Education is awakening, education is knowledge and knowledge is power.
Education is preparation for life. The kind of life an individual will lead as an adult, the
kind of accomplishments a person will have between the age of 25 to 65 years are
largely affected by the type of education one has initially. It is true for a hearing
person and it is true for a deaf person as well. Not just true but very true in the sense
that for most of the deaf the formal institute of education i.e. a school is the place
from where they usually start having some sense of self-identification and self-worth.
School thus is a major component of the habilitation/rehabilitation process of the
deaf. It is said that for more than any other child, a school plays greater role in a deaf
child's life. Educational opportunities equip a deaf child with communication skills,
academic knowledge and vocational skills along with contributing to his cognitive,
social, and emotional growth and also his personality development.