The labour involved in the analysis of Indotorminate Structures may be greatly reduced by the use of Electrical Analogs, especially In those cases, where the many different dimensions have to be investigated. The basis of these analogs Is the similarity between the structure and its analog, Which often permits the construction of the analog without regard to the governing equations.
Part one of the Dissertation recapitulates the
Previous relevant w-rk which has been done during past two and half decades, on the structural problems of beams* trusses) frames and plates., under static as well as dynamic loads, utilising the equivalence between the properties of an electrical net work and the elastic properties of the structure.
Second part presents a working model of the Analyser for the analysis of multi storeyed building frames. This consists of a net work of circuits, in which each member of the structure is represented by a group of three resistors. Current is fed in to the circuit to simulate the effect of load on the structure, and the resultant distribution in the net work is recorded by meters. These meter readings multi.` plied by an appropriate scale factor gives the magnitude of the bending moment in the corresponding parts of the structure,
Zxperiments have bedn conducted for a three bay and
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seven storeyed multi storeyed building frame for vertical and horizontal leads. Experimental results that are accuw rate to within 5.0% of the maximum theoretically calcula-ted values have been. obtained.
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