dc.description.abstract |
The number of working women in India is increasing day by day. On
one hand the working women are playing an important role in increasing the
work force and the productivity in our country while on the other hand they
have also been contributing a lot towards the economic development of the
individual along with that of the family and the country. It is also a fact that
working women from middle income families face a lot of problem. Parents
and in-laws have many expectations from their working daughter-in-law.
The socio-economic structure and the facilities available need improvement
to suit the needs of working women.
The plight of a working women under a male-boss needs special
consideration. Her politeness and courtesy may be mistaken and if she is
reserved, she is considered arrogant, introvert and unsocial. Working with
men colleagues can also create tension. At times, she is labelled a snob
while on other occasions, she is labelled a flirt. Since times immemorial,
women have been considered a source of power and knowledge. Educated
and working women play a role of vital importance and may give a lead in
presenting before the society such exemplary social ideals, which may in the
long run, given way for all round development oftheir personality and at the
same time influence their views about marriage, their outlook towards
change, social values and the pattern of the established institutions, have
gone a long way in giving a proper direction to the social change and
transformation of the society. The present study aims to understand the
working conditions, job satisfaction and the effect of women's work on thenfamily,
adjustment and changes in their socio-economic status including
their standard of living. The study has been carried out on the women
employees of O.N.G.C. Ltd., DehraDun.
In brief, various objectives of the study may be summarised as
follows :
1. To study the economic and the social aspects of the working women
2. To find out whether these working women are satisfied with their job,
salary, working conditions, perks and other facilities available to
3. To find out if they are discriminated against as women.
4. To find out what problems they face as working women in respect of
social and economic aspects.
5. To study what contribution these working women are making in the
progress of the organisation.
6. To find out the impact of various aspects of social as well as
economic well-being ofthe family ofthe working women as regards
to themselves in respect of economy, respect, their out look and
7. To find our the changes in the role of working women in the context
of social and economic aspects particularly in respect of awareness
towards their rights and relative duties.
The study is confined to the female employees numbering 374, of
O.N.G.C. out of these, 125 are Class-I, Class-II, 187 Class-Ill and 41 Class-
IV employees. Class-IV employees have been kept out ofthe purview ofthe
present research work. Thus, 333 women working in Class I, II and III have
been included in the universe of the study. Practically, every 3rd respondent
has been selected for sample i.e. 38 respondents from Class I, 11 respondent
from Class II and 51 respondents from Class III. Thus, a total number of 100
have been selected out of 333 working women. The data
collected for the study belongs to two categories - primary and secondary.
The major source of primary data was the self-administered questionnaire
which was distributed amongst the respondents. Personal discussions were
also held with a number of working women. The secondary data consisted of
published and unpublished material in the form of books, reports, journals
and periodicals devoted to women, and particularly working women. The
items on which information was collected included the role of respondents
• in making important decisions in their family, the amount of freedom
enjoyed by her, her job satisfaction, gender equality, household adjustment
etc. besides sociological data such as age, education, family position held
and income. In the analysis of data percentages, averages and associations
have been worked out and presented at respective places.
Most of the working women are satisfied with the working conditions
in O.N.G.C. They enjoy various facilities like leave, emoluments, perks and
have a say in important decision making. Most of the women are broadminded,
rational and have a sense of self-satisfaction. A lot of avenues for
promotions are there in O.N.G.C. in ratio to their education and
qualifications. The income of working women has had a direct impact on
supplementing their family income and thus raising their standards of living
and socio-economic status of their family. Working women in O.N.G.C. are
able to provide better education to their children. There is no discrimination
on the basis of gender in O.N.G.C. Working women get due regard and
respect from their colleagues as well as their family members. This
obviously raises their self-confidence and degree of self-reliance. Working
women are sober and have a preference for marriage and joint family. Their
out look regarding family planning and equal treatment to son and daughter
is encouraging. It is also found that the relationship with relatives,
neighbours and friends is quite normal. They are neither guided by the caste
factor nor by religion. Even the language and regional bias was not found
amongst them. Actually they belong to one common organisation O.N.G.C.
They do not have any social or psychological problems regarding adjustment
inside or outside the campus. They are happy that they are contributing thenlot
in the building of O.N.G.C. and the nation as a whole. Women Welfare
Associations are looking after their welfare. It is heartening to note that dayto-
day working experiences open new avenues of knowledge for working
women. But it is shocking to learn that the working women in O.N.G.C. do
not have sufficient knowledge of legal safeguards available to protect the
interests of women workers. Only a few are well acquainted with these safe
guards. It shall be better if the safeguards are brought home to these working
women from time to time by the legal experts and the legal cell of O.N.G.C.
It is also suggested that the term of maternity leave should be extended.
This study is important from the point of throwing light on the
improvement in socio-economic aspects of women through working in
O.N.G.C. It stresses the fact that working women can improve not only their
position and condition in society but also that of their family and family
members. This study also shows that DehraDun due to being a very
cosmopolitan and literate city, the problem for the working women are
minimal, as people in general are very broad minded. |
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