dc.description.abstract |
Given an imperfect unregulated labour market where supply
greatly outweighs demand* the workers at times have to aocept
jobs which offer them low remuneration and poor working condi
tions. If this problem is not curtailed, it can lead to exploi
tation of workers. The modern industrialisation process creates
multifarious labour problems, such as, lengthy working hours,
low wages, poor working conditions and inhuman treatment of
workers by the employers or management. In this fact alone lie
the reasons for the growth and formation of the trade unions.
One prime aim of a trade union is to procure for its members
what they would be unable to achieve without it. The functions
of a trade union are primarily determined by the framework of
the organisation it operates in and also on its own strength.
Ihe role played by the trade unions in the industries
can hardly be overemphasized. Their role is all the more
important for the economy of a developing country like India,
whose paramount interests in the industrial sphere are increa
sed productivity and sound industrial relations. The trade
unions are important for the employees and the employers alike.
Tne purpose of the proposed study is to assess the role
played by the trade unions in workers' welfare and industrial
relations. For fulfilling the purpose of the proposed study
a micro level study of two units - I.T.C. Ltd., Saharanpur and
Lord Krishna Textile Mills,Saharanpur, has been undertaken.
The study is based on stratified random sampling. The
sample size is determined using students •t' test. One hundred
and forty workers were selected in I.T.C. Ltd. and two hundred
twentyfour workers were selected in L.K.T.M., as L.K.T.M. has
a larger work force. The entire work force of L.K.T.M. and
I.T.C. Ltd. has been divided into four sectors - Production,
Engineering and Maintenance* Transportation and Marketing and
other departments. Out of the total sample size the number of
samples drawn from each sector is determined on the basis of
the relative strength of the departments.
In order to study the subject comprehensively the entire
work was divided into six chapters.
Tne First Chapter enumerates the purpose of the study,
the objectives, the hypotheses and the significance of the
study. The chapter then states the methodology, the sampling
design and the design of the enquiry. The limitations of the
study have been mentioned next and lastly, the chapter deals
with the background characteristics of the respondents.
The Second Chapter comprises the available relevant
literature under three parts. The first part deals with the
literature which is related to the trade unions. The second
part reviews the literature regarding industrial relations
and labour welfare. The last part deals with all other relevant
literature connected with the topic.
looked at the union not only for increasing economic benefits
but also for protection and security whenever required.
It was found that whenever multiple trade unions existed
in an organisation, there tends to be a wasteful expenditure
of time and energy by the unions for gaining prominence. These
unions give emphasis to the furtherance of their own interests
rather than to the interests of the workers. The problem of
multiple trade unions may be curtailed if the management adopts
the concept of 'one union one unit1 and recognises only the
majority union as was witnessed in one of the sample units.
Level of job security depends not so much on the nature of the
organisation - whether it is public or private - but on the
strength of a trade union. A trade union is able to procure a
high level of job security for its members if it is united
and strong. It was observed that the best way of solving
disputes is through collective bargaining. The help of labour
machinery provided under Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. should
be taken only when mutual agreement is not possible. Harmonious
industrial relations are possible only if the workers and the
management work in a spirit of cooperation and camarederle.
They have to work as two wheels of an industrial band wagon if
all round growth of an organisation is to be realised. |
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