Thesis title:
This `Abstract' is to render a synoptic overview of the topic, contents, constitutional structure, organizational sub divisions and conceptual motive of this research
Proportions are relationship of part to the whole and whole to the part. It has been used to define parameters of design in architecture since ages. Proportioning system developed in architecture over a period of time which was evolved, refined and reconstituted during Renaissance period. Significance of theory of proportions and its adaptation in practice peaked during Renaissance period.
Andrea Palladio (1508-1580 A.D.) was renaissance period architect from Italy who wrote his theory of architecture in four books of I Quattro Libri Dell' Architecttura' (written and published in 1570 A.D. Translated into English as `The Four Books of Architecture'). His theory encompasses the gist of theories of his predecessors and transcends beyond to give a theory which could be universally employed to give meaning to dimensions used in architecture.
As the title of the thesis suggests; aim of this academic exercise with theoretical research base is to develop understanding of Palladio's proportional theory (with respect to his villa plans) in the fast book of the I Quattro Libri Dell'Architecttura' and its implementation in villa plans of the second book. It is a research in architectural design theory related to use of proportions in residential planning.
The research could be broadly classified in three parts as follows.
The first part of the research interweaves a theoretical backdrop that laid the theoretical
foundation of Renaissance architecture with investigation of principles of sound
formation by Pythagoras (Greek philosopher and mathematician; 6th Century B.C.), philosophy of Principles of composition of world and soul in 'Timaeus' by Plato (Greek philosopher; 427-347 B.C.), the Theory of Proportions based on study of human anatomy by Vitruvius (Roman architect and engineer; 1st Century B.C.) from his book 'De Architectura' (translated into English as `The Ten Books On Architecture'), Theory of Proportion (ratios) for architecture based on `means', double and triple proportions from Pythagorean Lambda by Leon Battista Alberti (Italian architect; 1404-1472 A.D.) from his book 'De Re Aedificatoria' (written during 1450-1452 A.D., published in 1485 A.D. Translated into English as `The Ten Books Of Architecture').
Part two encompasses Theory of Proportion by Andrea Palladio's from his book one of 'I Quattro Libri Dell' Architecttura' and investigates implementation of his theory in his villa plans illustrated in book two of 'I Quattro Libri Dell' Architecttura'. The analysis of plan is divided into four parts. First part sets all Palladian Villa plan plates to a scale for comparative overview. Second part redraws all plates to set parameters of wall thickness, door and window size to judge missing dimension and typographical errors of wood cut prints of plates in book two. To understand proportional constitution of plan; in step three all the plans are abstracted to line diagrams. The section four of analysis is to regenerate and reconstruct Palladian villa plans on the assumption of modem day construction technologies of this part of the world (Ahmedabad city, Gujarat state, India) to rekindle planning grammar of Palladio for contemporaries.
The third part of the research shows the adaptation of Palladian Theory of Proportion (seven room ratios) in contemporary context and comparative study with other theories of proportions with aid of test applications. Contemporary test applications are analyzed with help of line diagrams as done in analyzing Palladian plans to observe difference in adaptation of same theory in modern day application and see how contemporary construction material and methods can mold same theory to generate visually different planning grammar.
These three parts of the thesis could be understood as constituted by following major eight sections of study.
1 a) The study begins with developing a comprehensive understanding of proportioning systems from pre Renaissance period to have brief idea of major proportioning systems that may have influenced evolution of Palladian theory of Proportions.
lb) The study then delves into theories of proportions developed by Palladio's predecessors of theory namely Pythagoras, Plato, Vitruvius and Alberti that laid the foundation for the formation of Palladio's theory of proportions.
2a) Investigation of Palladio's theory of room ratios follows this. This gives in-depth understanding of Palladio's theory of planning proportions.
2b) This is strengthened with in-depth investigation of Palladian theory of proportion in his Villa plans through systematic drawings and enlists proportions followed in Palladian villa plans.
2c) To analyze the proportions used by Palladio with its derivation and interpretation.
3 a) Through set of works from contemporary Indian architecture from Ahmedabad; the thesis aims to demonstrate the adaptability of Palladian theory of seven room ratios in modern day architecture that can function with backdrop of modern day planning requirements, construction method and materials. This is mainly a step to propagate Palladian theory of seven room ratios in new age design thought and practice.
3b) To have a comparative overview of similarities between Palladio's theory of proportion and other related theories of proportions, this thesis studies 'Modulor' by Le Corbusier and Vastu Shahstra. This is taken up to deduce parallel between residential planning grammar of one modern and one ancient theory of proportions with respect to Palladio's theory of planning proportion to set an example that could be presided and enhanced through future extension of this research.
3c) Conclusions presents a palette of proportions; defined, suggested or derived on the basis of Palladio's theory of proportion and theory of proportions by his predecessors. This palette and the table of computed dimensions (presented in appendix 2 and 3) those
are proportionally related render an opportunity for architects and designers of various fields to formulate their planning grammar.
Appendix to this research is in four parts. First part presents bibliographical highlights and summery of prime works of Pythagoras, Plato, Vitruvius, Alberti and Palladio. Second part documents table of dimensions (in foot and inch with their decimal equivalent values) based on Palladian Theory of Proportions as ready reference for designers to derive proportional designs. Third part of appendix documents table of room height (in foot and inch with their decimal equivalent values) based on Palladian Theory of Proportions as ready reference. Part four presents all Palladian plates from 'I Quattro Libri Dell' Architecttura' book two in its original form; unaltered to have an idea of Palladian design ideology and presentation technique. For better understanding they have been numbered and titled which is missing in Palladio's original plates.
Conclusively; Palladio's theory of seven room ratios has been studied, schematically abstracted, pragmatically inferred and consciously adopted in practice. Largely; a step to revive a fading thought and theory of design from receding into oblivion- a stimulant to resurrect a practical tool of design in architectural theory and practice.
Integrity of Palladio's theory of seven room ratios is to be learned, shared and transmitted.