The increased human activities in the form of multifacet
development in the country have resulted in greater use of water
which provide the basic sustenance to human existance. The rapid
growth in the demand for water all over the country has however,
drawn attention of all concerned with water resources development
and management. To meet the increasing demand, several surface
and sub-surface methods/techniques have been developed from time
to time main-ly from the point of view to investigate the
availability of surface and ground water in an area and to
quantitatively assess the groundwater potential, since surface
water alone can not meet the growing demand of water for
irrigating the crops.
Presently, the gross sown area is about 173 m.ha. in the
country out of which about 72.5 m. ha. has irrigation facility
with the potential created so far. The groundwater accounts for
about 38.8 m.ha. of the area. However, the present estimated
ultimate potential is 118 m. ha., the groundwater component
being 40 m.ha. However, the use of groundwater for irrigation on
large scale is a modern phenomenon.
To harness groundwater, indigenous as well as modern devices
are in use . Indigenous counts mainly on moth, dhenkli , persian
wheel, swing basket, counterpoise bucket, chain pump etc. while
modern ones include, diesel and electric tubewells, besides
unconventional type of devices run by renewable energy sources.
Presently, about 7.6 million pumpsets are used in the
country for lifting groundwater for irrigation. The operation of
these pumps mainly depends upon diesel oil and electricity. Oil
crisis and inadequate, erratic supply of electricity for
villages are, however, a serious constraint, causing concern to
the farmers. Al-though, uncertain electric supply has resulted in
heavy dependance on diesel, yet the present Gulf War has further
aggravated the deteriorating situation. In view of the
increasing use of small scale lift technology by the farmers for
supplementing the canal water (i.e.,surface water) an attempt was
made to examine the impact of small scale lift irrigation on crop
productivity, employment and its optimization. The specific
objectives of the study were :(i) to study the technology adopted
for different lifting devices and extent of utilization of
groundwater , (ii) to examine the existing cropping pattern and
crop-productivity, (iii) to analyse the impact of small scale
lift technology on employment in the command , (iv) to work out
per unit cost of water for different lifting devices in order to
assess its efficiency, and (v) to formulate /prepare the optimum
crop plans with constraints of water, land and crops.
For achieving these objectives, the Left Salawa Command area
was purposively selected which is located in Meerut District of
Western Uttar Pradesh. Out of 29 villages in the command, a
sample of 9 villages , i.e., 3 each from head, middle and tail
reaches forming a cluster were selected. Further,a listing of
households / farmers was done with the help of the Village
Patawari - a revenue official. Finally a sample of 96 farmers was
randomly drawn and the selected farmers were categorised as
marginal, small, medium and large based on their operational
holdings. The relevant data were collected by adopting Intensive
Survey Method. However, the following analytical tools were used
for analysing the collected data, annuity factor, per unit cost
of water, crop water requirement and multi-objective
The economic analysis of lifting devices revealed that per
unit cost of water for electric tubewell of 15 litres per second
and 10 litres per second were 10 paise and 11 paise respectively.
Further, the costs of lifting per unit of groundwater through
diesel tuirewell of 15 litres per second and 10 litres per second
were found to be 15 paise and 14.5 paise respectively. However,
taking into account the government subsidies the per unit costs
further decreased.
Land use pattern in the study area revealed that 79.46
percent area was put for use under agricultural purposes. But a
balanced cropping pattern is an imperative necessity for its
efficient use. The most prominent crop of the area in respect of
the selected farmers was found to be sugarcane with 95.5 hectare
(i.e., 37.68 % of the total cropped area) followed by wheat
74.50 hectare (i.e., 29.39 %). Jowar / Bajra assumed third place
with 36.85 hecjare. (i.e.,14.54 %) .
Further , an indepth analysis pertaining to production and
economic returns in respect of crops grown by the farmers, the
study revealed that the net returns, were found to be much higher
in case of sugarcane accounting for more than Rs. 9000/- which
was followed by wheat with a net return of more than Rs. 3000/-
per hectare. The productivity -per hectare of crops showed an
increase in case of paddy, wheat and sugarcane, cotton and potato.
As far as the employment potential in the area was concerned
canal and small scale lift irrigation generated substantial
employment. Canal generated highest mandays labour of 52,201
followed by surface well 31, 615, tanks 22,078 private tubewells
16,609 and government tubewell 14, 261 mandays. The small scale
lift irrigation, besides direct employment, also generated
indirect employment in the area.
Multi objective optimization program for which linear
programming model was developed and run on the University of
Roorkee Computer. The results revealed that there was hardly any
scope to optimize which meant that~ the cropping system adopted
by the farmers in the command was almost optimum'.
To sum up, the study revealed that the small scale lift irrigation resulted an increase in productivity, cropping intensity, returns per hectare and generated employment. However, the improvement could partially be credited to small scale lift irrigation, and partly due to surface irrigation and other developmental programmes.