dc.description.abstract |
Caught between idealisation and authenticity, Indian woman has always
captured the interest of Indian English Writers. The phallocentric world of the earlier
writers is inhabited more by the tradition-oriented women. But the concept of ideal and
real or rather, oftradition and modernity, keeps changing with time and circumstances.
The notions to set apart conventionals from non-conventionals, though well defined in
traditional Indian society, have been perpetually in a flux. Therefore, the contrastive
study of the female characters in the novels of two writers belonging to two different
generations helps in clearly bringing out the various trends and vivid changes evolved
during that time span.
In Indian context, women have always been idealised in the wake of
stereotyped images of Sita and Savitri. The literary scene in India since the publication
of Bankim Chandra Chatterjee's novel Rajmohan's Wife in 1864 has undergone avast
change. The fictional images ofwomen that emerged thereafter were subordinate and
secondary. Women characters portrayed by writers like Raja Rao, Mulk Raj Anand and
to some extent R.K.Narayan, are meek and yielding. Achange is noticed in the case of
Bhabani Bhattacharya, who presents woman as ideal and not yet so weak stereotypes.
With the arrival of the second generation of writers like Anita Desai and Shashi
Deshpande, the literary scene at the domestic front started changing. The females of
this genre of literature are comparatively bolder and conscious of their emerging
identities. The new or the modern woman as penned by writers like Namita Gokhale
and Shobha De, surpasses every patriarchal norm laid down by the conventional
society. As such, the women characters in the novels of Bhabani Bhattacharya and
Shobha De emerge as paradigms of their respective generation and therefore, the
contrast between the two, conspicuously bring forth the distinct and variegated
difference between ideal and real woman.
Bhattacharya's women characters follow the chalked out path of traditional
Indian woman. However his benevolent portrayal is evidence of his progressive attitude
towards them. Although the ideal image of Indian woman as obedient daughter,
devoted wife and sacrificing mother still dominates his fiction, they enjoy considerable
freedom due to his liberal mindset. Shobha De's fiction, on the other hand, presents
socialite women of metropolitan cities of India, especially Mumbai. Her female figures
are steps ahead of their middle class predecessors, and so identity and freedom is more
important to them than their home and family. These females are career oriented,
ambitious, individualistic and permissive. They have completely re-defined the manwoman
relationship by shedding off servile attitude towards their male counterparts.
In this context first chapter, "Women in Major Indian English Fiction", depicts
the gradual awakening of female consciousness and their protest against the male
domination in tradition-oriented society as reflected in the novels of Raja Rao,
R.K.Narayan, Bhabani Bhattacharya, Kamala Markandaya, Anita Desai, Shashi
Deshpande, Namita Gokhale and Shobha De. The changing phases are recorded
according to their portrayal as subordinate and insignificant initially and then as slightly
rebellious and identity conscious later and finally as liberated and emancipated. Thus,
the chapter is a detailed study of the Indian woman's journey from tradition to
transition and finally to modernity.
The second chapter, "Background that Shaped the Vision of Bhabani
Bhattacharya" records various factors responsible for shaping his literary genius. Along
with the western impact due to his education abroad, Tagore and Gandhi too leave
pronounced influence on his fiction, which is evident in almost all his novels.
Contemporary socio-political issues like the political upsurge against the British and
the Bengal Famine also provided him the background to some of his novels. The
charismatic personality of his wife, Salila, also gives Bhattacharya a direction to depict
Indian women into ideal mould. Bhattacharya, therefore, manifests his various ideals
through his novels.
The third chapter entitled, "Analysis of the Major Women Characters in the
Novels ofBhabani Bhattacharya" is detailed study ofall the major female characters in
his novels. The chapter highlights his female characters as largely traditional. Much to
the influence ofhis conventional background and also the conservative depiction ofhis
predecessors like Raja Rao and Mulk Raj Anand, Bhattacharya has yet gone ahead and
turned largely liberal to his female characters. The puritanical images of the selfeffacing
Sita and Savitri dominated the works ofthe writers ofhis time, yet he himself
could not completely deny the freedom to his female figures and, therefore, they are
portrayed as companions to their male counterparts and not as mere second fiddles.
The fourth Chapter titled as "Metropolitan Modernity in the Life and Time of
Shobha De", captures the life-style of the Indian socialites. The chapter also sums up
various factors, which influenced the writer in Shobha De. Influence of various western
feminists like Simone-de-Beauvoir, Kate Millet, Elaine Showalter, along with her livid
experiences as model first and later as the editor of fashion magazines like Society,
Celebrity and Stardust, serve as the background to her fiction. Contrary to the writers
who have presented idealised females in their fictional works, De portrays women of
upper class society who have outgrown the constrains of Indian prudery. She
highlights, questions and redefines the roles of women, particularly of cosmopolitan
city like Mumbai. The close acquaintance with the metropolitan life of India helped her
in describing vividly the multifaceted life-style of these socialites.
Chapter fifth, "Analysis of Major Women in the Novels of Shobha De" is a
comprehensive study of the major female characters in her six novels i.e. Socialite
Evenings, Starry Nights, Sisters, Strange Obsession, Sultry Days and Snapshots. The
chapter projects urban woman's dreams and desires and her struggle to achieve
recognition in this male dominated society. In protest against the projection of woman
as beautiful, sensitive, submissive and kind creature with single aim in her mind -
marriage and home, Shobha De presents herfemale as a creature with equal rights to be
free, and to survive as an individual being. Her educated, urban and metropolitan
women are out to claim their rights and establish their identities on their own terms.
The patriarchal norms related to marriage, sex and power are all thwarted by them.
Chapter sixth, "From Ideal to Real: Women in the Novels of Bhabani
Bhattacharya and Shobha De" sums up the findings of all the previous chapters of this
study and tries to fulfil its objectives as the contrastive study of the female characters of
Bhabani Bhattacharya and Shobha De, one as the precursor of tradition and idealism in
women on liberal plane, and the other as the forerunner in portraying women of
substance, emancipated on social, moral and intellectual front. |
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