Caustic soda is one of the important chemicals which have contributed sig
nificantly to the growth of chemical and other allied industries. An ever increasing de
mand pattern for this important chemical in India is primarily due to its increasing use in
major industries such as the textile, pulp& paper, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride (PVC),
pharmaceutical, dye stuffs, soap and detergents, and fertilizers etc. to name a few. The most
common method of its production in India is by the electrolysis of common salt.
Duringthis process, chlorine and hydrogenare produced as by-products. Withthe production of
one MT of caustic soda, 0.89 MT of chlorine and 25 kg of hydrogen gases are produced.
Chlorine is used for the production of importantchemicalssuch as DDT, BHC, PVC,bleach
ing powder, paper and paper board, dyes, rayon tyre cord, aluminum, pharmaceutical, petro
chemicals, fertilizers and is also used in water treatment. Further, it is also converted into
hydrochloric acid for the manufacture of ammonium chloride, ossein, phosphoric acid and for
pickling. Hydrogen is used "in house" as fuel to the furnaces or is consumed in the pro
duction of hydrochloric acid and hydrogenated oils sold as vegetable fats (vanaspati) for
cooking purposes.
Production of caustic soda started in India in the year 1941 with two 5 TPD (tonne
per day) plants. The number ofplants grew to 44 in 1994 with a total installed capacity
of 1312500 MT/year. During its growth, the industry faced a number of challenges suc
cessfully including the dumping ofcaustic soda at unrealistic price by Saudi Arabia. The produc
tion of this vital chemical is also constrained by severe power cuts, obsolescence of
technology, provision ofsafety regulations, and overriding environmental considerations.
In India, caustic soda is manufactured through four processes:
(i) Chemical
(ii) Membrane cell
(iii) Mercury- Amalgam
(iv) Diaphragm cell
The amount of caustic soda produced through chemical, mercury cell, dia
phragm cell, and membrane processes is 0.6%, 74.4%, 4.6% and 20.4% respectively of
the total caustic soda produced in India. Out of these processes, the chemical process is the
oldest while the membrane cell process is the most advanced, environment friendly
and cost effective. With this background in mind the present study was undertaken to assess the
current status of the industry and what future awaits it.
Statement of the Problem
Thecausticsoda i.e., Sodium hydroxide is a strong alkaline chemical compound. It is an
important industrial reagent chemical used in the production of a large number of chemicals,
and is manufactured by electrolysis ofcommon salt. The processes used for manufacturing caus
tic soda, as mentioned above, are radically different in terms of production costs, power con
sumption as well as in terms of the level of pollution.
Caustic soda, being one of the most demanded alkalies, is also referred to as mother
chemical and has, by implication, strong linkage with the production prospects of other
chemicals. As has already been mentioned, while producing caustic soda, two important byproducts
i.e., chlorine and hydrogen, having high utility, are also generated. The cost ofpro
duction of chlorine is lowest when it is obtained as a by-product in the process of caustic soda
production. Hence chlorine and caustic soda are strongly related to each other and the produc
tion of both is of interdependent nature. Besides being used as an important ingredient in the
production of PVC, chlorine is also a powerful disinfectant and germicide. Its use as a water
treatment chemical to stop water borne diseases like typhoid, cholera are well known. Chlorine
is also a major ingredient for the manufacturingofrefrigerants. These refrigerants are also
used effectively in cosmetics and other products. Chlorine has a power to bleach colours and
hence is used effectively in the manufacturing of paper.
The above mentioned interdependence may prove to be advantageous if the
demand for both the products rises at the same rate. In the absence of such a situation, higher
demand and consequently the production of either of these would lead to accumulation
of the inventories of the lesser demanded product. Such a phenomena may be problematic if
such a situation persists for a longer time. It invariably leads to the conclusion that to witness a
healthier growth ofcaustic soda industiy, the demand for caustic soda as well as that of
chlorine should change roughly at the same rate and in the same direction. In case the caustic
industry fails to maintain this balancing act under market pressure it has to resort to other
strategies to maintain the balance. This could probably bedone either byexpanding the existing
industries which use more of currently lesser demanded product or by exploring new av
enues to absorb the excessive supply which might take place on account of greater demand
and consequently greater production ofanother bye-product. Besides Chlorine, hydrogen is
another bye-product which is generated during the production ofcaustic soda-an aspect al
ready touched upon..
