Income inequality studies are an important aspect of economic studies. They are of
particular importance to developing countries such as India. The findings of such studies
are required for a proper assessment of the regional economic imbalance that needs to be
minimized for effective rural planning.
It is felt that the scenario in the urban sector is likely to be similar in most metropolitan
cities and towns. This may be due to the existence of almost identical job opportunities
that are common to most cities and towns. The rural and sub-urban sectors, however,
present employment scenarios that could be peculiar to the district, and may sometimes
differ from those of the towns or cities on whose periphery they may be situated. In a vast
country like India, where regional cultural diversity is varied, each region may exhibit
characteristics unique to itself. Because of this, studies that attempt examination of the
income distribution patterns in sub-urban and rural districts of various regions ,are
likely to attract interest in economics research.
To tailor the scope for an individual research problem, it is felt necessary to limit the
study to a small portion of this vast investigation and direct the study to a specific
geographical area.
In contemporary India, the concept of a pure "rural" or "urban" area is elusive. The
structure of the regional development does not permit the clear demarcation of the
boundary separating the two. It has been observed that there is hardly any village that does
not exhibit a thin trace of urbanity. Likewise, there is no urban area unaccompanied by a
rural tinge. In general, the development of any urban area gradually extends its influence
to the neighbouring areas that may be by and large "rural" comparison. Most "rural"
areas undergo a series of developments that cause them to function in later years as
somewhat underdeveloped "urban areas". It is felt therefore, that investigations into the
complexity of the economic balance in this urban-suburban/rural scenario are likely to
contribute to a better overall understanding of the economic growth within the entire
region under study.
The aim of governments of developing countries is to promote as far as possible
uniform economic growth and development in various parts of the country. This is
particularly true in developing nations in which certain parts may be developed at the
expense of others. Income studies provide necessary information that leads to improved
regional planning and framing of corrective policies.
Some of the outcome of income related studies are as follows:
(i) Income studies help in assessing the income differential existing in various sections of
the society, or within different pockets of a given region. The causes for the observed
income differential are subsequently identified and corrective measures can then be
initiated .For example, efforts can be directed to improving the lot of the weaker
sections of the society by promoting schemes to improve their living conditions.
Schemes that aim at improvements in the quality ofeducation and physical well being can
be advocated.(for example: free education, food, better job avenues and opportunities,
and other miscellaneous benefits) This practice is currently being followed in certain
developed countries
(ii) Assessment ofthe income differential levels also aids in the identification ofthe upper
income groups of the population. This section of the population can be targeted with
revised tax laws that ensure a more level distribution of income and wealth, and, can to
some extent undo the evils of wealth concentration in the hands of a few.
In developing countries such as India, the leaders were aware of this socio-economic
challenge; a hand over from the pre-independence days , whereby, a small minority
lived in ostentatious luxury while the vast majority led lives of abject poverty. They
anticipated the increase of income inequality and felt that if timely corrective steps were
not initiated to curb this destructive trend, the socio-economic stability of the country
would be greatly endangered. Accordingly, the constitution of free India framed in 1949
incorporates a clear understanding to initiate any course of action that will be conducive
to the social and economic upliftment of the country as a whole.
In the present study, the sub-urban areas of the district of the state capital of Uttar
Pradesh, namely Lucknow, have been considered. The income distribution characteristics
of the study area have been examined.
Two types ofstudies have been conducted on a suitably sized sample drawn from the
sub-urban population of the district of Lucknow.
These are:
1.Studies relating to the assessment of the income differential pattern and inequality within
the population. For this purpose, the population is grouped into various classes based on
certain criterion., and the level of inequality has been examined in relation to various
2. Studies relating to the isolation, estimation and significance of the determinants of the
income earnings within the population.
The details of the studies are briefly as follows:
Various approaches for income inequality assessment are subsequently
applied for estimating the income differential that exists within the population. The
approaches used are: statistical measures like the mean and deciles, graphical methods such
as the Lorenz curves and various income inequality measuring indices notably, the Gini
Coefficient ,the Coefficient of Variation, Standard Deviation of Logarithms and the Theil
Index. The semi-urban population is classified into the following categories for the
purpose of income differential assessment:
* Classification based on the type of the family structure
* Classification based on religion practised in the household.
* Classification based on the caste of the household.
* Classification based on the predominant occupational activity of the household.
* Classification based on the occupational diversification within the household.
* Classification based on the age of the head of the household.
* Classification based on the educational attainments of the head of the households.
The income levels of each of these classes of households are compiled and subjected to
the analysis using the selected approaches. The results and the discussions of this
analysis are then critically examined and accordingly interpreted.
Data of an effective sample of 300 households was collected using primary data
collection with the help of pre-tested schedules. The households were segregated on the
basis of their occupational characteristics (Agricultural/Non-Agricultural categories). Since
possession and utilization of land holdings are found in about 76% of the household
regardless ofthe occupational category, it was thought prudent to construct three different
models that would explain income earnings within the population. These three models are
prepared for (a) Agricultural Households (farmers) (b) Non agricultural households (c) All
households. These are designated as Model 1, Model II and Model III respectively. Each
model differs in the choice of the explanatory variables to be used, and this has accordingly
been taken into consideration in the model specifications. The independent variables can be
broadly classified as : human capital attributes ( AGH, EDU, MOBID and MOBOD),
economic characteristics ( INGAS, MALPAW, DIVOC, UGLO and ZODIN ), agroeconomic
attributes (SIZLA, IRRI, CROPA and UMCUM) and the social attributes (
Log-linear based (OLS) models have been considered. The dependent variable (income
earnings) is regressed upon relevant identified independent variables. The models are pre
tested/corrected for multicollinearity and the "dummy variable trap". The models were
further tested for the presence of heteroscedasticity, using the Bruesh-Pagan test. All the
three models were found to be free from problems ofheteroscedasticity at alevel a =0.05
The findings ofthe study indicated that in each model different variables turned out to be
of statistical significance. In Model I, 8variables turned out to be statistically significant. These
shows statistical significance for 4variables, namely. RELIG, INGAS, MOBID and MOBOD.
Model III has 7statistically significant variables, namely, RELIG,CASTE 1,INGAS ,DIVOC
The significance of the various variables were reviewed in relation to the characteristics of the
region and theprobable factors influencing the findings were discussed.
A comprehensive review of the overall findings is finally presented and policy
measures guided by the findings are suggested for improvements in the socio-economic
structure of the study area.