Petri nets (PN) have aroused considerable interest
during the recent years as a model, primarily to represent
and study concurrent systems. This thesis deals with the PN
approach to design and development of modern computer systems.
In particular several aspects of the development of PN theory,
its applications to some problems of computer systems and to
the problem of optimization in microprogrammed computers have
been proposed.
Much of the available work on PN is scattered over
various reports, dissertations and journals. The review chapter
brings together the existing literature in a coherent manner
so as to aid a reader in subsequent chapters.
The design and development of a system demand that a
knowledge about' bhe model be known .For this reason, the
reachability tree technique and state equation for Petri nets
have been proposed by earlier researchers. However, there are
many unsolved problems in PN theory. For example, analysis of
large PN i s generally cumbersome or even impracticable. It is
possible to build complex nets with desired properties from
smaller nets, the analysis of which can easily be managed.
This involves interconnection of nets. It is shown in this
thesis how smaller nets could be connected in cascade or in
parallel to preserve same properties. 4 state equation approach
has been exploited for this purpose.
Another well-known problem concerning the analysis of
PN is the lack of information of firing sequences and existence
of spurious solutions of corresponding state equations. This
problem is studied and an algorithm is proposed to find minimal
legal firing sequenc.es to transform a given marking into another
given marking.
It is a well established fact that PN can not model, as
such, systems in which interruption or priorities are involved.
Many extensions have earlier been proposed but they are either too
specific or provide inadequate analysis technique. In this thesis
such limitations in modeling capabilities of PN are overcome by
proposing an inventor transition in which the token at output
place is the complement of the token at input place. All the
logic operations have been modeled by PN with additional invertor
transitions. To analyse these, a generalized state equation is
developed. It is also shown that state equation of PN proposed
earlier by Murata is a special case of generalized state equation.
The state equations of Petri net appear to be very power
ful. Many problems of computer science, for example, the enume
ration of simple paths between two modes of graph, the terminal
reliability of a computer network and program complexity
evaluation are formulated in the framework of state equations
and solutions for them proposed.
Of significant importance in the design of microprogrammed
computers are microprogram optimizations. They are called for
to reduce the cost of the system and to increase the efficiency.
In this thesis, only bit optimization in control memory and
data path optimization are taken up because of their practical
utility. In the bit optimization all the maximal compatible
classes of microcommands are generated using the PN state
equation. From the se^ minimal bit solutions are obtained. The
possibility of further reduction in bits, is also looked into
by employing bit steering through extended PN concept.
Two approaches are proposed in this thesis to solve the
problem of data path optimization. In the first approach the
concept of invariance in PN is employed and solutions which
include all the minimal cost solutions, are obtained. In the
second approach the problem is reformulated in PN domain. The
places of PN are then merged according to defined rules and
minimal cost solution obtained.
Finally, the results are summarized and some suggestions
alongwitii critical discussions for further work are given.