The concept of 'Land Reform' involves an integrated
programme of measures to eliminate obstacles in socio-economic
development that arises out of the defects in the agrarian
organization. Land Reforms have been accepted as a vital
component in the anti-poverty thrust and for the increase of
agricultural productivity. The term Land Reforms in its broader
sense, includes the whole range of agrarian reform but in its
restricted sense it applies only to the changes in tenancy and
tenures, distribution of land ownership and regulation of land
utilization. The basic objectives of land reforms consist of an
equitable distribution of land, improvement in productivity,
security and fair rent for tenant and better living standards to
the landless agricultural labour.
In ancient times, India was known as golden bird, mainly
because our agriculture, cottage and small industries were highly
developed. These were closely inter-related. Unfortunately owing
to the advent of colonism and it's after math, this sector
declined and was almost destroyed following the discrementries and
opportunistic policy of the government. It is further unfortunate
that after independence our efforts were piece-meal and we failed
to give due priority to the development of this vital sector.
This led to continuous decline in the land holding performances,
along with associated land problems. Thus if India wants to
regain the past glory, even now, it is not too late to give due
place to this sector, particularity "Land Reforms'. The steps
taken up till now have not borne fruits to put the agrarian sector
on take-off stage. Hence, the importance of the study of this
subject was felt and taken up.
After independence land reforms have been divided into
four parts :
(i) Abolition of zamindary system ,
(ii) Tenancy reform ,
(iii) Ceiling on land holding ,
(iv ) Consolidation of land holding .
Zamindary system has been abolished in the most part of
Uttar Pradesh. Under Tenancy Reform, the Security of Tenure to
tenant has also been granted in all parts of the state. At
present the problem of implementation of land ceiling still
remains ineffective along with the problems in land ceiling.
Under land ceiling process the surplus land has been acquired by
the government, but it has not been distributed in some parts of
Uttar Pradesh and even more astonishing thing is that the land
which has been distributed among the beneficiaries is too small to
be cultivated properly. Some of the allotted pockets of land are
barren and do not have irrigation facilities.
By examining the role of land ceiling in achieving
economic growth in the general context of a backward economy with
particular reference to Saharanpur district, the present work
seeks to analyze the process of development of the complex
tenurial relations. In the background of historical retrospect
and the present-day socio-economic conditions of landless
labourers in Saharanpur district, a comprehensive study is
presented about administrative, financial and socio-economic
aspects of land ceiling. This study has been made taking into
consideration various view points of Land Ceiling in Uttar Pradesh
with special reference to Saharanpur district.
The present study extends over Saharanpur district to
ascertain the impact of land ceiling on landless labourers
(beneficiaries) and land owners (land-givers). The survey was
conducted within a very short time frame in 1987-88. Primary data
has been collected up to 1988. Up to 1988, Saharanpur district
was divided into five tehsils i.e. Roorkee , Deoband, Saharanpur,
Nakur and Hardwar. A separate district by the name of Hardwar was
formed which included Hardwar tehsil, Roorkee tehsil and Laksher
tehsil in 1988. The data had been collected upto 1988. Roorkee
Tehsil came in Saharanpur district upto 1988. The primary data was
collected with the help of self prepared and pre-tested
comprehensive interview scheduled. For this purpose stratified
Random Cum-purposely sampling procedure was adopted. The study
covers the whole of Saharanpur district. The two hundred farmers
were randomly selected from twenty villages. The tv'»-points viz
before land ceiling and after land ceiling help in critically
examining the impact of various factors on the economic and social
condition of farmers and on the agricultural development.
Secondary data was also collected with the help of
books, journals, official records specially of revenue
Uttar Pradesh Imposition of Land Ceiling Act was passed
in 1960 by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature and came into force in
1961. Therefore, period since 1961 has been opted.
The study reveals that the progress of land ceiling in
Uttar Pradesh is considerably slow. A very small area of land
could be collected and smaller quantity was actually distributed.
Some beneficiaries are owner only on paper but land is still
cultivated by big landlords. Some cases are also pending and yet
not decided. Moreover most of the land is allotted to scheduled
castes and scheduled tribes. The poor of other castes still
remain in pitiable condition. Therefore, the land should be given
to deserving landless labourers also. The land which has been
distributed to landless is too small to cultivate. Therefore the
use of modern implements for landless labourers is not possible
individually. In the survey period, it is found that they use
modern implements (tractor, thrasher, pump-set, etc) on collective
basis. The government gives them only land not any implement.
So they have to hire agricultural implement on higher cost.
The survey shows that the role of financial
institutions, too has not been satisfactory. Landless labourers
are still under debts of landlords rather than going to the
organized sector due to the complexities involved in the
processing and disbursement of loans.
The income and capital assets of beneficiaries has
increased because they have received land from the government by
the Land Ceiling Act. The income of big landlords has increased
due to the use of modern techniques. The average size of land
holding of landlords has been deteriorated after parting with
excess land, but it is not still uneconomic size of land holding.
The impact of land ceiling on land holding is not depressive,
because barren and unirrigated land which was useless and not
cultivated by farmers. After land ceiling, the land is being
cultivated by landless labourers.
The study shows that the yield is not necessarily
proportionate to the size of land holdings. The ceiling is not
affected by the agricultural output. Because after parting with
excess land, the yield per hectare increases while size of land
holding has been reduced and the yield per hectare is not too less
as compared to big landlords.
The analysis of the data shows, that the sugarcane
cultivation is comparatively more profitable than other crops. It
has also been revealed that the land ceiling has a mixed effect on
the landless labourers (beneficiaries).