Some interest has recently been shown in the
application of state space approach to network theory.
This thesis is concerned with the application of this
approach to sensitivity analysis and multivariable net
works with a view to evolve improved integrated circuit
design techniques.
In the design of integrated circuits one has to
accommodate simultaneous variations in several parameters
of the netvrork, rather than considering the sensitivity
of a netvrork function with respect to variations in a
single parameter. This has led to interest in the twin
problem of sensitivity analysis and multivariable networks.
Several results in the sensitivity studies have
been obtained using state space concept, keeping in view
the amenability of this approach to digital computer
programming, which is essential for sensitivity studies.
For example, the well knovrn result of invariant nature
of the sum of sensitivities of a network function over
different parameter sets [163 , has been interpreted
in state space terms. Some new results such as sum of
the sensitivities of markov parameters of the triple
(F,g,h), sensitivity invariants for multi-input multioutput
netvrorks, over different parameter sets have
also been obtained. Sensitivity state models for systems
connected in tandem, parallel and feedback have been
derived. By using a time-variable non-singular transforma
tion, some interesting results for continuous equivalent
networks have been extended to time varying case.
In multivariable network theory [90] the network
functions are considered to be dependent on several
variables. This theory is of considerable importance
[84] in the design of integrated circuits, netvrorks having
lumped transmission line elements, microwave filters and
multi-dimensional discrete and continuous filters.
Several results in the multivariable theory
have been obtained by exploiting the state variable
approach. Some algorithms for state variable realiza
tions using markov parameters [49] » time moments[25]
or a combination of both [122] have been proposed.
Procedures for obtaining a symmetric realization from
a symmetric multivariable transfer function matrix
have been given. The importance of such realizations
is that these always result in reciprocal netvrorks. Some
time it is sufficient to obtain the realization which
is non-minimal. Algorithms for obtaining sub-optimal
realizations have also been proposed.
In order to study the behaviour of large order
systems, a reduced order model is desired[l25]. Proce
dure for obtaining simplified state space models from
the given large order multivariable system is described.
Various methods for obtaining the multivariable
network function from the given state variable descrip
tion have been proposed. The proposed methods do not
require the inversion of a rational matrix.
In netvrorks many a time the real part of a
netvrork function is known as it can be measured with
real part meters etc., and it is desirable to obtain
the multivariable positive real functions [157] of
which the real part is given. State space procedures
for single variable cases for determining such netvrork
functions have been proposed recently [73],[102].These
state space procedures have been found to be more
useful because they are applicable to multi-input multioutput
netvrorks as well. Algorithms for obtaining multivariable
positive real matrix from its given even, odd
parts have been proposed using state space approach.
Further several results such as positive real lemma,
bounded real lemma and reciprocity have also been
interpreted in state space terms for multivariable
Sometimes the available information is in
terms of state variable characterization of multivariable
networks. In such situations the synthesis problem is
tackled via state space. Before developing synthesis
procedures the generalized state space model for multivariable
RLC networks has been obtained, using graph
theoretic approach [15} [6].The state space models for
multivariable loss-less networks and a class of
multivariable RLC netvrorks having no coupling betvreen
link resistances and tvrig conductances, have been
obtained from the generalized state variable description.
Algorithms for the synthesis of multivariable netvrorks
are developed, by using the voltage across the capacitors
and current through the inductors as the state variables.
The proposed methods require the decomposition of the
given F(p) matrix and then comparing the resulting state
equations with the corresponding state model. The solut
ion of the set of matrix equations so obtained yields
the fundamental circuit matrix and the element values
of the netvrork.
State space approach has recently been popular
for netvrork synthesis [8], [150], [171] for single variable
case. From the given input output specifications in
s-domain, these techniques result in RLCT netvrorks
[8] . An algorithm has been developed for the synthesis
of RLCT networks from input-output characterization for
multivariable case. Further, a technique is described
for Foster synthesis of multivariable loss-less networks
which uses the markov parameters of the triple [F(j)),