Dehra44644011 very imgortantaiffLdf Uft4fItiraaih. It is
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development of Dehradun City. Dehradun has AAatOti inOst vital service centre within the hilly region of Uttar pradesh.
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A cii°CIVYVaiWdeferice institutions of national level
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such 'as Indian Military College, the survey of z‘,,..
Irlia,Foreit Research Institute, Indian Photo interpretation Institute, Indian Institute of Petroleum, and ONGC have given it a special status. The city deserves a special mention with regard to tourism also. It is the reilhead for the queen of hill 'statioi mussoorie. A number of tourist resorts are located with in the city it self which attract a large number of tourists, every year.
Due to its special status and location, Dehradun has grown at a very fast pace in the last couple of decades. Along with the resident population increase, there has been a rapid expansion of urbanised area also. Consequent to this fast urban growth there is an increase in traffic on some of the main roads of Dehradun particularly in the central area.
This in turn has caused problems of air pollution, noise pollution, accidents, imopediments to smooth flow of traffic inconvenience to people etc. It is also observed that the
problem of air pollution andvtraffic consestion is very acute particularly in Gandhi Road. The poor air quality poses various health problem such as anemia, fatigue, headache,
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asthma and_ dizziness etc. mlere.as,. high—prevailing -noise
levels cause annoyance, partial deafness etc.
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Thus keeping inview the existidglii10%4 congestion and alarmingly high rdte-of envirodfilehtarkde*Odi, there is a
need to study in' `detail the environtiedil. impacts of
operating the highway transport system on selected road in
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Dehradun so that its natural beauty Oand tVenvironmental condition may be preserved and improved.
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This report consists of Seven Chapterd:;the'first chapter
scope and limitations of the,studyt
chapter presents a general over view as well as th
objectives, The second e abstracts
describes methodology,
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of the extensive literature survey under taken.by the author.
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Chapter three gives the brief introduction to Dehradun _city
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and selected study area. Chapter 4 four10 deals with, the studies.
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Surveys and observations done in the study area to assess the
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traffic Characteristics. Chapter five deal?, with,the analysis,
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findings, results and studies of environmentalf impact of
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traffic on study area. Chapter six intattrAif13ome planning parameters. Chapter seven concludes the thesis presenting the proposals, recommendation and conclusion of the study. Finally, bibliography, Photographic study and appendices have been included for more details and further information.