Water is one of the most essential inputs for growth of crops
By providing the desired atmosphere to the crops by way of proper
doses of water, the food production can be increased and national
economy can be improved substantially. Thus, in view of the vital
importance of water and considering its increasing scarcity, the
planning and management of this crucial resource and its optimal,
economical and equitable use has become a matter of utmost signi
ficance. Adequate knowledge of know-how regarding water use and
management is essential to the farmers to maximise productivity
of irrigated land in the wake of population explosion at the
door-step of the nation. The literature reveals that so far as
the efficient use of water is concerned, still a lot of research
*ork has to be done to make the best use of precious irrigation
water under different soils, climatic and topographical situations.
The facts of «The Economics of Water Use and Management" have not
been investigated with a perspective of farmer's behaviour and
therefore, an attempt has been made to fill up the gap in this
regard with the objectives: (i) to study the cost of various sources
of irrigation water per unit and their accompanying practices,
(ii) to analyse the differences in cropping patterns, productivity,
levels of technology accompanying different sources of irrigation,
(iii) to compare costs and returns from use of different sources
of irrigation (including different systems of well irrigation),
and to examine the input-output relationship, (iv) to work out'
water demand function and
gation charges, and (v) t
economic criterion for fixation of irri
o examine the behaviour of farmers in
regard to generated additional income in irrigated agriculture
whether it is ploughed back for development of agriculture.
To compare and work out the economics of water use and manage
ment, Bahadrabad, Roorkee, and Narsan development blocks of Tehsil
Roorkee,district Saharanpur (U.P.) have been selected purposively.
All the villages of these blocks have been categorised into having
irrigation facility and no irrigation facility. Further, the irri
gated villages have been classified according to source of irriga
tion. A proportionate random sample of villages has been drawn
from each category. Thus, 219 farmers from irrigated sample villages
and 76 from unirrigated villages have been selected randomly for
the study. In addition to these, 20 farmers using indigenous methods
of irrigation have also been selected purposively.
The study is based on intensive survey method for which the
data have been collected from the farmers. However, the secondary
data have been collected from official records. To achieve the
objectives, the data have been analysed by using the various analy
tical methods like growth rate, correlation, regression, standard
error,'f test, quadratic function, Cobb-Douglas function etc.
The study reveals that the pressure of population on agricul
ture is very high in the study area. The rate of literacy is low.
The number of tiny holdings is very large resulting uneven distri
bution of land and alow average size of operational holdings
(1.99 ha ).. The land factor dominated the capital structure as
the investment in irrigation, buildings, livestock, and machinery
was very low.
The land use statistics were available for 5,49,303 hectares
in the study area. Of the total reported area, 69.31% were under
crops and only 1.01% culturable land was lying waste. Hence, a
very small expansion of area under cultivation might be possible
in the coming decades.
The cropping pattern in the study area predominates by food
crops and strikingly concentrated upon two grain crops, viz: wheat
and paddy. The study reveals that there is a marked difference in
cropping pattern of irrigated and unirrigated agriculture. With
the introduction of irrigation, a shift has been noticed in the
cropping pattern. The wheat and sugarcane crops are replacing the
area under Rabi and Kharif crops respectively. The oilseeds, fibres,
and pulses are not so popular in the area. However, the area under
urd (black gram), and moong (green gram) crops have been increasing.
Thus, sugarcane, wheat, and paddy are the important crops of the
area. It was also noticed that the canal + tubewell irrigated
farms have largest share of gross cropped area due to better control
on water supply, m unirrigated villages, wheat crop has the '
largest share in the cropping pattern followed by jowar/bajra, and
sugarcane whereas sugarcane is the most important crop of irrigated
villages followed by wheat and paddy crop. As the irrigation
provides facilities for multiple cropping, the intensity of
cropping has gone up to 172.79% as against the maximum of 120.83%
on unirrigated farms.
