The present investigation was undertaken to isolate a potent microorganism for
production of xylanase stable at alkaline pH and deficient in undesirable cellulase activity. The
process waseconomized by employing agro-horticultural residual resources.
The potent fungal strain secreting xylanase was isolated by selecting samples from soda
ash and paper industry waste sites. The isolated strain SA-8 had remarkable levels of xylanase
production and identified as Penicillium oxalicum by Indian Agricultural Research Institute,
New Delhi. To achieve an improvement in enzyme production ability, the selected strain was
subjected to mutagenesis. Mutagenesis by UV-irradiation and ethidium bromide led to the
development of strain SAUE-3.510 having notably higher levels of xylanase production. A
detectable level of p-xylosidase production was also observed. Mutagenized strain P. oxalicum
SAUe-3.510 had discrete morphological features. The mycelia of mutant SAUE-3.510 were
coiled, rounded and had rough surface as compared to wild type SA-8 strain which were
flattened, shiny, smooth surfaced and straight. Similarly, spores from the wild type were
rounded with rougher surface while those from mutant strain were larger, smooth, flattened and
crescent shaped.
Xylanase activity from mutant strain SAUE-3.510 was evaluated byemploying non food,
weedy plant biomass (Parthenium sp. and Eichhornia crassipes) and other agroresidual
materials, which are abundantly available and grow wildly to reduce the cost of production
under submerged fermentation condition. An almost similar level of xylanase production was
achieved by using congress grass as to that obtained with commercial oat spelt xylan. To
develop an enzyme preparation possibly with a better ability for biobleaching applications,
attempts were made to develop a xylanase-laccase mixture by co-cultivation of mutant P.
oxalicum SAUE-3.510 and P. ostreatus MTCC 1804. Production of mixed enzyme was
evaluated by co-cultivation of P. oxalicum SAUE-3.510 and P. ostreatus MTCC 1804 under
surface, submerged and solid-state fermentation systems. Solid-state fermentation led to
maximum level ofproduction. Among various solid supports used, combination ofbagasse and
black gram husk, in a ratio of 3:1, was found to be the most ideal for fungal colonization and
enzyme production during co-cultivation. In order to further enhance the enzyme production
levels, amount ofsubstrate, moisture level and incubation period were evaluated.
Mixed enzyme preparation with both xylanase and laccase activity was evaluated for its
bleach enhancing ability ofmixed wood pulp in XCEPHHP and XODED sequences. Process of
enzymatic bleaching was further ascertained by analysing the changes occurring in
polysaccharide and lignin by HPLC and FTIR. The UV absorption spectrum ofthe compounds
released during enzymatic treatment had denoted acharacteristic peak at 280 nm, indicating the
presence oflignin in released colouring matter. Variations in morphology and crystallinity of
pulp were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. The
enzyme pretreatment led to decrease in kappa number, yellowness, AOX and COD.
Additionally, ithad improved mechanical and optical properties ofpaper along with reduction in
chlorine consumption which in turn diminished the pollution load denoting it therefore, to be an
ecofriendly and benign bleaching technology.
An attempt to scale up the production of mixed enzyme preparation was made by
designing an intermittent rotating drum bioreactor using the fungal co-culture under derived
conditions. Acomparable level of scaled up SSF process was accomplished and significantly
higher levels of xylanase and laccase were produced.