The Hindon River and its tributaries, Kali and Krishna which flows through six districts of Uttar Pradesh (Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut, Baghpat, Ghaziabad, and Gautambudh Nagar) and predominantly through rural population of western Uttar Pradesh. It drains a catchment area of about 7, 083 km2 of farmland while also flowing through a number of substantial sized towns and villages. A detailed survey of the river Hindon was carried out to understand the nature of waste effluents and their impact on the water quality of river Hindon. From the study conducted, it is found that the water of the river is subjected to varying degree of pollution, caused by numerous untreated waste outfalls of municipal and industrial effluents. The main sources, which create pollution in river Hindon include municipal waste of Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar and Ghaziabad districts and industrial effluents of sugar, pulp and paper, distilleries and other miscellaneous industries through tributaries as well as direct outfalls. In non-monsoon months, the river is completely dry from its origin up to Saharanpur town. The effluents of Nagdev nala and Star Paper Mill at Saharanpur generate the flow of water in the river.
The dissolved oxygen content in the upstream section of the river was found to be quite unsatisfactory and a worst situation was observed after the confluence of paper mill and distillery effluents. The effluent of pulp and paper mill and distillery added high concentration of organic matter to the river, which is responsible for the decrease in dissolved oxygen along with increase in BOD, COD and TDS along with other factors. The maximum concentration of ammonia was found after the confluence of Dhamola nala, which is carrying the municipal waste of Saharanpur town and has significant flow throughout the year.
To conserve the water quality of Hindon River, all conservation related works like installation of STPs with appropriate technology, installation of CETPs, Solid waste management plan, public awareness and participation program, Cost estimation and institutional arrangement for all these works were suggested.