dc.description.abstract |
Medicinal plants are the most valuable assets nowadays due to presence of
small doses of active compounds which produce physiological actions in human and
animal body. Some of the important bioactive compounds are alkaloids, glycosides,
resins, gums and mucilages which possess anticancer, antiviral, antidiabetic and
antimicrobial activity. The medicinal value of berberine, a protoberberine alkaloid
found in root, rhizome and stem bark of Berberis vulgaris L. plant has been
recognized since ancient times. Apart from its anti-cancerous property, it also displays
a wide variety of biological and pharmacological activities e.g. antimicrobial,
antiplasmodial, antidiarrhoeal, cardiovascular, etc. Replacement of OCH3 group at
position 7 (Figure 1) in berberine with OH group, resulting in a derivative called
berberrubine, induces a large change in its antitumor activity. Several studies have
proved that Berberine acts as an anticancerous agent by binding to DNA, but actual
mode of binding is still not clear.
The molecular basis for designing DNA binding drugs with improved
specificity and affinity stems from the ability to identify the structural elements of the
drug and DNA which are responsible for the specificity of the binding and the
stabilization of the drug-DNA complex. An analytical technique to elucidate the
mode of drug-DNA interaction could be essential for the design of new drugs.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, Absorption spectroscopy,
Fluorescence Spectroscopy, and restrained Molecular Dynamics (rMD) are some of
the analytical techniques which have been used in this study to investigate
conformation of drug, DNA and drug-DNA complexes.
The Ph.D. thesis work has been reported in the form of seven chapters.
Chapter 1 contains introduction of the subject, a comprehensive review of the
literature and scope of thesis.
Chapter 2 deals with the materials and methods used. The detailed Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy techniques used, that is, - ID NMR, Double
Quantum Filtered Correlation Spectroscopy (DQF-COSY), Total Correlation
Spectroscopy (TOCSY), 'H - [H Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement Spectroscopy
(NOESY)for the proton assignment; 'H - 31P Heteronuclear Multiple Bond
Correlation Spectroscopy (HMBC), 3IP - 31P NOESY and Diffusion Ordered
Spectroscopy (DOSY) studies are discussed. The strategies used for restrained energy
minimization, restrained Molecular Dynamics (rMD) simulations and quantum
mechanical calculations involving GIAO method (for chemical shift calculation) and
DFT method (for optimization) are also discussed. Absorption and Fluorescence
spectroscopy methods used to investigate drug-DNA interaction are discussed -followed by Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting method (TCSPC) are
Chapter 3 deals with the structural and electronic properties of protoberberine
alkaloids, berberine and berberrubine, using density functional theory (DFT)
employing B3LYP exchange correlation. The geometries of these molecules have
been fully optimized at B3LYP/6-311G** level. The chemical shift of *H and 13C
resonances phase Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra of these molecules
have been calculated in gaseous and solvent phase using the Gauge-invariant atomic
model (GIAO) method as implemented in Gaussian 98 and 03. One- and twodimensional
HSQC ('H-13C), HMBC ('H-13C) and ROESY ('H-'H) spectra have been
recorded at 500 MHz for berberine and berberrubine molecules in D2O solution. All
proton and carbon resonances for berberine and berberrubine were unambiguously
assigned and inter proton distances have been obtained from their respective NOESY
spectra. A restrained Molecular Dynamics approach was used to obtain the optimized
solution structure of both drugs. Comparison of the calculated NMR chemical shifts
with the experimental values revealed that DFT methods produce good results for
both proton and carbon chemical shifts. The importance of the basis sets with solvent
effect to the calculated NMR parameters has been discussed. It has been found that
calculated structure and chemical shifts in solvent phase predicted with B3LYP/6-
311G** were in good agreement with the present experimental data and measured
values reported earlier.
Chapter 4 deals with the study of berberine and berberrubine interaction with
DNA using Absorption and Fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. The spectral
properties of berberrubine molecules was also obtained and reported for the first time.
Several DNA and oligonucleotides were used in this study to elucidate the sequence
binding affinity of these drugs. Titration of these drugs with increasing amount of
DNA showed that berberine binds effectively to CT DNA, Poly dA-dT, Poly dG-dC
and small oligonucleotides, while berberubine does not show any binding towards
alone DNA. It indicates that berberrubine binds to DNA in presence of topoisomerase.
Percentage hypochromicity, binding constant, extinction coefficient of bound
berberine, fluorescence-enhancement and relative fluorescence obtained from
absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy were used to study the binding affinity.
