dc.description.abstract |
this thosis is onsMsapt to study mm aspects
of the pulsation of fluid siasses and is divide) in too
ports* the nain port deals with the pulsation theory of
Cepheid variableu* the equation for nail, adlabatlc
and radial oscillations is derived in the first chapter
and the solution is obtained for three oodels, include
iau a latest stellar no el representing early aain
stars* the third and fifth chapters deal yitfc
pulsations* la the sixth chapter, the
pulsational stability of the early sola sequence star
mkw) 9tnsu«nnAt
In part two, the equation is developed for
eaall adlabalc oecillations of an electrically conduct*
inw, infinite cylinder in presence of a Magnetic field
parallel to its axis* the solutions are obtained for
throe different confi^rations. In two of the con*
figurations the density varies uith the distance fron
the axis of the cylinder*
the work, presented hero, is original research
by the author except sections 1*3, 1*3, 3*3, 3*3, 6*2
and 7*3 which hare boon put in to present a connected
account of the whole* The material of chapter I is in
continuation of the work, started by tot, C* Prasad* It
includes the first three cases, submitted by hia in his
t>*Phil* thesis at oxford end sens further work, but six
oases out of the twelve have bean completely worked out
by the author* It is being published in the Monthly
notices of the Royal Astronomies! society* Chapter VII
has been accepted for publication in the Indian Journal
of HatheaaUcs and chapters fill and XX in the Proceed*
lngs of the national Institute of sciences (India)* the
material of chapters fll to IX was also presented at
the 48th* session of the Indian Science Congress held
at Roorkee in January, 1961 |
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