Broadband applications over ATM networks generate traffic with varying traffic characteris
tics. These applications specify the required service guarantees in terms of quality of service
(QoS) that the network has to provide. Several elements are needed to provide QoS guarantees.
Examples are QoS specification, Admission control, QoS negotiation, Resource allocation and
scheduling and Traffic policing. ATM networks should also support QoS adaptation and QoS
renegotiation techniques. To ensure that all such requirements are satisfied, quality of service
management is essential in ATM networks. The work presented in this thesis is an effort to
study and propose different mechanisms for the management of quality of service in ATM
In the first part, we propose amechanism for QoS provisioning through dynamic bandwidth
allocation and buffer control. Satisfaction of the different QoS requirements is aresource al
location problem. To make efficient use of resources and to satisfy QoS requirements like
CLR or delay, efficient bandwidth and buffer allocation methods are needed. We assume that a
large pool of buffer space exists that releases or receives back the buffer space as per requests
received for buffer allocation. Under the proposed scheme the allocated buffer space of the
connection is reallocated based on measurement of data from the system for certain time du
ration. Our scheme is based on the fact that there exists arelationship between queuing buffer
size, cell losses and delay. This scheme provides optimal bandwidth and buffer allocation to
satisfy multiple QoS namely cell loss rate (CLR) and delay. We also investigate the use of cell
loss priority (CLP) bitof cell header.
In the second part, we propose an algorithm for pre-computation of QoS routes. Path precomputation
schemes benefit from having multiple candidate routes to each destination, to
balance the network load and have additional routing choices in case of aset-up failure. The
QoS constraints for traffic are interrelated in away that is determined by the network scheduling
discipline. We have assumed that the scheduling policy in the network is rate based.
We compare the performance of our algorithm with that of pre-computation of /c-constrained
QoS routes using modified Bellman-Ford algorithm and with on-demand routing to compute
route to the destination. We performed the simulation studies using minimum hop, widestshortest
path and shortest-widest path optimality criteria on two different topologies namely
ISP and Switched cluster. We assume that aconnection blocks after all kconstrained paths
are exhausted and result in connection setup failure. In our simulation after afailure in route
extraction or connection establishment, the source triggers re-computation of the kconstrained
paths. We also carried out an experiment where the pre-computation rate was fixed and the
link-state update period was varied.
In the third part we present anew adaptation protocol for QoS adaptation with renegotiation
that allows an ATM network to recover from the QoS violations in order to satisfy end-to-end
QoS requirements. Our protocol is applicable to PNNI based Am network where the nodes
are grouped together in peer groups hierarchically. We assume that every node has aQoS/Route
Monitor unit that receives QoS/LSU updates from the network on aperiodic or triggered basis.
In addition to its usual functions, this monitor would also function as QoS agent, QoS manager
or Connection QoS Manager depending on its location. The QoS/Route Monitor is responsible
for sending or receiving the signalling messages required in our protocol.
There are two categories of QoS parameters that have been considered - concave and ad
ditive. The QoS violation may occur in both types of QoS parameters. The protocol works
differently for each of these categories. To facilitate the functioning of the protocol, several
signalling messages have been defined. These signalling messages characterize different con
trol mechanisms required for the protocol and the network.
Finally, we conclude with a unified model for quality of service management in ATM net
works that has QoS monitoras primarypart of theATM interface or switch. The modelconsists
of components responsible for QoS provisioning, QoS monitoring and managing QoS routes.
The model is also responsible for processing the proposed adaptation protocol between end