Consumers' cooperatives are the voluntary organisa
tions of consumers organized to obtain their services on
terms of greatest advantage to them. These organizations,
have, as amatter of fact, came into existence partly in
response to increasing consumer awakening exigencies
created by war, drought etc. and partly due to continual
Government support which sought to develop it as an
economically viable alternative to the market system.
These have been perceived as a correct reply to the
distorted market mechanism wide-income disparities, widely
practised adulteration, inflationary conditions (owing to
the persistent budgetary deficit) and have also been
considered instrumental in relieving the lower strata
of the society of the stress and strain caused tothem by
above mentioned factors.
Since the consumers' cooperative stores have to deal
with consumers, the difficulties faced and advantages
generated by them to the consumers are almost of the same
magnitude throughout the country despite wide diversities
in language, culture, geographic terrain. Therefore, it
was decided to undertake the study of a particular area
rather than of the entire country. Meerut Division of the
Uttar Pradesh, which is also the biggest populated state
of India has been chosen for the reasons of proximity.
The study is based on primary and secondary data.
For the collection of primary data 22 primary consumers'
cooperative stores (i.e. 20 percent of all the primary
stores) have been selected out of 107 primary consumers'
cooperative stores. All the seven Wholesale Central
Consumers' Cooperative Stores have also been included in
the survey. The survey has been conducted on the basis of
stratified random sampling. Twenty consumers belonging to
almost each income level have also been selected for the
interview purposes in each selected primary consumers'
cooperative stores on stratified random sample basis to
sort out their problems with respect to cooperative stores.
The study, while tracing out the history of consumers'
cooperative stores in India draws the inference that the
development of these organisations gathered momentum only
after independence, it appears that these cooperatives
have yet to prove their economic viability by accomplish
ing the long aspired goals of providing provisions to the
consumers on the advantageous terms, diversification and
successful competition with the oPen market traders. It has
also been concluded that though these stores have helped
the consumers in numerous ways, their administration is
required to be streamlined and run on sound business