In the ancient times man used to live in the small settlements called village .In the process of development settlements grew larger. People congregated and settlements grew larger.
At that time human settlements were small and simple in nature. There was not much problem of maintenance. Man led simple life; he lived on the mercy of nature. Nature maintained and balanced the ecology of settlements. Even today there are not much maintenance problems in the villages.
Nature balances itself or it can be said that nature is able to balance itself. Nature needs time to balance itself but today the production of the waste is too fast for tho nature to balance it. When man used to live in villages he was near nature. There was no problem of waste management system because there was plenty of space in and around villages or even the small towns the settlements were built having enough spaces in and-around them.
After industrialization the situation changed due to industrialization, industries were set up in the towns, people concentrated in the towns. They concentrated here in search of employment better living conditions. Thus cities grew and became larger. More the industrialization larger was the town. More number of people wanted to live in sn►all area thus the density of the towns increased. Society got complex, the rural characteristic of the villages disappeared. Urban society came into existence. Various type of institutions, functions took place in the towns or cities .The society became complex. In the same area various types of activities were performed. Thus the cities became complex in nature.
Now, the complex functioning of the cities gave rise to many maintenance problems. It is beyond the capacity of the nature to maintain the ecology of the city because it acquired complex form.
Among the various problems which arose in the cities were the waste disposal whish is one of the ecological problems of the modern human settlements.
It is the law of the energy that it can not be generated nor destroyed. Only the form changes. It is same with the physical matters. In the complex society man consumes more and more energy and physical matters. During the transfer of energy from one stage to some energy is wasted. Which is the waste product? Same is with the physical matters. More will be the consumption more will be the by products or wastes. Now a day it is fashionable to consume more. The development of any country is measured in the consumption of energy steel, cement, petrol, food, products, processed food products, garments etc. this will lead to production of waste. So we can make conclusion that more number of activities will produce more waste.
When waste is produced more then it has to be managed more efficiently. Large
is the city more quantity of waste will be produced. So in larger city management of solid waste is much desired. The production of waste is directly proportional to population. So in dense area where large numbers of people live in small area the waste will be produced more in comparison to same area having lesser population.
Due to rapid growth in population cities are growing larger and denser. Cities are getting polluted due to the production of various type of wastes produced in the city. Among the pollutants-solid waste has its major role:
Unfortunately in India, the issue of solid waste management has not attained its
due attention. Ill managed, corrupt, inefficient municipal bodies don't pay much attention to this problem. Sometimes infectious diseases spread rapidly claming number of lives. In the spread of the infectious diseases the dirt in the city acts as catalyst. Solid waste among the residential areas act as birth place of harmful virus and bacteria. The health and environment of city depends on cleanliness of the city.
Some years ago her highness the queen of England visited our country. During
her visit she was passing through roads of Delhi. She used handkerchief to cover her nose. Her comment was that Delhi is dirty and smells bad. Her comment was national shame for us. We can easily imagine that if the municipal bodies are not efficient in National capital what will be the condition of the other smaller cities. How efficient will they be?
It is well established fact that the public health is directly related to management of solid. Plague attacks in modern Ladia neglects the technological advancements in India. Decision makers, administrations technocrats and planners should pay due attention to this problem.......