The prolonged hostilities between high culture and low
culture which commenced with the opening up of canons by Leslie
Fiedler, Russel Nye and others finally drew to a close in the
1960s: though academia still resonates with remembered"
reverberations of this uncomfortable tension. Popularity as a
sociological phenomenon and its aesthetic manifestation in every
form of creativity-art, music, literature, media, among othersnow
forms the focus of close scrutiny under the purview of
culture studies.
As the study of popular culture emerged into its own, it
developed a separate and distinct code of aesthetics. The seminal
work of John Cawelti established the presence of •formula' in
popular fiction, such as the detective story, the western, the
romances, the melodrama and science fiction.
The simplification and trivialization of highly theoretical
and densely intellectual concepts that popular culture indulges
in gives it its characteristic essence. A similar simplification
of the academic discipline of ethnography takes place in the
fiction of James Michener, who adopts the ethnographer's stance
and democratizes cultural anthropology through his novels.
Ethnography which is the (tool arh' of cultural anthropology
consists in recording exotic and alien cultures on one hand and
examining the socio-cultural fabric of civilization on another.
The primary task of the ethnographer involves a close study of a
particular group or community with an objective scientific
temper. The data thus collected is then used to analyse different
aspects of that culture.
Clifford Geertz in Work and Lives j. The Anthropologist as
Author, suggests that almost all literature in so far as it
operates within a socio-cultural context and contains a
sociological document, is in some sense ethnography. Thus at one
level the author is an ethnographer and vice-versa. This lends a
sociological bias to the study of literature.
A sociologist by training and the creative writer by
vocation, James Michener emerges as a forger synthesizing the two
intellectual cultures in his popular best-sellers. He
substantiates Geertz's postulate of an ethnographer and writer,
exploiting brilliantly the tangential point of contact between
literature and ethnography.
Michener was born in New York in 1907. After graduating from
Swathmore College, he spent two years studying in Europe. He
returned to America to study and teach at Colorado State College,
Greeley. Michener took up his writing career at the age of fortyone,
after World War-II which provided an impetus by
introducing him to the enchanting Hawaiian islands. His first
novel Tales of South Pacific won the Pulitzer Prize in 1948. This
success was followed by scores of fiction and non-fiction works.
Michener's interests are spread horizontally covering vast
geographical areas in his fiction. His novels are located all
over the globe in which he deals with divergent racial and
cultural groups far removed from each other in everyway. In
writing sociohistorical docudramas, Michener's method involves a
journey to these places where he sets up temporary residence. Hr
meets with experts and interacts with the local people and
attempts to grasp at the very essence of the culture, to examine
its roots and explain its present condition from a historical
retrospective point of view.
To narrow down his immense geographical dimensions, this
study seeks to explore only four of Michener's novels : namely,
Chesapeake, Centennial. Texas and Hawaii. All the four novels
subscribe to the typical Michenerian formula of epic sagas from
antiquity to present day. More importantly, these novels are
based on areas within the U.S.A., making this project an
investigation restricted to Michener's American novels alone.
Despite the fact that Michener has contributed so over
whelmingly to contemporary American popular fiction,
unfortunately no sustained critical study has been attempted on
him. During the course of investigations and consultations
it was disappointing to find that there is a complete absence of
scholarship of any sort on this author, barring three books,
biographical in nature.
The meagre secondary material used has been gleaned from book
reviews and career and personality profiles. Periodicals and
articles on him range from the New York Times Book Review and
Contemporary Author Series to Women's Weekly and Reader's Digest
magazines hardly scholarly in content or intent. Awareness of
these constraints and limitations, has led this project to
introduce a fascinating author to the academic world and to open
up a relatively fresh area of study within the parameters of
popular culture.
This project is divided into six chapters.The first chapter
will be introductory in nature where apart from introducing the
author a general idea of the two theoretical contexts will be
given. This chapter will also explain the choice 6f subject and
justify its need with possible results.
Chapter-II will make an overall study of popular culture,
especially popular literature, with special reference to its
aesthetic and literary genres. It will also take a broad look at
ethnography and try to determine its relationship with
Chapter-Ill will focus two of Michener's four novels
selected for this study, namely Chesapeake and Centennial. Apart
from looking at the specific characteristics of these two novels
an attempt will be made to extract the voice of the ethnographer:
how Michener dons the mantle of the ethnographer and weaves its
into his narrative fabric. Chapter-IV will be devoted to the
scrutiny of the remaining two novels-Texas and Hawaii.
The project disregards the chronological order in which the
novels were published. These novels have been rearranged
according to historical chronology for the purposes of this
study. As this project seeks to examine the unstated posturings
of a popular novelist as an ethnographer the chronology of
ethnohistory of the U.S.A. as it emerges in its progress towards
modernity beco mesof paramount interest. This methodology is more
akin to that used by the social sciences than the humanities.
However, in this case it may be regarded as yet another
amalgamation of the two opposing camps in furthuring the cause of
popular culture.
Chapter-V will briefly evaluate the style and structure of
Michener's novels. Their artistic value in terms of plots,
characters, narrative techniques, their strengths and weaknesses
will be scrutinized.
The concluding Chapter-VI will evaluate the overall worth
of Michener as a creative writer and study his artistic, moral
and ethical convictions. The vision of the writer and his
purpose will also be explored.
This Chapter will also examine whether or not, Michener may
be called an ethnographer masquerading as a popular novelist or
vice-versa? How far does Michener live up to the designation of
ethnographer that this project seeks to confer upon him? These
are the questions that the project seeks to answer.