The liberalisation wave which is sweeping through the world as well asthrough India and
the consequent entry of many multinational and quasi-multinational firms in chemical indus
tries in India is likely to change thedemand composition ofmany a chemicals, including that of
the caustic soda, chlorine and hydrogen. This change in the over all scenario calls for a fresh
assessment and the appraisal of the demand and supply conditions in the near as well as in the
distant future so that necessary adjustments couldbe planned well in advance. It is with this view,
the present study has been pursued.
The Study
Although the importance of the caustic soda industry has been widely recognized, no
noticeable attempts seemed to have been made to ascertain the basic determinants ofthe growth
ofcaustic sodaindustry and the impact of forward andbackward linkages onthedemand for this
vital chemical especially under the changed scenario of liberalisation. Such an analysis will
also help in maximizing the growth rate of this and related industries by making precise de
mand forecasts. In addition, the existing gap between the installed and the utilized capaci
ties can also be avoidedby meticulous planningwell ahead of time.
In the perspective ofthe problem outlined in the preceding section the following ob
jectives have been formulated for the present study:
1. To investigate the forward as well as backward linkages of caustic soda industry so as
to assess implications for the growth of caustic soda industry.
2. To explore determinants for the growth ofcaustic soda industry.
3. To forecast demand ofcaustic soda for the period 1995-2005 .
4. To offersuggestions, having important policy implications.
In order to achieve the aforesaid objectives, the research methodology adopted is dis
cussed below:
Research Methodology
A description of research methodology adoptedfor the chloro-alkali industry manu
facturing caustic soda and chlorine is detailed below:
Phase I. Study ofthe background infonnation related to the end use of caustic soda and
bye-products in India. This survey is imperative to develop understanding ofthe over all picture.
Phase II. Focus on the likely determinants which influence the growth of caustic soda and
its bye-products.
Phase III. Development of a regression model to short list the relevant determinants
and to assess their significance.
(i) The Data
The study heavily draws upon secondary data obtained from various sources. Those
worth mentioning are: Alkali manufacturers association of India, Bombay (AMAI), Chemi
cal weekly, Chemical Engineering World, Indian data base, In house publications of differ
ent chloro-alkali industries like, DCM (Delhi Cloth Mill) chemicals works, Delhi, Govern
ment of India publications, such as infonnation made available by the council of scientific
and industrial research, ministry of sciences and technology, etc.
(ii) The Analytical Procedure
Although simple tabular analysis has been used yet the multiple regression analy
ses is the main plank of the present study. The regression equations were tested for specifi
cation error, if any. The estimates of multiple regression analyses were also tested for
multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity and autoconelation. Problems emanating from
simultaneous relationship(s) and/or multicollinearity amongst the explanatory variables, were
detected by the zero restriction method. Similarly, for detecting auto-conelation through
the Durbine-Watson test, a frequent problem in time series data, Cochrane-Orcutt procedure has
been used which proved helpful in removing the distortion from auto-conelation.
Major Findings
1. The multiple regression model designed for the consumption ofcaustic soda highlightsthat
four explanatory variables i.e. paper and paper board (PPB), soap and detergent (SOPDT),
news print (NP), aluminum (ALU) are statistically significant and play a major role in
determining the growth ofthis industiy.
2. The multiple regression model developed for the consumption of Chlorine brings to the
fore the statistical significance ofpulp and paper (P&P), poly vinyl chloride (PVC), chemi
cal inorganic (CHEI) and hydro chloric acid (HCL) industries in influencing the growth of
the Chlorine industiy.
3. The projections regarding the demand for caustic soda for the coming 11 years i.e.
1995-2005 show that, other things remaining the same, the demand for this product is
likely to grow, on an average, at the rate of 2.7% per annum. This suggests that unless
new uses/markets for caustic soda are developed/ located, the potential for capacity ex
pansion is minimal. Given the condition that a majority of the plants are still using out
dated techniques, modernization at the moment seems to be the best alternative.
4. Projections pertaining to chlorine show that the growth of this chemical is likely to be
around 3.14%per annum . This average is a little higher than the projected growth rate
ofdemand for caustic soda
Consistent with the above findings and policy implications there of, recommendations havebeenmade for revampingand maximising the use ofcaustic soda and bye-product industries.