In plant functional genomics, mutants play an important role in studying gene
functions. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is recognized as an important model plant among
cereals because of its small genome size and the development of efficient
transformation system. T-DNA insertional mutagenesis is one of the most important
approaches of finding and cloning new genes. It is believed that the T-DNA insertions
in the genome are random, and that the insertions can be stably transmitted.
Analysis of the flanking sequences of three T-DNA/Zte insertional mutants of
Oryza sativa, cultivar Basmati 370: B-4-1 (Polyembryony; OsPE), B-2-2 and B-8-7
has been done. Sequence analysis showed that the T-DNA insertion was in the
promoter region in OsPE, in the coding sequence in B-2-2 and in the junk region of
B-8-7. PCR amplification with 950bp hpt gene amplification (used as selectable
marker during transformation) confirmed T-DNA insertions in all the three mutants
and Southern blot analysis showed that the mutant phenotype in polyembryony is due
to single copy T-DNA insertion. The present investigation aims at mapping and
cloning the candidate gene for multiple embryo formation in one of the independent
T-DNA insertional mutants.
OsPE mutant represents the first reported example of high frequency and
heritable polyembryony in rice caused by insertional mutagenesis. Polyembryony has
been described previously in several crops and cereal plants, but the underlying
genetic causes of twinning in such cases have been complex and difficult to resolve.
This homozygous and fertile polyembryonic mutant showed resistance to hygromycin
and the twin/triplet seedlings at afrequency of 15-20* Multiple embryos with
independent root and shoot axis were attached to single scutellum.
Amapping population was developed by crossing OsPE with anon-Basmati
fine rice cultivar PR106 and alarge F2 was obtained. Morphological data for plant
height, number of tillers per plant and hpt gene amplification was collected for F2
population and for hpt gene tf. „56 at ,dfand p< 0,5, The ^ phenotypic ^ for
polyembryony unlike hpt data did not segregate in the expected 3:1 ratio. Out of 175
F2 plants only 14 showed polyembryony (twin/triplet) phenotype. All the 14 plants
which showed polyembryonic phenotype gave PCR amplification for hpt gene as
well. This may be due to incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity in the
inheritance of polyembryonic phenotype in F2 population. Penetrance here refers to
the presence of polyembryony while expressivity as single, twin, triplet and
quadruplet embryos. The OsPE mutant was highly fertile with somatic chromosomal
number 2n= 24 and normal 12 lis at meiotic metaphase I.
Aset of 98 markers showing polymorphism between parental lines, Basmati
370 and PR106 were used in the OsPE/PRl06 mapping population for identifying
markers associated with the OsPE gene through Bulk Segregant Analysis. RM14645
(5.79cM) and RM14667 (2.17cM) markers showed linkage with OsPE gene on
chromosome 3. The mapping of OsPE on rice chromosome 3using BSA has been
further confirmed with other reverse genetic approaches including genome walking
and TAIL-PCR involving amplification of T-DNA flanking region using T-DNA and
adaptor based primers.
To carry out genome walking and TAIL-PCR, nested primers were designed
for T-DNA right and left borders. Using T-DNA right border nested primers along
with adaptor primer (Genome Walking) and arbitrary degenerate primer (TAIL-PCR),
PCR amplification was obtained. The PCR product was purified and sequenced. The
location of OsPE gene on chromosome was determined using japonica rice cultivar
Nipponbare sequence. Sequencing with T-RB2/AP2 ( Genome Walking) and T-RB3
(TAIL-PCR) showed significant alignment with the Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare with
only single hit at chromosome 3. The T-DNA insertion is present in the promoter
region of the candidate gene Os03g0241300. The length of the candidate gene is
2.8Kb with 2 UTRs (1473bp and 193bp), 2 Exons (154bp and 935bp), and one Intron
(81bp). To confirm the insertion on chromosome 3, primers were designed for rice
genome flanking the T-DNA borders. PCRwas done in combination with the T-DNA
(T-RB) based primers and genome-specific primers. Amplification of expected size
was obtained in polyembryonic mutant but not in Basmati 370. PCR with genomespecific
primers gave amplification in Basmati 370 and not in OsPE because of the
insertion of approximately 10Kb fragment of the T-DNA cassette. All the 14
polyembryonic hpt positive F3 progenies also showed amplification with the T-DNA
specific (T-RB1) and genome specific (PE-RB1) primers.
The protein searched corresponding to the OsPE candidate gene sequence has
been reported as a hypothetical protein (Os03g0241300) in Oryza sativa. OsPE gene
lacked functional homologs in other species. Although using KEGG search around
401 sequences orthologous to OsPE were found through out the living kingdom but
majority had low identity value (> 40%). It most closely matched with the Vitis and
Arabidopsis hypothetical and unknown proteins, respectively. No OsPE paralog was
found in rice. No conserved domains were found in the protein coded by OsPE.
Availability ofhomologs genes ofknown function, specific tissue expression patterns
and conserved domains would have supported assigning function to this novel gene,
RT-PCR using reverse transcribed mRNA and primer pair designed on intron
exon junction, the expression of tWfgene was found in Basmati 370 shoots and no,
in roots. The expression profile of the candidate gene suggested by EST counts
showed maximum ESTs in seed (11/32357) followed by flower (23/136502) and
panicle (23/132789). The polyembryony is associated with seed where maxtmum
ESTs were found for the OsPE gene.
Full length OsPE gene was cloned in Basmati 370 on the basis of the
sequences obtained by genome walking and TAIL-PCR. The nucleotide sequence of
the candidate gene OsPE in japonica rice was used to design overlapping PCR
Primers and the OsPE gene was amplified ,„ Basmati 370 genomic DNA as the
template. The sequence obtained using corresponding forward and reverse primers
were aligned to determine the sequence errors and full length OsPE gene in Basmati
370 was obtained. BLAST search was done for homologous sequence in N.pponbare
**riC6' Te" SNPS (Si"8le N"*otide Polymorphism) and one gap were found
in the OsPE candidate gene sequence as compared to Nipponbare sequence thus
suggesting atotal of 1% dissimilarity between the two sequences. The predicted
protein was searched and variation was found in only two amino acids. With the
minor differences in coding region the OsPE gene is expected to translate asimilar
protein in Basmati 370.
The OsPE gene BLAST alignment against rice FST database (Rice Functional
Genomics Dataabase RiceGE) showed two hits. The OsPE gene has insertion in the
promoter region whereas FST searched insertions are found to be in the coding
region. No phenotypic description or associated annotations related to these insertions
were reported.
Identification for flanking sequences for two more independent T-DNA
insertional mutants, B-2-2 and B-8-7 was done using TAIL-PCR. The insertion in
chromosome 11 of B-2-2 is present in the gene that codes for Pectin methylesterase
The combined use of Southern blot, BSA, genome walking, TAIL-PCR, RTPCR
techniques and bioinformatics led to the identification of a candidate gene
controlling the multiple embryo formation in Basmati rice. A detailed molecular
characterization and mapping of the OsPE insertional mutant is available through this
study. It can thus be speculated that OsPE gene controls the number of embryos or
embryological divisions as the phenotype of the OsPE insertional mutant shows
polyembryony with no sterility. The validation of the OsPE and other candidate genes
can be done using two elementAc/Ds transposon system and RNAi approach.