Ever since the attainnent of Indo,ondzinco the Indian G rorntaent and people of Indic, have boon increavtngly aim of the poor standai of games and sports in tho country*. For tottenco, our i tandard in the field of gacos and sports 1.9 still at the some level Mob the LOd had attained in 1922, thilo the v*rd standard expected in 1998 as computed o3ootrontcally moue the subs ton ti . improvo fonts in the words of soot of the itcns. The causes, for thing mcr be poor diot, inadequate facilities for sports In Schools and Colleges and for the m ane-mom, insufficient finances and
lack of intorecit of students and on-man, for g=os and
Games and sports facilities is a vary utdo and sp+ i a heed subject $ consisting of many topics, such on, play grounds,, equipment and apparatus, finances for games and sports and othors hike; literature n sports, coaches and instructors, and health factlittoeQ
rho scope of this report naturally be onioctod to covor the entire field of study on Ga o and Sports Facilities, but c bracoa the most important aspect i0o0 provision of play grounds, for difforcnt gcuaos and spot in Intermediate Colleges in taco nit Division $ based on tho p rog r o of sports adopted in Into odiato Co1109OSo
The author does not claim this tzrh to be either unigno or highly original, The facts given here are a compilation of d to obtained from talks c,itb eminent persons
in tho field and from visit to National Instituto of o taq Patiolo9 and from surveys And imports of different private and Govornmcnt agencies and the sutroy conduc tad by the author himself. Tho recommendations and .proposals suggested hero are rcquired not only through hooka and repo its but also through tho suggestions of people toll versed In the field and apart from the fact that the author tie soli has ban OfloCtLvO sportsman of outstanding aMui throughout his school, co. .ego. and univ'orsi t lif40 Purthermoro cornpar4ng the needs and standards of our eiisttng facilitios iitth other nations0 wO are able to assess our short-comingc0
It Is h ped that this t►zic can be of some use to the people in the field of sports to imp rovO t ort iAing standards and facilities particular 3y In the 3tato of Utter Pradosh0
`f n j5 t o D even to a alight dog roo, the author xzuld fool that his time has boars x+11 pont in conducting this study'*