Debashish Lahiri (2007), Russell Mcdowgall (2007), Pauline
Dodgson Katiyo (2007) and Chima Anyadike (2007).
A close scrutiny of all the scholarly works listed above draws our attention
to major trends in Achebe-criticism. These studies could be broadly classified as
postcolonial, cultural, sociological, anthropological, intertextual, autobiographical,
feminist, comparative and linguistic. However, there has not been much scholarly
attempt to foreground the philosophical underpinnings in the novels of Achebe. It
is yet to be properly explored how these texts join the debate over individualismcollectivism
continuum bringing fresh insights into the study of the relationship
between the individual and the collective. It remains to be highlighted how such
insights help these texts address the crucial issue of leadership in a very novel
and effective way. My work also highlights how Achebe adds new dimensions to
the genre of novel while dealing with the issue of leadership.
My critical analysis of the novels of Chinua Achebe is largely textual. With
the help of semiotics I try to uncover hidden meanings in these texts in order to
make my point of argument.