In India, growth of urban population during the past decade indicates higher growth for metro cities. There are 7 mega cities (4 million plus) and 28 metropolitan cities in the country. The urban population has been growing at a much higher rate than the total and the rural population and as a result, its proportion in the total population has increased from 10.85 percent in 1901 to about 27.78 percent in 2001. Ell
Rapid urban development and increasing- land use changes due to increasing population and economic growth in developing cities need attention of the physical planners. Increasing congestion in cities because of increase in population and in-migration owing to urbanization has resulted in deformation of growth of cities. The cities are expanding in all directions resulting in large-scale urban sprawl and changes in urban land use. During the phase of rapid expansion the largest share of total growth is accounted by the fringe area as urban sprawl, ribbon development, or leapfrog development. The spatial pattern of such changes is clearly noticed on the urban fringes or city peripheral rural areas, than in the city centre. Inadvertently this is resulting in increase in the built up area and associated changes in the spatial urban land use patterns causing loss of productive agricultural lands, forest cover, other forms of greenery, loss in surface water bodies, depletion in ground water aquifers and increasing levels of air and water pollution.
Bhopal is the capital of Madhya Pradesh and is nerve center of the socio-economic and political life of the state. Today it is among the fastest growing cities of India. Rapid social change has forced small agricultural communities to adjust to an urban or industrial way of life in a very short time. the urban growth dynamics consists of
increasing intensity of use of land in .: already developed areas, filling of undeveloped pockets of land within the developed areas, development on the
periphery of developed areas, and merger of outlying settlements as the developed areas expand. Most of the time, especially during the phase of rapid expansion of the city, the largest share of total growth is accounted by the development in the fringe areas. Environmental stresses in peri-urban areas of Bhopal are related to the spread nature of pen-urban settlement, pollution from a variety of industrial and residential sources, increase in traffic on roads & inadequate infrastructural resources to cope with the rapid development.
Following issues have been distinguished as topics for research. The first of these concerns the need to refine the concepts relating to rural-urban fringes and rural transformation due to urbanization. Land-use issues and the pressing problem of how land degradation should be interpreted in a rural-urban fringe. How local and extra-local influences interact to determine land-use patterns in the peri urban areas. The final part discusses the environmental implications of the growth of metropolitan cities for the urbanizing villages.
The aim of this thesis is to study the growth pattern of peri urban development of Bhopal, to develop alternative model for peri urban development of Bhopal.
1.3.2 Objectives
With aims in view, following set of objective have been identified for this study:
• To refine the concepts relating to urban rural fringe and peri urban transformation due to urbanization
• To analyze how local and external factors interact to determine land-use patterns
• To identify the drawbacks of present peri urban development of Bhopal
To develop alternative models for pen urban development of Bhopal through recommendation and policy guidelines......