Biological processes are extremly complex, gene rally multivariable and nonlinear with complex patterns
of control. This dissertation is a study of compartmen
tal models of a large class of biological systems,where
the theory of compartmental systems in the area of bio
logy and medicine is concerned with the flow of materials
among various compartments and environment. In order to
gain the maximum possible understanding of the dynamical
behaviour of such compartmental models, the system theory
concepts are being used. A frequent problem in the compar
tmental models of biological systems is to identify the
parameters of the models on the basis of experimental
observations and to determine the uniqueness of the so
lution, as the parameters of the models have a physical
significance. Thus, the main aim of this thesis is to
study the problem of parameter identification of compart
mental model used to study the biological systems.
In identification of compartmental models, a phy
siologically based structure of the system is chosen a
priori by stating explicitly which of the model parame
ters are assumed to be different from zero; moreover,
the design of the experiment defines the input- output
configuration by stating the coefficients fb. .landSc. .1
which are different from zero. As a result, throughout
the study, compartmental models associated to a physical system and to an input- output experiment are being
considered as fixed structure models.
In general, the model parameters can be assumed to
be stochastic variables due to a number of factors such
as inter-individual variability, drug concentration, mea
surement and sampling conditions, environmental effects
etc. But the deterministic compartmental models and input output
experiments have been and are being widely and successfully used for a quantitative description of several
biological systems. Entire study in this thesis is confi
ned to deterministic compartmental models only.
The basic definitions regarding compartmental models
of biological systems such as structural global identifia
bility, structural local identifi ability, structural or
parameter identification, are first recalled. Structural
properties which are strictly related to identifiability
i.e. structural controllability, structural observability
and input-output connectability of compartmental models
are reviewed.
To perform an identification problem, three fundamen
tal steps are required : - structure determination, para
meter identification and model verification. However,
before solving the parameter identification problem, one
would face the problem of identifiability of parameters.
For deterministic fixed structure compartmental
models, identifiability criterion - which examines
the possibility of evaluating all the unknown para
meters through the chosen experiment under the best
set of experimental conditions, is developed. This
very general identifiability criterion is obtained as
an initial-value-problem of a typical formulation of
the given model equations. New results are derived for
some classes of linear, non linear and time varying
compartmental models. For a particular case of linear
time- invariant compartmental model a computationally
attractive global structural identifiability criterion
is extended. Also, a necessary and sufficient condition
for structural identifiability is developed using new
concept of structural output controllability. A recur
sive test for determining structural output controlla
bility using only Boolean operations is proposed.
Once the model parameters are assumed to be iden
tifiable and input - output observations are free of
noise an algorithm is developed to determine unknown
parameters. It gives a parameter identification scheme
from finite input- output sequences generated by a
linear discrete time - invariant multi input multi output
deterministic compartmental model. Proposed identifica
tion algorithm utilizes the properties of generalized
Hankel matrices and is computationally simple to apply
in practice.
Two computer programmes are developed and success
fully tested on IBM 1620 and UNIVAC 1100 respectively.
First is used to compute Boolean reachability matrix
from known interconnection matrix based on a recursive
algorithm and Warshall's theorem (for path matrix deter
mination). The second programme is used for transforma
tion from state-space representation to transfer func
tion matrix using Leverrier's algorithm. Both the pro
grammes are very useful to test and verify the identi
fiability conditions respectively.
Lastly, parameter identifiacation techniques for
more interesting, inherently stochastic, compartmental
models are suggested as future scope of present studies.