The rapid growth of population in our country tends to
impose a strong constraint on the standard of living, happiness
and even survival of mankind through the spiralling consumption
of the resources. Hence, growing unemployment has posed a serious
challenge to our planners. In view of this fact, enormous
strategies have been devised in our country to tackle the growing
unemployment. The Mahalanobis Model called for a great deal of
employment generation for improving the quality of life of the
rural people which could be possible through agro-based
industrialisation and one of these could be sugarcane processing
and production. Sugarcane processing is an important agro-based
industry which is of much significance due to agricultural
oriented economy. Apart from the higher returns per hectare from
production, sugarcane processing industry is one of the main
source of direct and indirect employment to skilled and
semi-skilled labour in rural areas. Many manufacturers like soft
drinks, sugar machinery, confectionary, bakery, alcohol are
directly related to this industry and these are also the
potential source of employment to a large population. In this
context, the present study is an attempt to examine the
Employment Potential of Sugarcane Processing Industries.
Muzaffarnagar district was purposively selected for the
study. The study covered the trend in area, production and
productivity of sugarcane, functional processes of the
processing plants, investment behaviour technology and
productivity in terms of output-labour ratio and benefit cost
ratio of the selected processing plants, estimation of the direct
and indirect employment and backward and forward linkages of the
processing industry, estimation of the labour demand for
sugarcane processing units, and the trend projections in terms of
employment potential of sugarcane processing industry and also
the future prospects.
To achieve the objectives, processing units were randomly
selected. Finally, out of 5 sugar factories, 67 mini sugar
plants, 182 khandsari units, 4500 gur units, a sample of 3 sugar
units namely Rohana, Shamli and Khatauli, 10 sulphur units, 18
khandsari units and 75 power kohlus were randomly selected.
Since sugarcane cultivation is labour intensive, therefore,
a sample of 75 farmers representing marginal (below 1 hectare),
small (1 to 2.5 hectare), medium (2.5 to 4 hectare), and large
(above 4 hectare) categories of the farmers were also randomly
selected in order to study the labour utilisation for sugarcane
cultivation and to compare this with that of the labour use in
processing of sugarcane. Finally 34 marginal, 22 small, 10
medium and 9 large farmers were randomly selected.
Further, for collecting the required data, an Intensive
Survey Method was adopted. The data from the randomly selected
farmers were collected through personal interviews on acreage,
production of sugarcane, productivity and labour utilisation for
sugarcane production for which a specially structured
schedule/questionnaire were used. For the study of the
processing of sugarcane the tirae series data related to labour,
wages and salaries of the skilled, serai skilled and unskilled
labour, Crushing capacity of the units, Quantity of the processed
product prices of the processed products and their substitutes,
fixed and working capital etc. were collected from selected
khandsari units, sugar units, sulphitation units and gur
manufacturing units. Also,relevant Secondary data were collected.
Each functional process was studied for which atleast 2 to 3
processing units from each category i.e. sugar factories,
sulphitation plants, khandsari units and power kohlus, were
critically studied in order to work out the average and total
labour use. For the study of indirect employment, 15
confectionaries, 25 tea stalls and 15 bakeries were randomly
selected and investigated. The collected data were analysed and
important analytical tools were used for achieving the
objectives. Growth in area, production and productivity were
worked out in the study area.
The study revealed that the area, production and
productivity of sugarcane increased in the study area, with an
interruption in some years on account of the drought
conditions. Since investment is the most important factor in the
creation of employment in various sectors or industries,
therefore, investment behaviour in terras of capital-labour ratio,
output-labour ratio, capital-output ratio and benefit cost ratio
were computed in case of khandsari, sulphitation plants,
gur manufacturing and sugar factories. The present worth of
benefits and costs were, however, computed at 12% discount
factor, in order to work out benefit cost ratio. The study
crushing capacity, wages and salaries, output-labour ratio, price
of the processed product and substitutes were estimated. The
coefficient of multiple determination (R2 ) was also worked out
for the fitted regression. The coefficient of multiple
determination explained 73%, 56%, 86%, 72% and 75% variation in
labour demand due to the combined effect of independent
variables, in respect of sulphitation plants, Khatauli, Rohana
and Shamli sugar factories and khandsari units. On the whole
the most important factors which influenced the labour demand
were found to be wages and salaries, output labour ratio and
price of the substitute of the processed product.
The export market for sugar and gur has grown in the
past. The study area has exported gur, khandsari and sugar to
other states in the past which earned a substantial income to
growers as well as to wage earners and professional processors.
The increased income to the growers, processors and others
involved in processing, marketing and export market improved
their level of living.