In the study area, the emphasis has been given on the use
of improved technology like irrigation,HYV of seeds, fertilizers,
improved implements, and plant protection measures. However,
: v
there is a great difference in the levels of technology in irri
gated and unirrigated agriculture. The overall consumption of
fertilizers was found to be 96.20 kg/ha on irrigated farms as
against 37.83 kg/ha on unirrigated farms. Besides, the improved
implements are very common in irrigated villages whereas the
farmers of unirrigated villages are still dependent on the old
implements. The farmers in irrigated villages are using plant
protection measures both as curative and prophylactic measures.
As against this, the use of plant -protection material is almost
negligible on unirrigated farms. Similarly, the farmers in irri
gated villages have adopted the HYV of seeds whereas the farmers -
in unirrigated villages generally use local varieties of crops.
As a result of the use of modern technology, the productivity of
crops on irrigated farms is found to be greater than unirrigated
The study of per unit cost of water reveals that the canal
isthe cheapest source of irrigation water followed by Govt, tubewells,
private tubewells, and indigenous sources of irrigation.
Although private electric tubewell s are economical than private
diesel tubewells, the farmers prefer diesel tubewells due to its
assured nature of water supply. The electric supply in rural
areas is not regular and adequate and hence farmers can not ope
rate electric tubewells whenever they wish to use. Among private
tubewells, 20 Ips capacitytubewell is the cheapest source of water
for irrigation. Similarly, among different capacity Govt, tubewells,
0.070 m-Vsec. capacity tubewell is most economical.
There is a variation in crop-wise costs and returns of diff
erent sources of irrigation. The canal ♦ tubewell irrigation gives
highest net returns followed by private electric tubewells, canal,
private diesel tubewells, and Govt, tubewells. The indigenous
sources of irrigation account for the lowest net returns due to
higher cost of irrigation water.
The evapotranspiration (ET) varies from crop to crop due to
the nature of crops and seasonal variations. Although ET for
sugarcane crop is higher than other crops, the NIR, FIR, GIR are
greater in respect of paddy crop.
The quadratic function has been fitted for the estimation of
demand of water for important crops, it was observed that the area
under crops (X1) and irrigation requirement of crop (x3) have posi
tive association with demand of water (y) for the important crops
of the area. On the other hand, price of water (x2) has negative
relation with the demand of water (y). The values of R2 are quite
high for all the crops.
The production function approach has been adopted for fixa
tion of water rates. It was observed that the most desirable water
application are 40.4 cms at Rs. 17.31 per cm, 28.29 cms at Rs.17.54
per cm, and 107.23 cms at Rs. 30.93 per cm for paddy, wheat, and
sugarcane crops respectively.
For determining the production efficiency, the output-input
ratios have been calculated for important crops on different size
of holdings according to various sources of irrigation. It was
found that canal + tubewell irrigation accounts for highest out
put-input ratio followed by canal irrigation for all the important
vn :
The Cobb-Douglas function has been used for functional analysys
of input-output relationship and resource use efficiency.
The study indicates that the elasticity of coefficients for all
the variables are positive indicating the positive relation of
independent variables with the output (dependent variable ) of
crops. The values of coefficients in respect of xi, x2, and x3
variables were found to be higher on marginal and small farms
whereas the values of coefficients of x4 and x$ were greater on
medium and large farms. The sum of coefficients indicates the
increasing returns to scale in operation on all the farms. The
values of R were quite high which indicates that most of the
variation in the output could be explained by the inputs included
in the function. The values of MVPs indicate that all the farmers
were rational in resource mix but they were not using their resou
rces optimally. Hence, they can further increase expenditure on
all the resources for more earnings.
The comparative study of economics of irrigated and unirri
gated agriculture reveals that the farmers from irrigated agricul
ture reap 2.32 times net income to that of income from unirrigated
agriculture. But their behaviour in regard to the use of generated
additional income is not rational as they made largest expendi
ture on consumption items and consequently the investment made
for augmenting production was less than required. However, the
farmers of irrigated villages made more investment on farm capital
assets and production inputs as compared to the farmers of unirri
gated villages.
:vi ii :
Thus, the present study is very useful as it provides infor
mation to:(i) the planners for formulating policies relating to
agricultural development, (ii) the farmers to optimise the use of
available resources for maximisation of their income for themselves
and higher agricultural production for the country, and (iii) develop
methodology for further investigations in this field.