Solid waste management is one among the basic essential services provided by municipal authorities in the country to keep urban centers clean. However, it is among the most poorly rendered services in.the basket—the systems applied are unscientific, outdated and inefficient; population coverage is low; and the poor are marginalized. India is the second most populated country in the world with 1.2 Billion populations and also the second fasted growing economy. For the first time since Independence, the absolute increase in population is more in urban areas that in rural areas. Rural – Urban distribution is 68.84% & 31.16%. Level of urbanization increased from 27.81% in 2001 Census to 31.16% in 2011 Census. The proportion of rural population declined from 72.19% to 68.84%. The decadal growth rate of population from 2001 to 2011 is 17.59% and at the same rate, the population will be approx. 1673.73 million in 2031, and urban population at the decadal growth rate 31.82%, will be approx. 665 million by 2031.
There are total 423 class I cities in India which have population more than 100000. Class I cities include 7 mega cities (which have a population of more than 4 million), 28 metro cities (which have a population of more than 1 million), and 388 other towns (which have a population of more than 100,000). The class I cities alone contribute to more than 72.5 percent of the total municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in urban areas. Per capita waste generation in India is about 0.46 kg (MOUD, 2005) and as a general assumption at present population, total waste generation in India is about 556600 MTpd, and this is expected to rise to 769916 MTpd by 2031. According to the report by World Bank, it will be 440,460 tonnes/day by the year 2026 (Hoornweg & Laura, 1999).
This high increase in the amount of Municipal Solid Waste generated is due to economic growth, changing lifestyles, food habits and living standards of the urban populatiori. The collection efficiency ranges between 70% and 90% in the major metro cities in India, whereas in several smaller cities, the collection efficiency is much below 50% (CPHEEO, 2000). The majour problem of the waste management is its disposal system and, it has been observed that Indian cities dispose of their waste in open dumps located in the outskirts of the city. This creates major problems to environment and public health. Further, the financial and infrastructural constraints, which includes, non-availability of land for sanitary landfill sites, and the lack of awareness to public as well as the municipal employees also creates major hurdles in safe waste management system.
Jaipur better known as the 'Pink City', is the capital and largest city of the Indian state of Rajasthan. The city was founded in 1727 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh for the population of approx 50000 and now it accommodates more than 3 million people. According to National Urban Sanitation Policy-
2008, Jaipur is ranked at 230th position out of total 423 cities surveyed in sanitation condition. The worst affected urban service in the city is the solid waste management.. Solid waste management is one-of the major headaches for any municipal corporation in India and Jaipur is also one of the examples of most neglected waste management system. The waste generation in Jaipur city is around 1200 MTpd and the collection efficiency is about 80% (JMC), which is projected to rise 3643 MTpd by 2021 (CDP, 2006) . Development research group also figured out the waste generation around 1740 MTpd and collection efficiency to only 50%. There is one treatment plant also, with private sector partnership (Grasim Industries) a new refuse derived fuel paletization unit has been set up Lengriyawas sanitary landfill site with 500mtpd capacity. Due to poor collection of MSW and several operational problems, this plant is not able to run its full capacity. Most of the waste is disposed in three uncontrolled open landfills sites at the outskirts of the city. In absence of proper sanitary landfill sites, these landfills are a major source of groundwater contamination and air pollution. In this report, author tried to figure out this most neglected system in India and carried out a special study of waste management in Jaipur city. The report compiled with the study of different types of waste, waste generation phenomenon in different countries, the differences in the waste generation rates and common waste management practice in India and abroad. The report has general introduction to Jaipur city with its geography, demography, climate, economy and infrastructures. The national urban sanitation policy has mentioned Jaipur as the worst sanitized city in India which also mentioned in the report with all the details of the policy. A detailed study has been carried out to understand the real situation of solid waste management in Jaipur city and current scenario with every stage of the system. The current waste management system in Jaipur and its effects has been discussed and finally the guidelines and proposals for better waste management system with special considerations to walled city have been given in the last section of the report.
Jaipur is one of the best planned cities in the world, but it is also a sour truth that the city is one of the worst managed cities in the world. The worst affected urban service in the city is the solid waste management. Solid waste management is a worldwide phenomenon. It is a big challenge all over the world for human beings. Solid waste. management.is also one of the most ignored services in Indian cities. Jaipur is one of the top city in terms of per capita waste generation in India.-Some of these wastes have been proved to be extremely toxic and infectious. One of the worst about Jaipur's waste management is its open dump phenomenon. The uncontrolled and unscientific dumping of such wastes has brought about a rising number of incidents of hazards to human health. The city also generates lots of commercial waste which includes hazardous waste also. The management is not following strict rules and regulations for segregation and disposal of these wastes. More serious
risk to human health is envisaged due to contamination of surface and ground water. The problem of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is also prevailing throughout the urban environment of Jaipur and need to improve at the large scale. The old city, one of the Heritage structure on Indian urban environment is worst affected area of negligence. The city is one of the best commercial hub in the state but it has worst affected area due to negligence of proper management. Therefore the present study was taken to find out the problems and prospects of Municipal solid waste in Jaipur city.
This study examined the present status of waste management in India, Waste management practices in India and abroad, legal frameworks applicable in waste management in India, plastic nightmare and its effects on public health and the environment, and the prospects of introducing improved means of disposing municipal solid waste (MSW) in India.
This report is the result of one year of research and includes data collected from the literature, communication with professionals in India, and field investigations by the author in Jaipur. One field visit in Jaipur over a period of one week covered waste management practice in Jaipur city and disposal site assessment. The visit included travelling to informal recycling hubs, waste dealers shops, composting facilities, unsanitary landfills, and Jaipur municipal corporation office. The visit provided the opportunity to closely observe the impact of waste management initiatives, or lack thereof, on the public in Jaipur.
The main objective of the study was to find out the current situation of waste management practice in Jaipur and compare it with the legal framework in India. The guiding principle of this study is that "responsible management of wastes must be based on Solid Waste Management and Handling rules 2000". The Solid waste management handling rules 2000. compliance report by P. U. Asnani shows that the Municipal Corporations in India are far behind from implementing the regulations and Jaipur is also one of these.
In the final section of the report, a proposal for municipal solid waste management has been given with special consideration to walled city. A proposed locations of community bins (which include three colours bins for collection of biodegradable, non-biodegradable and recyclable materials) and vehicles routes to collect the waste from these bins have been marked. The proposal includes both the general guidelines for solid waste management practices and a specific planning for the waste management in walled city Jaipur..........