Maximum binding affinity of berberine was found to occur towards octamer sequence
d-(CCAATTGG)2, having an intrinsic promoter site as CCAAT. Sequence specificity
of berberine has been proved towards AATT rich sequences. Our results also suggest
minor groove mode of binding of berberine, as it needs more than two base pairs for
binding. The importance of the neighbour base to the binding site has also been
discussed. It has been found that presence of guanine at +1 position to the binding
site is an inhibitory factor for the interaction of berberine. TCSPC analysis of
berberine-d-(CCAATTGG)2 complex also substantiates effective binding.
Chapter 5 deals with the solution structure and thermal stability studies of a
promoter site containing octamer d-(CCAATTGG)2 and comparison of results the
with the crystal structure available in literature. The CCAAT box is one of the most
common elements in eukaryotic promoters. The frequency of CCAAT box appears to
be relatively higher in TATA less promoters and found to be present in several of
oncogenes like MCT-1 and TLX-3. Solution structure of self complementary octamer
d-(CCAATTGG)2, has been investigated using NMR spectroscopy and rMD
calculations. Complete resonance assignment for all the protons (except H5', 5") has
been obtained following standard procedures based on DQF-COSY and 2D NOESY.
*H -ID NMR has been used to study the thermal stability of the sequence d- >
(CCAATTGG)2. Melting temperature has been found to be 308 ± 2 K by analyzing
the denaturation in the base pair stacking using imino and methyl protons. Inter proton
distance restraints were derived from two dimensional Nuclear Overhauser
Enhancement (NOE) spectra. Constraints for torsion angles have been calculated by
quantitative analysis of3IP-'H HMBC and coupling patterns inDQF COSY spectrum.
Structural refinement has been carried out using rMD with B-DNA as starting
structure. Final rMD model, obtained with a 0.25 RMSD value, has been compared
with crystal structure and canonical B-DNA. All the helicoidal parameters showed a
deviation from B-DNA, particularly at central AATT region. This was characterized
by the more negative value of propeller twist indicating occurrence of deep and
narrow minor groove occurrence, which can be used for designing of new minor
groove binders with better activity
Chapter 6 deals with 31P, *H NMR and rMD studies on binding ofberberine
with DNA octamer sequence d-(CCAATTGG)2. The following experiments were
performed on the berberine-DNA complex - 'H and 31P NMR titration studies at
various drug (D)/DNA duplex (N) ratios up to 2.0 at 283 K, 298 K in 90% H20 and
10% D20, temperature dependence of 31P and *H NMR of the berberine-DNA
complex having D/N = 1.0 and 2.0 in the range of278 - 328 K; 2D 31P - 31P exchange
spectra of drug-DNA complex by a phase sensitive NOESY; DOSY experiments of
the beberine-DNA complex and uncomplexed berberine, rMD studies on the solution
structure of berberine - d-(CCAATTGG)2 complex using inter-proton distance
restraints obtained from 2D NOESY. Results revealed that the addition of berberine to
the oligonucleotide did not induce significant chemical shift variation of the
phosphate signals in the 31P NMR spectra indicating that the phosphodiester
conformation remains unaffected. The proton resonances of berberine were broad
even at low values of drug/DNA (D/N = 0.5) and move upfield with respect to the
free drug. An upfield shift of -0.1-0.6 ppm was found for the drugs protons on
binding with DNA up to D/N ratio = 2. Maximum upfield shift in the drug protons
was found to be for H28 and H24, which are located on the concave and convex side
of berberine, respectively. Thermal melting temperature calculated by change in
chemical shift of methyl protons chemical shift change with temperature is found be
312 ± 2 K, which is 5 K higher than that observed for uncomplexed d-
(CCAATTGG)2. The presence of all sequential NOE connectivities in the NOESY
spectra at D/N = 2.0, as expected in standard B-DNA geometry confirmed that the
DNA duplex is intact with apparently no opening of base pairs to accommodate drug
chromophore as generally observed on intercalation. 22 intermolecular peaks obtained
suggested that the dug protons, H10, H14, H28 and H24 located at ring D and ring B
were giving cross peaks with the sugar protons of DNA at A3, A4, T5, T6 region,
while H5, H3, H36, 37, 38, H41, 42, 43 protons gives cross peaks with the C1-G8
base pair in promoter sequence. rMD structure suggests that drug binds to the minor
groove of the central part of the oligonucleotides (AATT) which clearly excludes the
intercalation mode for berberine and also supports its sequential preference to AATT.
Chapter 7 summarizes the results obtained and their implications in
understanding the molecular basis of action of berberine. |
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